MyMTℱ Menopause Lifestyle Practitioner Course

Empowering and certifying you to work with peri to post menopause clients using lifestyle science solutions

Help your clients manage symptoms & age well with a Menopause Certification

A menopause revolution is underway. There has never been so much demand for Health and Exercise Professionals who are trained in natural, integrative solutions for menopause. This comprehensive menopause certification is designed to put you at the forefront of the research into lifestyle science for women's healthy ageing, so you can become the go-to expert in your community for peri to post menopause.

12 week course.

Delivered entirely online.

Donna Canada
Evidenced lifestyle solutions, proven on thousands of women
Hands on support from Dr Wendy Sweet (PhD), including live Q&A workshops
Put your learning into practice with a real life case study client
My Menopause Transformation Food Guide
Opportunity to grow your business by becoming a MyMTℱ Affiliate Coach

Eligible for CPD points with:

From Nutritionists, to Exercise Professionals, Physios, Nurses, Doctors and Complimentary Medicine Professionals, there is something for everyone in this menopause practitioner course

Are you looking for the confidence to work with women in midlife and beyond?

Midlife is a confusing time. Not only for women, but for us as health professionals because the things we have done to help our clients manage their health in the past, suddenly no longer work as well in midlife.

Hi, my name is Dr Wendy Sweet (PhD), a women’s healthy ageing researcher and founder of My Menopause Transformation. 

Most health professionals joining me on this course are just like I was. Despite all our knowledge, when we arrive in midlife our body takes on a life of its own and our health outlook becomes very concerning. Or, we see it in our clients. For me, waking night after night, endless hot flushes, aching muscles and 15kg of weight gain left me very concerned about my health. 

So, we set to work. Spending hours researching and hundreds of dollars trialling products
 but we often come to a dead end because of the lack of scientific information specific to midlife women, or conflicting opinions based on generic solutions.    

After months of research, I realised that nobody was taking a ‘whole-body’ approach to menopause symptoms. Furthermore, with menopause management situated in the medical and pharmaceutical paradigm, I also realised that I hadn’t seen any research on lifestyle science solutions.

I made it my mission to put the puzzle pieces together. When I presented my PhD, I argued that no-one was looking at menopause hormonal changes within the context of the ageing female body. Furthermore, each symptom was being looked at in isolation
 but the body and the hormones don’t work in isolation. 

When we take a holistic view, we can understand that there are oestrogen receptors located all around the body, so in a low oestrogen environment many of the major organs are affected. Coupled with the changes our body is experiencing due to ageing, midlife is the perfect storm for health chaos.

But my studies, and now the thousands of women on the MyMTℱ programs, have proven that there are evidence based lifestyle solutions that can relieve symptoms. We just need to get to the root cause – our cellular health.

With 1.2 billion women forecast to be in menopause by 2030, there has never been so much demand for health professionals who are trained in the unique complexities of the menopause transition.  

Would you like to learn how to relieve your client’s exhaustion, insomnia, hot flushes, sore joints, brain fog, anxiety… and set them up to age well into post-menopause? Would you like to help them improve their quality of life? If so, this comprehensive, evidence-based, menopause practitioner course is for you. It’s everything you need to set yourself up as a menopause and women’s healthy ageing specialist.

Next Intake Commencing September 7th 2024

Pre-register to access the early bird sale on the 1st of August and access savings of

Menopause Course Highlights

This course is designed to set you up for success as a Menopause Lifestyle Practitioner

A Comprehensive Curriculum

By the time you graduate you will be confident and qualified to… explain the physiological and psychological changes occurring throughout midlife, determine a women’s stage of menopause, explain how a women’s lifestyle and life-course is contributing to her symptoms, tailor your risk factor screening processes, run symptom reduction programs using lifestyle change solutions, tailor your advice for peri to post-menopause, use behaviour change techniques specific to midlife women and so much more. 

Confidence you are receiving the most up-to-date research

Through decades of research, Dr Wendy Sweet (PhD) has pulled together all of the various puzzle pieces in women’s health, ageing and behaviour change research to provide you with the most relevant research today.

This also means that every solution is aligned with the cardiovascular, osteoporosis, cancer and metabolic syndrome research, so you know you are setting your clients up to age well.  

All scientific references provided. 


Practical solutions ready to use straight away

Every solution has been tried and tested by the thousands of women who have done the MyMTℱ programs. 

Women tell us they can incorporate these solutions into their busy lifestyles like second nature…. which makes them more sustainable over the long term. 

I encourage you to read some of their stories here. 

Put your learning into practice in a supported environment

You will learn about the risk stratification questions you should be asking your midlife clients, and design your Menopause Screening Form.

You will also put your knowledge into practice with a real life Case Study Client. Past practitioners love it when we come together at the end of the course to discuss all of the different clients. It will be like you have worked with 10 clients!

Unique insights into real women

Every week, Wendy will walk you through real life case studies of women on the MyMTℱ programs and share findings from her Masters research which focused on the key determinants of sustainable behaviour change in midlife women.

These unique insights will help you to problem solve and prepare for your client’s obstacles, frustrations and tricky questions.

Tools to succeed in the menopause market

It’s easier said then done to know how to incorporate your new knowledge into your business. That’s why you receive a special bonus module on the Business of Menopause.

Once you graduate, you may also apply to become a MyMTℱ Affiliate Coach so that you can earn a commission by coaching women through MyMTℱ Transform Me and Circuit Breaker.

MyMTℱ has helped thousands of women to rediscover their health, vitality and wellness. The Menopause Lifestyle Practitioner Course teaches you how to get results like these yourself. 

MyMTℱ Menopause Practitioner Course

Video webinars & downloadable summaries

Course reading eBook

Live Q&A workshops with Dr Wendy Sweet (PhD)

Video webinars 

Downloadable summaries

Live Q & A workshops

Course reading eBook

The week before the course commences, we would love to get to know you. 

During this introductory zoom call, Wendy and Georgia (Course Convener) will set the scene for the course, and will then ask everyone to introduce themselves. This is your opportunity to connect with Practitioners from all over the world leading the way in women’s health. 

2 x 45 minute modules

During Week 1 Wendy introduces you to the relevance of menopause within a woman’s life course. You will learn about the theories of ageing, how your client’s lifestyle to date has had an impact on her experience through menopause, why the menopause transition is such an important life stage and why it is essential to get symptoms under control for women to remain healthy in their post-menopause years. 

We will also delve into the history of menopause, including why it has been medicalised. During this module Wendy will challenge the current menopause medicalisation paradigm with lifestyle science research.

3 x 1 hour modules + live zoom call in Week 2

Week 2 and 3 are all about midlife physiology and hormonal physiology.

We will explore the three stages that women transition through in midlife as the ovarian function declines – perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause.

At the end of Week 3, you will be able to describe the major physiological changes and symptom changes at each stage and identify common disorders of the HPA – Thyroid Axis in relation to menopause changes. 

+ Live Workshop – Ask Wendy any questions you have about midlife physiology. 

2 x 45 minute modules + live workshop

Part 1: We will explore the key complementary and alternative menopause supplements that your clients might be taking and how these are evidenced to affect their health through menopause. 

Part 2: Women in menopause need tailored risk stratification pre-screening processes. We will explore the important pre-screening questions you should be asking your clients and you will also learn how you can ethically and responsibly bridge the gap between your client and their GP based on their risk stratification.

During Week 5 we take a break from the modules so that you can develop your menopause pre-screening form, and then submit it to Wendy for feedback.

1 x 1 hr module + live workshop

Have you tried endless diets with your clients which don’t reduce their menopause symptoms and/or don’t work in the long term?

Nutritional type and timing are crucial for your client’s symptom management. Diets may destroy the hormones which help to manage appetite, fullness and long-term health. For numerous women who have lived busy, stressful lives over many years, this may have led to a disturbance of the factors that influence their eating patterns and behaviours.

In Week 6 we cover the specific nutrients evidenced to reduce menopause symptoms and why you need to adapt your approach for leaner women and overweight women. 

2 x 45 minute modules

To prepare you for working with a case study client, Wendy will share examples of the commonly asked questions from women on the MyMTℱ programs.

Furthermore, because there are no ‘magic pills’ in MyMTℱ’s Programs, behaviour change strategies are critical for transforming your client’s symptoms and health. Behaviour change is rarely a discrete, single event – it is a process that requires nurturing and problem-solving every step of the way. During Week 6 you will explore TTM Theory, Motivational Theory and Self-efficacy Theory in the context of women in menopause. 

2 x 45 minute modules + live workshop

A lack of sleep exacerbates women’s symptoms, and can lead to high insulin levels, weight gain, worsening hot flushes, increased inflammation and much more. It’s vital that this symptom is addressed first with women. In this module, you will explore the circadian rhythm’s role in sleep regulation and why this gets out of balance during menopause. Then, we will walk through MyMTℱ’s proven strategies for assisting women to sleep all night.

From Week 8 you will start working with a Case Study Client to put your knowledge into practice. 

2 x 45 minute modules + live zoom call

Hot flushes occur because the body’s thermostat does not function as well when it is deprived of oestrogen. It also becomes worse when melatonin (sleep hormone) is reduced with the changing hormonal environment too. Learn about why hot flushes occur and the MyMTℱ strategies for assisting women to reduce their hot flushes and night sweats.

2 x 45 minute modules + live workshop

Never before has our liver and gut had to cope with so many changing foods, toxins, drinks, chemicals and ingredients. The liver and gut accumulate inflammation over our lifetime and by the time a women reaches menopause, these organs have also reduced in size and function.

Fatigue, anxiety, brain fog, depression and other menopause symptoms including weight management problems are partly due to changing liver and gut health in mid-life.

In this module you will learn whether it is adrenal fatigue or peri-menopause causing exhaustion in your clients and the MyMTℱ strategies for assisting women to turn around their liver and gut health.

2 x 45 minute modules

Part 1: This module isn’t ‘just’ about psychological stress. It’s also about the internal environment of the body and how cells and tissues also become ‘stressed’. Internal stress in our tissues and fat cells is called oxidative stress and causes numerous inflammatory changes that can lead to worsening health problems as women age. 

A women’s mid-life years are the perfect time to re-address her stress. In this fabulous module, Wendy draws on the rapidly emerging stress research and teaches you how to re-address your client’s stressors.

Part 2:  Lifestyle solutions for women on Hormone Replacement Therapy. Whilst there is no interference in any medications women are on, this information may help you to support their medication choices specific to HRT with evidenced lifestyle solutions.

1 x 45 minute module + Live workshop

Your final module is all about preparing you for your future as a Menopause Practitioner. Wendy takes you through several case studies of women on the MyMTℱ programs who have very different menopausal symptoms and lead different lifestyles. 

Live Workshop: Share your progress with your case study client so that together we can do some problem solving. Graduates tell us they love hearing about all the different case studies, as each one is so different. 

Now that you understand how to turn around your client’s menopause symptoms, how should you bring your passion to life?

In this module Wendy introduces you to the business of menopause – sharing examples from her experiences pioneering the Personal Training Industry in New Zealand and starting an online menopause company – My Menopause Transformation.

There are no modules in Weeks 13 – 14. This is your opportunity to continue putting everything you have learnt into practice with your case study client. 

We can meet for another live workshop to discuss the case studies if desired. 

Pre-register your interest to access early bird savings of

MyMTℱ Education Newsletter for Health Professionals

Menopause is having its moment and the research is moving rapidly. Stay up to date with Dr Wendy Sweet (PhD) and receive exclusive discounts delivered to your inbox every Wednesday. 

Menopause Certification FAQ's

The next intake will commence September 7th 2024. By pre-registering, you will be the first to hear when it goes on early bird sale which we expect to be in the first week of August. 

Hungry to start your learning now? Why don’t you explore our Menopause Weight Loss Coach Course? This 6-week on-demand course is the perfect warm up for the Menopause Practitioner Course (which doesn’t cover weight loss). With over 70% of women on the MyMTℱ programs ticking that they have put on weight during menopause, it is such an important symptom for health professionals to understand.

No matter what field of health you are in, if you are working with midlife women, there is something for you in this course. 

In order to enroll in this specialist training you must: 

Be a fully qualified health professional e.g. Naturopath, Dietitian, Nurse, Midwife, Doctor, Physiotherapist, Psychologist, Chiropractor, Reflexologist, Personal Trainer, Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner or similar.


Be a fully qualified and accredited Advanced Health Coach with a secondary qualification e.g. nutrition or personal training. 


Be working in a relevant Academic field e.g. University Lecturer, Researcher. 


Hold current membership of a recognised accrediting body.


Hold current professional indemnity and public liability insurance that covers working with clients in a one to one setting. 
(We understand that if you are working for a public health organisation or a private health company, you will probably not be required to have insurance as part of your role)

If you are unsure whether you meet the criteria please enquire, we are happy to help. Email and we will respond as soon as we are available.

There is no exercise component to the Menopause Practitioner Course, however, we welcome Fitness Professionals to enroll in the course. 

The course dives into ageing physiology and hormonal physiology, so a good understanding of anatomy & physiology is helpful.

If you are an Advanced Personal Trainer i.e you have completed level 3 or 4 Certification as a Personal Trainer (New Zealand), then you are eligible.

If you have any additional qualification in coaching, nutrition etc. or a relevant background or additional training (i.e. nursing), then you are eligible.

P.s if you are looking for a course about the right exercise for women in midlife, then check out our brand new Menopause Weight Loss Coach course. 

If you are unsure whether you meet the criteria please enquire, we are happy to help. Email and we will respond as soon as we are available.

The MyMTℱ Menopause Practitioner Course runs for 12 weeks (most Practitioners take 2 – 4 further weeks of independent work with their case study client).

Everything is delivered online, so you can complete it from anywhere in the world. You can expect to devote 3-4 hours per week to this course, but we are very flexible and understand that sometimes life gets in the way, so you can take longer than 12 weeks if necessary. 

Our comprehensive course includes:  

Self Directed Learning

  • Two pre-recorded modules per week – to be completed in your own time.
  • Downloadable PDF summary of each module
  • Course reading EBook, filled with articles, references and further reading recommendations.
  • Weekly emails to motivate you and keep you on track with your learnings. 

Live Group Calls with Dr Wendy Sweet (PhD)

  • Every fortnight there will be live group calls with Wendy so that you can dive deeper into the content and have your questions answered. This is also a great opportunity to connect with your class mates. 
  • The times of the workshops will be confirmed when the course goes on sale. If the time of the workshops does not work for you in your time zone, there is an option to receive the recorded sessions. 


  • Attendance: You will be expected to attend 4 out of the 6 live calls to graduate unless the time of the workshop does not work for you.
  • Screening Form: During Week 4 you will learn about risk stratification and have the opportunity to design a Menopause Screening Form. 
  • Client Case Study: From Week 8 you will be expected to work with a case study client in order to integrate your menopause knowledge into practice with our support. Wendy will guide and support you through your case study, and will provide you with feedback at the end of the course. 
    On the final zoom calls, we invite practitioners to share their progress with their case study client. This is an amazing opportunity to learn about a range of women with different lifestyles and symptoms.

The times of the workshops will be confirmed once the course is full. This is because we need to choose a time that works for the majority of participants.

If the time of the workshops does not work for you in your time zone, there is an option to receive the recorded sessions. 

This course is accredited by: 

  • The CPD Certification Service (globally recognised) – points are at your discretion.
  • The U.S National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) – 36 points
  • New Zealand Register of Exercise Professionals (NZREPS) – 18.5 points
  • Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS) – points are at your discretion.
  • British Society of Lifestyle Medicine (BSLM) – points are at your discretion.
  • International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) – 33 points
  • The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) – 1.9 points.
  • Athletics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA) – 15 points.
  • Other global registrations are in progress. 

Upon graduation, we will provide you with a certificate and badge which are accredited by our CPD providers. 

Change women’s lives

How do I know you can do this? Because women tell me what a difference the MyMTℱ programmes have made to their lives. Read our testimonials here. 

Gain clarity and confidence with menopause discussions

Are you confused by the abundance of conflicting evidence and opinions? I will help you to cut through the chaos, providing you with the latest, evidenced women’s healthy aging research, presented in a way that is easy to understand and follow with your own clients.  

Dr Wendy Sweet (PhD) is with you every step of the way 

You can reach out to me with any questions you may have throughout the course. 

Exclusive insights 

Throughout the course I will share the insights gained from the 500,000+ women who have completed the MyMTℱ Symptoms Quiz and the 15,000+ women on the MyMTℱ Programmes. This will put you a step ahead of your competition by enabling you to prepare for the questions you could get from your own clients.

Grow your business

You’ll expand your knowledge about women’s mid-life health, enabling you to better help your existing clients, deliver new offerings and retain clients for longer. 

Anyone who has pre-registered will get a chance to purchase the course at our early-bird rate of

This is a
discount off our normal price available after the pre-registrations have sold out.

A part payment option is also available for three monthly payments of


How do we guarantee a measurable return on your investment in our training? This cost is based on the fact that most experienced health professionals would be able to recuperate the cost of this course by the time they work with approx. 3 or 4 clients on a one-on-one basis through 12 weeks of coaching. In fact, some of our graduates, who have gone on to become MyMTℱ Affiliates have recuperated the cost of their course immediately by coaching groups of women through the MyMTℱ programmes. While doing so, they have also attracted lots of new clients to their business.

You may request a full refund up until 14 days before the course commences. At any point after the 14 days, if you decide to drop out for any reason, you may transfer your position to the next available course.

While you are on this course, you are invited to join the MyMTℱ Education Coaching Community. This is a private Facebook group for MyMTℱ practitioners where you can connect with Wendy and your peers. Wendy aims to post 2 – 3 times a week covering everything from the latest women’s healthy ageing research, to questions that are coming up frequently from the 2000+ women in the MyMTℱ community for women in menopause.

Your access to this Coaching Community is free for 12 weeks while you are on the course, at which stage you may choose to opt out if you do not wish to continue with this subscription (

per month).

Over the past decade, MyMTℱ has enabled women to ‘get their life back’. Globally, we now sell these programmes into 50+ countries.

However, one of the challenges Wendy has, is that numerous women need local, one-on-one support to adhere to the lifestyle changes that she suggests. This is where you come in. We want to help you grow your business with your new niche. Instead of women joining Wendy for support, you become ‘her’ and coach and support them through the MyMTℱ 12-week programs (Transform Me and Circuit Breaker). 

So what does this involve? Not only will you earn a commission from each program sale, but we also have lots of other exciting opportunities for our Affiliate Community, such as email coaching from Wendy, branded promotional material, discounts on new courses and so much more. 

Once you have graduated from the Menopause Practitioner Course, you may be invited to apply to become a MyMTℱ Affiliate. At this stage we are looking to take on one Affiliate per city. 

There are no supplements or medications provided in MyMTℱ’s programmes, as this is between women and their Doctors. Menopause is a natural event, so to unravel women’s symptoms, MyMTℱ uses scientifically evidenced lifestyle solutions. 

MyMTℱ takes a holistic approach to menopause – looking at a woman over the course of her lifetime. You will be able to show your client how the effects of her current and past lifestyle, have contributed to her symptoms.

All of these natural solutions are still relevant, and proven, for women who are using menopause hormonal medication/therapies. 

Your course material is valid for you for 1 year. Our aim is to give you plenty of time, so you can revisit the modules after the course has finished. Because you always take in something different the next time around.   

At the end of 1 year, you can choose to subscribe for ongoing access for a small fee. 

Currently MyMTℱ has three courses for Health Professionals. The information in the Menopause Weight Loss Coach and the Menopause Health Coach is not repeated in the Practitioner Course, so if you want to begin your learning now, these are a great place to start. And, you will receive a discount on your Practitioner Course. 

The MyMTℱ Menopause Weight Loss Coach Course is a self learning, evergreen course which runs for 6 weeks. There is no live element so you can start it at any time and complete it at your own pace.
Research suggests that the menopausal transition period is strongly associated with weight gain, which in up to 70% of women, is now a known symptom. Through this course, you will come away with an understanding of the unique differences in women’s weight gain at this age and stage of life, and easy to implement, exercise and nutrition solutions for your clients. 

The MyMTℱ  Menopause Health Coach Course is a 3-week introductory level course. The purpose of this course is to introduce Health and Wellness Coaches, or Health Professionals who want an entry-level course, to the physiology and psychology of menopause. You will learn evidenced, client-centered behaviour change strategies specific to this stage of life, to empower your clients to turn intention into action.

The MyMTℱ Menopause Practitioner Course is a 12 week course, with dedicated intakes. This is because there is a live component to this course whereby you meet with Dr Wendy Sweet (PhD) fortnightly on a zoom call to review the modules. 
This course dives deep into the science and physiology of menopause, menopause risk screening, and how to turn around your client’s disrupted sleep, hot flushes, sore joints, liver & gut health, energy, anxiety and more, through evidenced lifestyle solutions. There is also information on menopause supplements, behaviour change coaching and the business of menopause. ** This course does not include scientific information on menopause weight loss or exercise prescription.

Next Intake Commencing September 7th 2024

Pre-register to access the early bird sale on the 1st of August and access savings of