This video explains the Symptoms Test results for a score of 0-10. Your results will also be emailed to you but please also check your junk mail if you don’t receive it.
You scored between 0-10
The highest possible score is 50, so you are in the lowest category for symptom severity. Only 5% of women are in your category. Your menopause transition may be in its early stages.
Worldwide, the average age of women in menopause (and who take my quiz) is 51 – 52 yrs old. Usually, we start to feel the effects of menopause in our mid-40s. Some women also find their symptoms last for years after menopause. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
So happy with the way I feel. Six weeks into MyMT™ and I’m feeling the best I have in a decade.
Your menopause transition is the time to learn about specific lifestyle changes you can be making (whether you decide with your Doctor to go on hormonal treatments or not), so you can minimize your symptoms in the years ahead and adjust to your new hormonal environment … which you will be living in for the next 30 – 40 years!
Not many Practitioners understand the link between a woman’s lifestyle, her ageing organs and her symptoms. This is the research I spent decades exploring as part of my Masters Studies and PhD Thesis.
If you would like to extend your knowledge on menopause and lifestyle solutions then I can’t wait to share my findings with you in my 2-hour Masterclass on Menopause webinar. It’s everything I wish I had known before I entered menopause.
Prevention is better than a cure!
Discounted from live ticket price of $35.
Thank you for taking the MyMT™ Symptoms Quiz. I encourage you to keep monitoring your symptoms and take the quiz again in a few months.