Testimonials from Wonderful MyMT™ Women
Rated 4.8/5 based on thousands of happy customers
"I've had challenges with Oestrogen dominance in the past and all my Doctor said, was “let’s see what happens”. But the information you’ve given here has come as such a relief and I feel much clearer on what to ask for next. I can’t thank you enough! In just one email - you’ve relieved a huge amount of stress to finally feel heard and to give me clarity. "
Anita, H.
Auckland, NZ (July, 2024)
"I would like to thank Wendy for her continued fight to bring up to date information to an area of women's health that is so lacking. Her continued dedication is just remarkable and very much appreciated."
Kerry MacD.
Queensland, Australia (July, 2024)
"I began a journey last year of utter confusion, which included trialling an array of solutions, from 16/8 intermittent fasting to high protein/weight resistance work at the gym. I continued to gain weight. In May 2023 I was one year post my last period. Increased breast tenderness was one symptom of many I experienced, and an increase in hot flushes . Your module confirmed I was Estrogen dominant. I have resolutely followed the 3 mth modules, and I am thrilled to share with you I have experienced significant changes internally and externally. I am sleeping up to 8hours a night, I STOPPED gaining weight, and I have started to lose weight. My hot flushes have stopped, and I no longer have any interest in sugar. It's literally like my insulin levels have been rebalanced, and I don't even consider sweet foods as appealing. Thankyou Wendy!
Lisa W.
Christchurch, New Zealand (June, 2024)
"Thank you Wendy. Your program helped me significantly. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and insight into menopause. I’ve been able too lose 10kg and stop the hot flashes of a night. While I know there will always be more studies and research coming out at this time, I’m feeling confident to keep doing what I’ve learnt in your program and keeping my wellbeing in check.
Kellie H.
Victoria, Australia (June, 2024)
"Hello Wendy - I see you post often about conferences you’re attending/speaking at and I hope that the medical field, specifically the Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) are not only listening, but absorbing and putting your knowledge to use in their practice. Seven months ago I moved and had to get a new PCP. I didn’t join MyMT until late April, after my doctor’s appointment. After being on the MyMT Program for a few weeks and learning of the myriad of physiological aspects of menopause, I thought back to my appointment and became very mad. The doctor did not ask one single menopause-related question about me. Not One! I was remiss in thinking that a younger female physician would be more attuned to this important aspect of women’s health. I’ve let all of my friends know of your program. With your program, I’m eating the healthiest I ever have (and loving all of the recipes!). Like you, I was always very active physically, so have dialed back the intensity and am incorporating more stretching/mobility. I feel like at 62, I found your program just in the nick of time, to make positive changes for a healthier me now and in the future."
Debbie P.
Washington, USA (June, 2024)
"Hi Wendy - thank you for sending me information on menopause in your newsletter. It's so awesome to see the change in our women friends around the globe and how they have enhanced on their life styles, so cool. I just want to say thank you so much for your time, your help and the respect you show towards giving us out there a better world to wake up to. Thank you very much."
Babe P.
New Zealand (June, 2024)
"I just want to thank you for your Masterclass and then your programme which started my journey. I am now 60 years old and started your course approx. 18months ago. I had terrible menopause symptoms for years. All the things you described in your masterclass. I am so grateful that I came across and took the time to listen. It has changed my life…. I started reading and trying all the tips and daily dozens. Within a couple of weeks my hot flushes eased and everything started to turn around. I lost 15 kilos and never felt better with energy and starting to sleep a little better."
Sylvie, S.
Victoria, Australia (June, 2024)
"You have helped me understand menopause more than anyone else & for that I am grateful! You have a way of communicating that is so clear & relatable! Thank you. I continue to tell women about your work."
Bron, B.
Queensland, Australia (June, 2024)
"I love reading your blogs Wendy. You are a river of calm and wisdom and I am so glad to have you in my back pocket to remind me of simple things I can do for myself and that I am not alone."
Julia S.
Ontario, Canada (June, 2024)
"Thank you Wendy! The program was surely beneficial, and I've printed and saved I think all of the documents! And I have shared about you and your program with other women! This is information we all need to know!"
Emily F.
Utah, USA (June, 2024)
"I enjoyed the Health Coach and Menopause course because of all the valuable information I learned. I appreciated the well-organized content, visually appealing PDFs, and research articles to support the content. Being a part of the Facebook group was also very valuable. Thank you so much to Wendy for offering this program. This will help me in the work I do with midlife women."
Jennifer S.
Arizona, USA (June, 2024)
"I want to thank you for your incredible wealth of information and advice over the last 4 years. It has certainly helped me understand what was going on in my body and how to manage it well. I have highly valued your courses and emails. Thank you. I will continue to recommend you to friends and family who may need to learn what you have to teach."
Sharon M.
Oxfordshire, UK (June, 2024)
"I can’t thank you enough Wendy for the life changing programme, support and advice. I’m sleeping around 8 hrs/night and hot flushes have gone. Life looks and feels very different now."
Michelle G.
NSW, Australia (June, 2024)
"I was extremely impressed with the depth of evidence based information and resources provided in this Level 1 Menopausal Weight Loss course. As a woman who has spent the past 20 years practicing intense HIIT & resistance training up to 5 times per week, along with having had 2 physical and mental breakdowns due to stress, I can now see why I've been experiencing so much joint pain, poor gut health and brain fog since entering into peri-menopause a year ago at 54. I started all the changes that Wendy mentioned in her course, and I'm happy to say that 3 months later, I'm relatively pain free. I'm excited to embrace this lifestyle further and to support and empower women in my community with this life changing information. Thanks Wendy & Georgia, I'm forever grateful for your wisdom."
Carolyn S.
Victoria, Australia (June, 2024)
"I just wanted to write to say thank you for putting together your transformational menopause programs. I am a yoga and meditation teacher and I first heard you speak at the Yoga Australia Menopause Summit earlier this year. I had an "aha" moment when you mentioned oestrogen dominance and I've made changes because of this. In the first two weeks I lost 2 kg, and have stabilised at this weight - which I'm happy with. But the best thing is that my arthritis pain and stiffness is massively improved and my monthly cycle is now regular."
Louise, B.
Canberra, Australia (May, 2024)
"Thank you for your personal message Wendy. You’re absolutely amazing. Knowing I had you gathering and disseminating the latest information on the menopause transition and women’s ageing was honestly a huge relief. It validated what I was experiencing and helped me relax into the process and my beautiful body that I once thought was against me. As the brain cells are now firing again, my level of curiosity keeps me engaged in continued ageing education and how to navigate my way for optimum health and fitness. I am back at Les Mills gym in Auckland City and have found the right blend of fitness, a couple of short sharp HIIT cycle classes and slow strength development. I couple this with my Traditional Hatha & Tantric Yoga practice. I've referred so many women to your work. Thank you for all you do."
Gaylene, Y.
Auckland, NZ (May, 2024)
"I have enjoyed your program, learnt some new things about my hormones, have lost 4 kg and am aiming for more. I like your style of eating. As I type this, I am walking the Portugese Camino with my sister. 29 km today - thank you again."
Jill, E.
Victoria, Australia (May, 2024)
"I am gaining so much from this training I could cry. I have been over-training for so long. Plus going through infertility when I was younger and then needing to stop the HRT abruptly 3 years ago with breast cancer. I can now see all the places that I struggled and understand why. Thank you so much for your work."
Veronika T.
California, USA (May, 2024)
"I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible presentation you delivered. It was truly insightful and informative. As you know, many Deaf women, myself included, have struggled with understanding and navigating menopause, both before and after. Unfortunately, the information available often lacks visual accessibility, with some organisations failing to provide closed captions or adequate support. Discovering your website and the wealth of information you offer was a turning point for me. Thank you once again for agreeing to have Auslan interpreters for the presentation. They were truly fabulous. The feedback I received was overwhelmingly positive. Many expressed gratitude for the organisation of the event and praised your expertise, noting the clarity and depth of the information you provided." Australian Deaf and Hard of Hearing Association.
Melissa B.
Victoria, Australia (May, 2024)
"I have learned so much from MyMT and feel so lucky to have been able to have access to this wonderful knowledge. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."
Jayne G.
Queensland, Australia (April, 2024)
"I'm loving the Practitioner Course and feeling positive, motivated and more like myself again. I really want to get back to the work I love and can't wait to see what the next few weeks bring. I'm now 4 weeks into Transform Me programme as well, and I'm feeling the best I've felt in years! Everything is starting to make sense. I can see changes already. I feel so much calmer and happier and even found myself dancing round the kitchen this morning like I used to! Thank you Wendy and MyMT for helping bring the joy back into my life!"
Sandra Mc.
Scotland, UK (April, 2024)
"Hi Wendy. I just had to reach out. I have been on the journey now for 3 weeks and my goodness what a change! I have lost 3cm from my middle already. I feel so much better. The sleep thing has been the biggest change. Thankyou so much for your guidance, it is so greatly appreciated."
Tess C.
Victoria, Australia (April, 2024)
"Thank you Wendy. I appreciate the information and guidance that you offer. May you continue to touch the many lives that need your assistance. I’ve been an advocate of your work for a few years now. And I will continue to send people your way."
Helen Z.
Victoria, Australia (April, 2024)
"Thank you very much Wendy. Have loved all the info that you provide and I have learned a lot."
Sara C.
NSW, Australia (April, 2024)
"OMG - This course is AMAZING! I'm learning sooooo much, it's the stuff I've been interested in and wondering about for ages, and it's relevant to my age/stage/gender!! I've only just started on her information but I'm LOVING it!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!"
Bron W.
South Canterbury, NZ (April, 2024)
"I chose to take MyMT Transformation and Rebuild My Fitness, which excited me after doing your Practitioner program. All the workouts are unique and exciting for me, who has been behind a desk for hours for years and is stressed to get through a workout. I feel so much more confident, and it gave me great insight into when I'm ready to teach fitness in the future. I just wanted to share, that after doing your Practitioner course too, the feedback on my coaching sessions has been amazing and I feel so blessed that I came across MyMT. Thank you!"
Kathern B.
Ontario, Canada (April, 2024)
"The program helped me a lot. I always like to know how things work ,and why, especially my body, and the information you provide is so informative, everything makes sense when you know why. So I decided to not drink alcohol for a while based on what you say in the programme and wow how things changed, with everything else I was doing on your programme. I could see the scales moving down slowly but steadily. I am feeling great and I am back at my original weight and I seem to eat more than before. My hot flushes are now very few and I used to get them all the time. Thank you for your support."
Bev D.
Victoria, Australia (April, 2024)
"Thanks soooo much for everything Wendy, I've loved everything about your programme and have appreciated every single message. I've lost 14 kgs and feel amazing compared to where I was. I'm loving food but in the greatest way, without processed food or sugar. I'm still a smoker but this is work in progress. But my BP is all back to normal yayyyyyyy. I can't thank you enough for this programme."
Christine B.
Invercargill, NZ (April, 2024)
"Thank you so much for all the wonderful information you’ve provided. It’s been amazing."
Amanda B.
BC, Canada (March, 2024)
"I have been on the programme now for over 2 years and thankfully seem to be coming out the other side of the hell that is “Menopause” based on your teachings. My sleep is fantastic now. My blood pressure is continuing to be steady and has decreased by a huge amount since I first started the programme, so with the support of my Dr I am looking to decrease the medication on this side over the next 6 months. We both felt it was best to eliminate 1 medication at a time. I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you so much for all the information, guidance, and most of all the support that you have given me over the last couple of years. It has been invaluable and truly appreciated. I wish you continued success with MyMT and once again thank you for all your help."
Lesley, B.
Essex, UK (March, 2024)
"Thank you so much for all your help educating and encouraging me through menopause. It has also been supportive hearing from other ladies and everything that comes from the community. I feel now I’m in a good place."
Renee T.
Hastings, New Zealand (March, 2024)
"Today I slept through to 5:45! Honestly I am consistently sleeping longer and I go to bed at 9:00. I have been telling as many women of all ages that I can about your programme. I want them, as you do, to understand that they can make changes that will help symptoms. It isn’t hard work I tried so many things but had come to most strategies you have through the years. It is so cruel that all this happens for women at a time in their lives where demands are growing."
Rosanne B.
Wellington, New Zealand (March, 2024)
"Thank you so much - I feel nothing but completely supported by you and have truly valued everything I've learned. I feel really good again now and have isolated my triggers/warning signs and manage my health and wellbeing really well now. Almost every week I come across a woman struggling with her Menopause journey and I always recommend Wendy as the most useful and content-rich voice as well as being local. I tell them to just subscribe to the newsletter first and see what they think. Then join a programme when they're ready."
Wendy Mc.
Christchurch, New Zealand (March, 2024)
"I joined about 2020 and I have benefitted immensely from all your incredible research and guidance and feel I am happily using this advice daily. Thank you so much for creating this platform for women."
Deb, S.
Dunedin, New Zealand (March, 2024)
"It has taken me just over a year to absorb this incredible information and find a routine and way forward that works for me and my lifestyle. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning from your wealth of knowledge and expertise. It has been a hard year but a fulfilling one. I still have a long way to go, however, I have the knowledge and the know how to keep the momentum going and fully intend to stick with it. Thank you so much for all I have learned from you."
Di, M.
Dunedin, New Zealand (March, 2024)
“Thank you so much for presenting your webinar to us at our company last week! I’ve had so much positive feedback from staff who were able to join the webinar and those who have watched it after since they couldn’t make the time."
Evonne, M
Hamilton, New Zealand (March, 2024)
I’d just like to say thank you to Wendy for the Circuit Breaker program. It was so helpful. My father died 7 months ago. Trying to cope with peri-menopause symptoms on top of a bereavement all felt a bit too much - my insomnia and night sweats increased. I knew that if I didn’t take action my symptoms would get worse. I was already following an anti-inflammatory diet to manage other health problems but I needed something more. Since joining the program around the end of October, I have lost 6 pounds. I wasn’t overweight but I was inflamed. I can see the difference in my face, it is less puffy. And I can feel the difference in my jeans, the bloating is gone. Overall I’m sleeping better, night sweats are rare (maybe 1-2x per month) and I’m waking up with more mental clarity. Many thanks Wendy! I'm determined to keep going."
Savitri, D
United Kingdom (March, 2024)
“Wendy, I would just like to thank you so very much for sharing your knowledge with everyone on your programmes. I have learnt so much about eating the right nutrition for my body, listening to my circadian rhythm, learning that I shouldn’t be load-up on oestrogen-rich food (which I was doing), and also to be kind to myself and rest if I need it. I was doing two PT sessions a week and HIT classes at the gym and feeling so tired at the end of each week. The Rebuild my Fitness programme gave me the push I needed to start walking to and from work on non-gym days. I feel so much more confident looking forward to the years ahead than I was this time last year. So, thank you Wendy for your expertise, knowledge, and wisdom, and for creating the wonderful FB community – it is a comfort to know I’m not the only one struggling away in this post-menopausal world."
Kathryn, Mc.
Dunedin, New Zealand (March, 2024)
“I just wanted to write and say thank you for all your wonderful information in your newsletters and the time and effort you put into sharing with us. As a woman in her 50s it is empowering to know that we are being seen and cared for. Keep up the great work, you are most appreciated."
Lucy, Mc.
Australia (March, 2024)
“I just watched the first hour of your Masterclass. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your humble, curious approach to health in the middle years. You draw on others to help answer questions that are so important to our changing bodies. I am 59 and have been so discouraged by the symptoms you describe. For the first time in years, I have hope that I can learn what my body needs and make changes that will really help me be healthier."
Liz, B
Texas, USA (Feb, 2024)
"I have enjoyed and benefitted from the program and have integrated the principles well – I am 63, very well, and now at a healthy weight for me and exercise regularly. Thank you Wendy."
Elizabeth, A.
South Australia (Jan, 2024)
"I have been a member of the MyMT programme for quite a while now. I've learnt an enormous amount and have gained confidence to believe I can continue to improve my fitness and my nutrition throughout my life. Thank you Wendy for sharing your knowledge; your dedication and compassion for women's health. I remember it was such a huge relief when I could understand my symptoms and emotional state better. It made me feel more assured that I could take better control of my life instead of wondering, "is this what menopause is like?" Thankfully, you taught me about the extent of the choices I have. I really feel you have helped change my life for the better!."
Colette G.
Wellington, NZ (Jan, 2024)
"Wendy has changed my life and I am embracing her lessons daily."
Leisa, C.
Queensland, Australia (Jan, 2024)
"I am pretty much 4 weeks into the program now and am so relieved to have found something that makes so much sense into what I am currently experiencing at age 53. Since starting the program, I am thoroughly enjoying cooking again as have a vested interest in creating such delicious and beneficial meals. I have lost 4 kilograms but have not once gone hungry.'
Jenny, S.
Western Australia (Jan, 2024)
"I have found the information very helpful. It is really important to understand what and why things change during menopause. I now find myself encouraging other women I know to seek help from MyMT, we really do need the knowledge to get us through. I believe I am past midway of my menopause journey. I know it’s not over yet, so I still use the info I have gathered from this course, and I refer to it everyday still. But if need be I will reach out again.'
Bev, D.
Victoria, Australia (Jan, 2024)
"Many thanks, Wendy for coming to our workplace and for the summary of your Masterclass. Your presentation would have to be the most valuable Professional Development workshop I have had in a long time."
Gillian, T.
Dunedin, NZ (Jan, 2024)
"Wendy’s program has been the best thing ever for helping me understand my body and changes during this peripause stage. I feel well prepared going forward."
Lisa, W.
Otago, NZ (Jan, 2024)
"Thank you so very much. I have found the information very helpful. It is really important to understand what and why things change during menopause. I now find myself encouraging other women I know to seek help from MyMT™. We really do need this knowledge to get us through. I believe I am past midway of my menopause journey. I know it’s not over yet, I still use the information I have gathered from this course, and refer to it everyday."
Beverly, D
Vic, Australia (Jan, 2024)
"I’m only a few days in to the programme and already sleeping a little better - one small step, but a giant leap for my well-being! The learning and guidance are so logical, solid, and all within reach. I especially love the ‘small steps at a time’ approach. Thank you, Wendy, for sharing your experiences, learning, and wisdom, so that all of us can receive gains from it too. I like the fact you do not offer your own brand of supplements as golden bullets, when sound education, the right food, sensitive exercise, and most of all kindness, understanding, and a ‘no guilt or competing’ community, does it! All this, yet only a few days in. Feeling SO much better for knowing what’s actually going on with my body. Shouting from the rooftops - thank you!"
Tina, J
Hereford, UK (Jan, 2024)
"Wendy, thank you for your hard work, research, positive, non judgmental, enthusiasm and support over the past 2 years! I love your program and the knowledge I have gained. I now understand what is happening with my body - I’m not losing the plot! Good luck ladies, go forth and conquer!!"
Lisa, W
Dunedin, NZ (Jan, 2024)
"One of the most important things that your program reinforced for me was that after years of putting the needs of others first this time of transition is a time to put my needs first and that it’s the natural cycle of life and the right time to do it. Your program showed me how to look after myself going forward but also how to allow my body to repair itself."
Sandy, B.
New Plymouth, NZ (Jan, 2024)
"I've absolutely loved your classes and have taken every module to include mindfulness and the bonus ones on gut and sore joints. Thank you Wendy! Your program has been so wonderful. I am so happy to know I am not alone and that there are ways to move through the seasons of our bodily changes as we age. Much love and respect for how you have impacted me."
Kelly, H.
Denver, Colorado (Jan, 2024)
"It's early days for me on the program, but I just can't thank you enough for all of your valuable advice and information in the transformation program and what you have given me personally. I feel soooooo much better already. I've noticed my bloating has reduced a lot and now I am left with a lot of weight to lose yet I know it's still early days. However, I really feel like I am on the right track and making huge changes in my lifestyle which is amazing."
Christine, B.
Southland, NZ (Jan, 2024)
"As a nutritionist and women's integrative mind body practitioner I have had many aha moments during the Menopause Weight Loss Coach Course and have found it to be incredibly informative and thought provoking. As an advocate of the women's well-aging movement, the course provides an arsenal of knowledge and evidence based lifestyle interventions that can set the stage for the peri-menopausal woman and sensibly support the menopausal and post-menopausal woman. Thank you Dr. Wendy for your knowledge and passion in serving menopausal women in health and wellbeing."
Eniko, B.
Queensland, Australia (Jan, 2024)
"Thank you so much for the amazing information on Menopause. It has helped me greatly and I continue to pass on your details to others to assist them with their transition too."
Ali, J.
South Australia (Jan, 2024)
"I have learnt so much thanks to you and your program. I have achieved everything I needed to for my menopause and will always be so grateful."
Sylvie, S.
Victoria, Australia (Jan, 2024)
"I am pleased to say my weight loss has begun since I joined your program and I have gone from 72kg to 68.8kg so far. Thanks you for all you do, contributing to helping so many women around the world "
Rebecca, B.
Auckland, NZ (Dec, 2023)
"Thanks Dr Wendy and Georgia. I really enjoyed the Menopause Health Coach Course,. As a Health & Wellness Coach and Personal Trainer I’m always looking to update my skillset as my passion is helping women in their 40’s, 50’s & beyond and their changing bodies, especially as we go through Perimenopause, Menopause and Post Menopause. And as such, this course was perfect. I learnt some key points to help my clients and also to make me a better coach. Thanks!!"
Linda, T.
Victoria, Australia (Dec, 2023)
"After 2 years of Wendy's brilliant coaching through very difficult times, I feel strong enough and that I have learnt enough to try this on my own now. The programme is life-changing."
Wendy, S.
Kent, UK (Dec, 2023)
"I am reflecting on the year that has been 2023. In the dying days of 2022, my resolution was to do something about my downward spiral, get some control over my symptoms and lose some weight. I joined the Transform Me Program. It wasn’t long before I saw results in terms of improved sleep. For this I will be forever grateful. Within a month I had started to lose some weight [9kg after 11 months]. I feel so much better, healthier and lighter. I don’t mean that only literally but figuratively as well. I have so much more energy and no longer spend my days feeling tired and sluggish."
Kathryn, J.
NSW, Australia (Dec, 2023)
"I have been so inspired by you and your MyMT transformation modules. I have also been able to recommend MyMT transformation to many of my friends. I’m very thankful for your passion and you as an educator."
Lynne, S.
Oregon, USA (Dec, 2023)
"Thank you for everything you have shared since the beginning of the Health Practitioner course. It is inspiring and will make such a difference in my clients lives. I adore this work and look forward to collaborating with you once again!"
Anika, M.
Montreal, Canada (Dec, 2023)
"I wanted to say thank you again for having had me on the MyMT Practitioner course this year. Since doing your Transform Me program and doing this course, I have learnt so much and my older clients are slowly starting to listen to me. It’s astonishing to me that the perception in Germany still is: 'I am 49/50/51 years old, I still have my period on a regular basis and my mood swings (exchangeable with putting on weight, I feel stressed, I am always tired etc.) and my doctor says I am not even in my peri menopause yet”. So, they don’t want to hear anything about menopause. I find the younger ones (around 40 or so) are much more interested and open minded about this. Germany is soooo far behind, I find I know more about menopause than my gyno. Since doing your programs, I have more energy throughout the day, I feel more balanced and am generally in a good mood. It goes well with the exercises I am doing for myself and my clients which are now less HIIT but more in the aerobic area. Thank you for all your teachings."
Dorothee, U.
Berlin, Germany (Dec, 2023)
"I am loving the transformation programme. Hubby has joined me on the journey and losing the weight as well. We are both loving how we are feeling."
Sue, H
Victoria, Aus (Dec, 2023)
"Your programs are fabulous Wendy. The program has helped me with keeping some of the other symptoms at bay as I'm already on HRT and my sleep is good and I’ve had limited hot flushes, etc. It also helped me scale back on exercise and not feel I have to thrash myself to death which has generally been my approach to exercise throughout my life!! You are my ‘go to’ for menopause information so thank you for your knowledge and expertise."
Rachel, V.
Gloucestershire, UK (Dec, 2023)
"I wish to thank Wendy so very much for her assistance and for personally responding to my emails with questions. The programme was very informative."
Leanne, M.
NSW, Australia (Dec, 2023)
"Thank you Wendy, for producing a lovely little Christmas handout. I love the easy to read format and hitting the RIGHT things we all need to remember! Thanks for all your hard work this year – I enjoy reading everything you write! Managed to lose 9kgs (since September) of that dreaded menopausal weight I accrued over the previous 2.5yrs."
Linda, C.
NSW, Australia (Dec, 2023)
"This is a fantastic Menopause Weight Loss Coach course packed full of information and potential solutions to help mid-life women. I feel empowered to share this knowledge with my clients and can't wait to see them benefit from it. Thank you Wendy and Georgia!."
Jules, J.
Kent, UK (Dec, 2023)
"It’s been an absolutely chaotic 3 months but somehow I’ve stuck to the program (well at least 80%!) and the results are miraculous! What a fantastic program. I work in health and I’ve never seen such a comprehensive specific and effective one. I feel like my old self again and have the energy to cope with all the competing demands on my time at the moment. I've learned so much. This program really is a game changer for menopausal women! With sincere gratitude."
Litza, M.
South Australia (Dec, 2023)
"I have learnt so much and feel far more empowered to talk about it to anyone no matter how uncomfortable they feel. Women have been too quiet about this for too long. Many thanks to you Wendy for all of your work and sharing of knowledge. I have been recommending MyMT to anyone who will listen."
Michelle M.
Tasmania, Australia (Dec, 2023)
"Your program is critical for all women, especially those of us who have been stumbling through menopause. I still have a long way to go, but I now feel I have a road map. Thank you for all the information."
Cindy R.
Queensland, Australia (Dec, 2023)
"The Menopause Health Coach Course was very informational for me as I am going through menopause. Now I am understanding my conditions especially when I was working out as I gain weight instead of losing. With the knowledge that I have acquired, I hope I can help other women understand and embrace menopause as part of living."
Veronica B.
Minnesota, USA (Dec, 2023)
"The information provided in the program has been fantastic and very affirming for me. This program was exactly what I was looking for at this time in my life. Through some simple tweaks to my lifestyle and backing off from my usual high intensity routine, giving myself permission to ‘chill’ and relax instead of pushing through exhaustion, are a few of the things that have been transformative to my mental health and energy levels. Thanks so much for the work you are doing in this area – I really appreciate it."
Penel A.
Melbourne, Australia (Dec, 2023)
"Well what a blooming wonderful 12 week ride it has been! Thanks so much for all the information, consolation, motivation and just good all round common sense. Am feeling so much better, sleeping all night and feeling more able to manage the normal things of life!"
Janene, H.
Tauranga, NZ (Dec, 2023)
"I would like to say a very BIG thank you and tell you how much I have really enjoyed your program. Wow, you have put in so much work into this program and I have loved watching your modules each fortnight and learnt so much!"
Kylie L.
Sydney, Australia (Nov, 2023)
"Thank you for your awesome program. I’ve loved MyMT Transformation, the information is excellent. I’m looking forward to the next program - the exercise one. What I’ve enjoyed the most is learning to tune into what works for me and how to balance my hormones. I feel like this is the most in control I have had over my inflammation and weight since puberty, and I’m not having to workout hard or have it take over my life to achieve it. Last year I was diagnosed with adenomyosis and fibroids, which are related to estrogen dominance and it was learning about this that bought me to your program. I’ve found the Transform Me program to be amazing and has improved my sleep, lose the night sweats, lose inflammation, weight and get my energy back in the 12 weeks, the symptoms I was having due to the estrogen dominance have greatly improved. Many thanks."
Vickie H.
Southland, New Zealand (Nov, 2023)
"Thanks Wendy. I have learnt so much from your programme, especially in relation to symptom management and why they are occurring. I feel way more in control of the process now."
Amanda D.
Victoria, Australia (Nov, 2023)
"I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for your invaluable support and guidance throughout the Menopause Weight Loss Coach Level1 course. I have successfully completed this course today and I am super excited to apply the knowledge and skills I've acquired with my ladies and help my community be better educated on this topic. I hope to continue learning more through your wisdom and knowledge. Completing this course (as well as your Transform Me programme) has been a significant achievement for me, and I couldn't have done it without your expertise and the knowledge that you share with us. I appreciate your investment in ensuring that we not only grasped the course content but also developed a deeper understanding of this subject matter. Your passion for teaching is evident, and it helped me to approach learning with enthusiasm and curiosity. Thank you for your exceptional programs and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from you."
Shaila C.
Auckland, NZ (Nov, 2023)
"Thank you Wendy, I hope many women find their way to your course. It helped me when I really needed some help."
Catherine D.
The Netherlands (Nov, 2023)
"I have found the course very helpful so far, I’ve learned a tremendous amount already and having implemented some of the lifestyle changes that I wasn’t doing yet, I’m seeing small positive changes. I’m very grateful I found this! Thank you MyMT for your wonderful work."
Christine S.
Germany (Nov, 2023)
"Having been a client of Wendy’s and now as a student I am so excited to have completed the Health Coaching Certificate. After 40 years as a Nurse, I am still astonished how little women know about healthy aging. I look forward to sharing my newfound knowledge with my clients and I would like to thank Wendy and her team for their continuing support and education. Keep it up team, you are amazing."
Susan K.
Queensland, Australia (Nov, 2023)
"I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the huge amount of information that you send out for free in your newsletter and with what I learnt in your Masterclass on Menopause. One of the things I really like about your teachings is how you like to use real food to supply the nutrients and you have done the research so you know exactly what nutrient and what part of the body it will support. Again, thank you for your incredible contribution to our generation of women's healthy ageing and I look forward to being part of the course in early 2024."
Karen L.
NSW, Australia (Nov, 2023)
"I’ve really enjoyed the modules. I’ve stuck at it and so far I’m going strong and lost 5.5kgs, no more sore joints, no hot flushes and feeling great. I’m going to keep doing everything I’ve been doing and will hopefully just keep dropping the weight. I have reached my first goal so now have a new goal now that I know how to go about it. I really appreciate all the info you shared."
Natasha, W.
Northland, NZ (Nov, 2023)
"Thank you Wendy. This program has been fantastic and I have lots of work to do, but I know how the knowledge and guidelines to do it. I have mentioned this program to my girlfriends who are younger than me as it would have been great when I was 45-50 years old. I am now 60 but learning so much."
Cindy R.
Queensland, Australia (Nov, 2023)
"It was a fantastic session (Masterclass on Menopause) and was much appreciated by all. I’m so pleased someone is doing this work as there has been so little research and knowledge sharing for us women of a certain age."
Kate M.
University of West Scotland (Nov, 2023)
"I have seen a significant improvement in my migraines. Frequency and severity have decreased significantly so that’s a huge positive! Now I’m able to function relatively normally within 12-24 hours rather than being out for 3-4 days."
Vanessa G.
Auckland, NZ (October, 2023)
"The programme has been very insightful. Lots of positive changes have been made with good results. Appreciate you sharing your knowledge and wisdom. Thanks Wendy."
Anna W.
South Australia (October, 2023)
"My symptoms have been getting worse over the past year culminating in severe back pain for the past 4-months. I couldn’t imagine that it could possibly be my menopause symptoms causing this. But it was. Since doing your programme, and changing my diet, I was even more sure of this when the results from the MRI scan came back as normal! I have adopted your low GI diet, and the difference to my symptoms has been so noticeable."
Sue A.
Staffordshire, UK (October, 2023)
"You’ve put a ton of resources into this course. Wonderful work! I also created an online course for women at midlife and I’m always curious about how other people create their offerings. Yours is wonderful! Thank you so much."
Kira H.
Massachusetts, USA (October, 2023)
"After only 2 weeks, I am doing really well. My aches and pains have pretty much gone and at the two week mark, I am feeling really good, much better than I have felt in a long time. I have even lost weight and gone under 90kg for the first time in years."
Kim B.
Victoria, Australia (October, 2023)
""I started MyMT™ based on a suggestion from a friend. Having given up yo-yo dieting and trying to embrace Intuitive Eating, I had piled the weight back on and I needed some sense of control, but not a diet! Wendy’s material has made so much sense to me. I love that we can look at the research and science and it makes so much sense. I’m still on a journey, I regularly go back to one of the daily dozens. I’m back on good sleep habits (trying to encourage my 16 year old son at the same time) and have stopped gaining. I also remind myself that any little step I take is a step in the right direction. Step by step..."
Ruth B.
Harpenden, UK (October, 2023)
"I’m feeling really good at the moment after making some key changes after doing the 12 week course. I’m in the early stages of my menopause transition so I may be back if things become challenging again!."
Anna W.
South Australia (October, 2023)
"This module on Stress is what I'm interested in the most. The entire program has been rewarding. I'm loving the program."
Cindy, R.
Queensland, Australia (October, 2023)
"Wendy, thank you for this Menopause Weight Loss Coach Course and the Practitioner course. The information that you have provided is outstanding and I love the fact that it encompasses the real issues of menopause related to ageing and epigenetics. This course has provided me with a great understanding of menopause and ageing for midlife women and beyond. It has reinforced that lifestyle and environment are the key factors we need to address. After doing this course I feel confident that I can address the issues that women are facing during their menopause transition."
Leona M.
Queensland, Australia (October, 2023)
"I wanted to let you know that I am filled with gratitude to you and for you. I had been searching far and wide for a reputable, authentic, and compassionate person to rely on at this stage of my life. It seems that the extensive search ended when I fell upon your work. So grateful that the stars aligned and for the work you so generously offer this world. Since finding your resources in January, I have lost 20 lbs. My liver enzymes drastically changed for the better through greatly limiting my alcohol intake and adjusting my diet according to your nutrition plans."
Micheline, S-H.
Manitoba, Canada (October, 2023)
"I finished working from a high level job in January as I was burned out and feeling so terrible. I had been on HRT but got some gynae complications and so came off it. Your programme has been so helpful - I am sleeping well and have lost 18lbs so far. Thank you for bringing this programme together for us."
Linda, W.
Derbyshire, UK (October, 2023)
"Thank you for such an excellent information filled evening on Thursday in Invercargill. I just wanted to say I found it very engaging. You delivered an excellent mix of relatable stories, scientific quotes & walnut sized essential, doable changes that each of us felt we could do. Thank you."
Bronwyn, D.
Invercargill, NZ (October, 2023)
"Your program is the best money investment in education that I made. It paid back with unmeasurable value. I now sleep all night and have reduced my body fat by 4% and my weight by 8kg. My waistline has gone from 94cm to 72cm. I'm now full of energy and spring out of bed in the mornings. I've even started to pole-dance! I love the structure of your program. When you designed (structured) it, I found I could absorb and digest the information better. I was like a sponge holding water with the information you provide."
Joanne R.
NSW, Australia (October, 2023)
"Thanks Wendy, I have learned so much already from you and your program. I have recommended it to dozens of people. I feel better than I have in years and it all started with you. My sleep is great now and I have the tools to deal with it if needed. My weight is going down and my diet is changed for the better. If I feel I need to come back I will and I just want to thank you for your program."
Linda W.
Auckland, NZ (September, 2023)
"I loved your program and your teachings. Lots of valuable information to keep me on track on my menopausal journey."
Maryellen B.
Canada (September, 2023)
"Hello Wendy - Oh my goodness I can’t thank you enough! I have lost 3 kg already which I thought was impossible at this time of my life as I have had 5 children and always bounced back to my normal weight with each one usually just being careful with what I eat. But lately, everything I tried wasn’t working. I’m loving it and feel amazing! The sleep is coming back on track as well! Thanks again."
Kylie G.
Victoria, Australia (September, 2023)
"This introductory Health Coach and Science of Menopause Course is a fantastic entry point to coaches who are working with women in midlife. Wendy's knowledge is vast, and yet she delivers this course in a way which is accessible and applicable. I've filled a notebook with ideas for how I, as a health coach, can better communicate these concepts to my midlife clients, help them make life-long, sustainable changes, and make menopause a positive experience for them."
Youna C.
Victoria, Australia (September, 2023)
"Hi Wendy, I absolutely LOVED your presentation at the Lifestyle Medicine conference. There were many of us in the audience who could have listened to so much more!"
Jenny B.
Melbourne, Australia (September, 2023)
"Thanks again for creating this program and I will definitely recommend it to anyone who needs guidance for a smooth road to and during menopause!"
Flavia F.
Quebec, Canada (September, 2023)
"I wanted to tell you that I’ve been enjoying your Health Practitioner course so much. The content is rigorous, clear and so eye-opening. My patients and I are already benefiting from it! I’m so happy to be taking this course and benefiting from your knowledge, generosity and passion."
Anika M.
Montreal, Canada (September, 2023)
"I really enjoyed the Health Coach Course and it has given me the confidence to offer coaching specifically for mid-life women, and it fits well with the other work I do (working with persistent pain, Fibromyalgia, CFS etc)."
Nicola B.
Otago, NZ(September, 2023)
"As a certified health & wellness coach I thoroughly enjoyed the Menopause for Health Coaches course. As a coach who is also navigating changes brought on during menopause, not only for myself, but for my clients as well, I found that I walked away with some great new insights, tools, & strategies to apply the modules into my personal and professional life. I'm excited to implement what I've learned to help my clients to better understand what is happening to their physiology then apply the knowledge in ways that support and encourage positive lifestyle change. For myself, it's helped me shift from a state of "self-blame & shame" into a state of more grace & acceptance for the changes occurring during this phase of my life. The picture here shows me ringing the "CrossFit bell" because I achieved a personal record. I'm certain it's because I started to get back to the "Why" of putting in the effort of physical fitness as well as other healthy lifestyle changes."
Cathy G.
Massachusetts, USA (September, 2023)
"Thank you very much for creating this introductory course for Health Coaches. It has so much credibility being registered with the various associations. Easy to understand and something all women need education about. If you are working with mid-life women in the Health Coaching space, this information is vital to know. So many women just don't understand what is happening with their bodies, as I didn't either. This education will help better inform clients so they can make healthy lifestyle decisions to support themselves moving forward."
Linda M.
Christchurch, NZ(September, 2023)
"You are a true gem. Thank you for all your knowledge and what you are doing for women. I'm sure I'll be back at some stage."
Melissa J.
South Australia (September, 2023)
"I’ve had medication for hypertension halved, I’m more active and I’ve joined a (female) hiking group. I’m enjoying cooking quality meals again, and I’ve dropped 2 dress-sizes and a few kgs as I was tuning into a Michelin man. Thank you again for supporting us all, for guiding research, for making the issues public and for looking after us."
Sue R.
Queensland, Australia (September, 2023)
"Thanks Wendy. Your info was wonderful. Got through menopause pretty painlessly!"
Lisa G.
NSW, Australia (September, 2023)
"I just wanted to thank you for a wonderful day yesterday at your Intensive Workshop in Melbourne. It was fantastic to meet you. I got so much out of it and I am highly motivated to get on track and stick with it. I loved meeting the other ladies too. I had so many 'lightbulb moments'. You are my hero."
Sue D.
Melbourne, Australia (September, 2023)
"Sooo much great information Wendy. So far I've been very impressed with the level of detail across your program. Soooo much to learn."
Emma B.
NSW, Australia (September, 2023)
"Your advice has altered my life, and I recommend you to everyone I meet!"
Jill M.
Auckland, NZ (September, 2023)
"I'm a nurse and I'm so happy I’ve found your program there’s nothing I’ve seen like it! I saw your talk listed on the lifestyle medicine conference program and thought I might google you to see what she knows about menopause! Obviously A LOT! The first 2 modules have been absolutely fascinating! Can’t wait to learn more."
Litza M.
South Australia (September, 2023)
"Thank you so much for all your timely information Wendy! I've been through my father passing away, so you helped me through..keeping myself healthy! I'm finally feeling well and clothes fit better! Happy wife, happy life for hubby! Ha ha...we're all stoked. Thank you so much for your care and support! Xxx ."
Angie M.
Waikato, New Zealand (August, 2023)
"Joining the course is the best thing I could have done for where I am at with my health and wellbeing. Apart from feeling so much better and losing weight, I feel as if I am taking charge. It is very empowering to understand what is happening and to have a plan based on scientific research. Thank you so much."
Hanka S.
Victoria, Australia (August, 2023)
"I've just got back from my trip to the Philippines freediving competition and had a great time. Was amazing to be back in my element and I even broke another record (Constant Weight Bifins record 46m). The record was 41m so I needed to do at least 42m to set a new record. I trained hard and successfully dived 46m as that's a special number for me (my age!). Am loving having my health back after your menopause programs and I'm doing as much as possible to change the narrative around menopause and ageing. Menopause is not the end of the road, we just need to work with our bodies instead of against them."
Suzy M.
Victoria, Australia (August, 2023)
"I have been on MyMT since May 2020 and it has been an enormous help and still continues to be. I did the Circuit Breaker programme and Rebuild My Fitness. I recently completed a 7 day expedition Kayak trip around Hinchinbrook Island in far north Queensland with 9 other women, All but 1 were in the late 40's - 60's. We paddled over 100kms in 6 days, lifted 100kg kayaks up and down the beach every day, set up camp, swam, hiked etc. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done (including running marathons), but it was one of the best experiences of my life. It was thanks to your programmes and education and my determination to do this that made it possible."
Cathy R.
ACT, Australia (August, 2023)
"I am in post menopause (age 62) hot flushes never really bothered me, I feel grateful for that!! A good nights sleep was eluding me to some degree and I have had a great turn around in that area with your programme. Being mindful of many things of a routine nature in the evenings has been a real eye opener. No more herbal tea after dinner has curbed the need to go to the toilet in the middle of the night!."
Trish P.
New Zealand (August, 2023)
"I want to say thank you for everything you do for all of us menopausal women around the world. Your dedication to a cause that has been ignored or wasn't important for so long is admirable and your wealth of knowledge a treasure! You keep us updated with the latest studies and I felt in safe hands with you. Not only is your programme well built-up but what I also much appreciated that you always had time to write and help in personal emails. The facebook group is a fantastic tool and really does help when reading other women’s struggles or successes!! I have learned so much being in your programme in the last years. Thank you."
Petra I.
Wellington, New Zealand (August, 2023)
"Thank you for a truly wonderful informative platform. I have thoroughly enjoyed the practical, evidence based emails given in an encouraging manner. I shall continue to speak your praises to any person in need of your educational material. I can now truly embrace this amazing time of life."
Janine O.
Victoria, Australia (August, 2023)
"Thank you Wendy! I’ve mastered my sleep so well with you. Even my partner has adopted these habits."
Sarah P.
New Zealand (August, 2023)
"Thanks Wendy, I’ve learned so much & that information has made a huge change in how I feel & my lifestyle. I’ve been recommending you to many of my friends."
Jo C.
New Zealand (August, 2023)
"I’m feeling energized and confident. I’ve lost almost 5kg in the past 6-7 weeks, 4cm off my waist, 4cm off my thighs, and 4 cms off my hips. Before your program I had hit a plateau which I couldn’t budge. I’ve now budged it. I feel as though I’m making a significant change in the way I view food, exercise and a sustainable healthy lifestyle so thank you for providing a platform to help people help themselves."
Leanne H.
Adelaide, Australia (August, 2023)
"I’d like to personally thank you for contributing to helping me find my way back to my true self! I never gave up and I believe God found you and led me to you."
Violeta B.
Victoria, Australia (August, 2023)
" I just want to say a HUGE thank you for everything that you have taught me through the MyMT programme. It has helped me through a difficult time and I have learnt so much. I hope you understand how much you change women's lives at a time when they can be very miserable and low. I am so grateful for what I've learned."
Jane McG.
Yorkshire, UK (August, 2023)
"Wendy’s program has actually saved my life, for which I will be forever grateful. I lost over a stone in weight, very easily and quickly and I now sleep much better. My husband and I are now both vegetarian and feeling so much better for it. No more aching joints and I also now know though Wendy's programme that my blood pressure was high. Without the MYMT program I would have been oblivious. I am so thankful for Wendy's information! "
Carolyn P.
Wales, UK (August, 2023)
"I know deep in my bones that these changes are helping because I have had such a dramatic reduction in my back pain. This makes me realize how much of my pain was related to inflammation- I'm shocked by it and then of course, it makes so much sense! I am forever grateful for all your help."
Ellen G.
Chicago, USA (August, 2023)
Over Christmas 2020 we were in South Africa with my husband’s family and I was MISERABLE. I actually didn’t want to be there despite it being winter at home in Ireland. I was hot, sweaty, flushed, uncomfortable in my too-tight summer clothes and exhausted. One evening, I excused myself from the group and went to bed early – a common occurrence those days. I started googling ‘help for menopause’, and Wendy’s website came up. I had visited the site several times already but was reluctant to commit to a program – some part of me was still struggling with my inner perfectionist – I can do this myself! But that night, I couldn’t fight myself anymore. I needed help NOW. I signed up for Wendy’s program and started it whilst still on holidays. Like it has for so many of you, it changed my life. First of all, as a psychotherapist a lot of it made perfect sense.
Emma M.
Ireland (July 2023)
Let me say this. My sleep has improved a great deal. In fact I might go as far as saying I get a minimum of 7 hours sleep every night!!! I had started to give up and accept my sleeplessness as a life. God forbid. And the result is... I just realised I have lost 22lbs. I can tell you that for the last 7 - 8 years my weight was climbing no matter what I did. Nothing seemed to work until MyMT™. OMG.. what magic is this??? Gimme more Wendy and THANK YOU.
Sylvia K.
UK (July 2023)
"I just wanted to drop a quick note and say “thank you” so much for the most wonderful Practitioner course that you have provided for all of us. It has been invaluable and I am loving applying what I’m learning from each module. I have learnt SO much and I still have so much to finish learning , it’s very exciting."
Mish, Mc.
NZ (July 2023)
"I’ve been in the Coaching Group now for probably 5 years. I keep chipping away at it and making changes - lost the weight and no hot flushes. Just find gut health a moving target. Love being able to keep referring back to all the information Wendy provides and feeling that you have some control over your body and don’t have to rely on doctors and pills."
NZ (July, 2023)
"The course (MyMT™ Menopause Practitioner Course) has been exceptional - exceeded my expectations - thank you Wendy."
Fiona (Exercise Physiologist)
Australia (July, 2023)
"I followed the program explicitly when I first joined 5 years ago, fell off the wagon a bit with regret, and am now back on board. It’s amazing how much new information Wendy continually posts and how supportive this group of lovely ladies are."
Robyn B.
Australia (July, 2023)
"Thank you for an amazing course (MyMT Menopause Practitioner Course). I feel I have so much curiosity to be working with and can see how much potential I have to help my peri and menopausal ladies in my physiotherapy practice. Thank you for sharing your knowledge to help us help many ladies!"
Jo (Physiotherapist)
UK (July, 2023)
"Thank you for a fantastic Zoom call this morning for the Health Professionals Course. I always learn so much from Wendy and the case studies were exactly what I needed to hear in order to understand how to offer a professional service to my clients."
Karen F.
Israel (July, 2023)
" I have learnt so much about menopause and about myself and my body! It’s been really valuable information, and given me so much clarity and guidance. I have finally after many years of struggling with my weight gain, lost 4 kgs, and I am feeling so much better! I am also sleeping better and my knee pain has disappeared! I have started a wonderful dance routine that I love and it feels incredible to move my body again in this way and feel so comfortable in my own skin! I am so thrilled to have a plan going forward to support this healthy new lifestyle that I am now enjoying! Thanks again Wendy!"
Sue M.
Tirol, Austria (July, 2023)
"Thank you Wendy for your program and for all the updates, it certainly has changed my life. I have recommended your program to my friends who are also going through menopause. What a journey!"
Rosie S.
Leysin, Switzerland (July, 2023)
"Thank you for all your help over the past few years. It has been a great help to me. I always recommend you to anyone I know who’s struggling. "
Caroline B.
Hampshire, UK (June, 2023)
"Thanks Wendy. I very much appreciate you sharing your knowledge with all of us! I was not in a good place physically or mentally before I found your program but I now have the knowledge to understand what’s going on and to keep trialling new things when needed. I’ve made quite a few referrals recently, so it’s now over to those women to decide if they want to make changes to their lifestyle. Thanks again! "
Wendy H.
Queensland, Australia (June, 2023)
"Thank you Wendy. Your programme has been life changing for me."
Lynne G.
Christchurch, NZ (June, 2023)
"I have learnt so much about menopause and about myself and my body! It’s been really valuable information, and given me so much clarity and guidance. I have finally after many years of struggling with my weight gain, lost 4 kgs, and I am feeling so much better! I am sleeping better and my knee pain has disappeared! I have started a wonderful dance routine that I love and it feels incredible to move my body again in this way and feel so comfortable in my own skin! I am thrilled to have a plan going forward to support this healthy new lifestyle that I am now enjoying! Thanks again Wendy!"
Sue M.
Tirol, Austria (June, 2023)
"It’s hard to believe I’m at the end of this programme the time seems to have flown. Firstly I would like to “Thank you” I think without this programme I probably have gone crazy! I am now sleeping through the night no more insomnia or hot flushes keeping me awake, my blood pressure is back to normal, no more heart palpitations and my feet no longer burn at night. I am slowly getting my energy back and am now back at the gym a few days a week and walking. The education on menopause through your programme has been enlightening to say the least, I had no idea a lot of my symptoms were menopause related. I now hear other women including my sisters talking about things that are going on in their body and I know it is menopause related. So thank you for putting this programme together! also some of the things I have loved and really helped is the freedom of no pressure, being able to email anytime and the FB coaching group."
Kathy L.
Christchurch, NZ (June, 2023)
"I’ve been on board MyMT now for my first 13 weeks and have really only skimmed all of the amazing information you have put together in a really comprehensive way. I already feel so much happier and relaxed in my life. I really didn't realise how much the years of info from fitness and lifestyle sources had twisted into my life with standards and practices that are so energy depleting!! My energy is back and on the increase."
Karen R.
Perth, Australia (June, 2023)
"Thanks Wendy for your programme. I am making positive progress everyday and am looking forward to being me again. Your dedication is to be commended. Thank you so much."
Tracey S.
Victoria, Australia (June, 2023)
"Thank you so much for your wise counsel, in depth knowledge and genuine support over this time. I feel well empowered to continue on the transition journey and beyond."
Claire B.
Victoria, Australia (June, 2023)
"I am most grateful to have come across your work. It came at the perfect time! I am wondering if you would have space for a consult? I am benefiting greatly from the practices I have put in place based on the recommendations you have proposed for instance getting 6-7 hours of uninterrupted sleep, less bloating, more energy, lightness in my mood and the list goes on."
Micheline H.
Manitoba, Canada (June, 2023)
"Hi I’m Anne-Maree from Tasmania and I’ve been working in the fitness industry for the last 18 years as a group fitness instructor and Personal Trainer. I am so pleased I came across Wendy’s program. I physically could not keep up with the stress on my body. I feel so much better not only physically, but mentally and emotionally too, now I have changed my exercise although I felt so guilty initially. My body was screaming at me and I wasn’t listening. All the build up of inflammation over years of exercise was taking its toll and I could barely hobble around the block yet alone do weight training. I have followed Wendy’s great advice from her programs. I’ve even added in some Aqua aerobics too! I’m looking forward to completely healing my body now I know how to move and keep my hormones happy. Don’t keep pushing through……join the wonderful MyMT community!! It’s life-changing!"
Anne Maree S.
Tasmania, Australia (June, 2023)
"As I have said to my friends, for the first time, I really feel positive about getting older (I’m 63). The information you have provided all makes so much sense. Most of the changes have been fairly easy for me to incorporate, particularly when I understand the theory behind these changes. My sleep has improved; my hot flushes have certainly reduced in frequency and intensity and I managed to lose a couple of kilos (particularly in my boobs)."
Lorraine S.
Queensland, Australia (June, 2023)
"I wanted to say thank you. Wendy's material let me turn around menopause symptoms without drugs and with genuine sense I was taking control, particularly in my diet. My eating habits are much better now and it was great to have some sense of understanding about my path."
Felicity W.
NSW, Australia (May, 2023)
"I have had an amazing time learning and transitioning during menopause, andI feel well empowered during this phase now. Thanks so much Wendy for sharing your passion, energy and knowledge."
Clare, B.
Victoria, Australia (May, 2023)
"Just a quick note to say thank you for a wonderful course. It has made a big difference and being able to make slow and steady changes to improve things, and see the research associated with it all has been fab. For example, I was able to highlight the need for a vitamin D check with my GP, who has found it was low (and dropping), so now we're getting that under control. Have enjoyed a few of the recipes and often have Wendy's rice salad for lunch!"
Manja, P.
Canterbury, NZ (May, 2023)
"Thanks so much for your course MyMT. I have been recommending it to friends and even strangers! I have enough info now and have been doing really well free of menopause symptoms and have lost weight."
Leesa M.
Auckland, NZ (May, 2023)
"My sincere thanks to Wendy for bringing such a wonderful, service to women. I had the pleasure of meeting her in Dublin at the start of this journey."
Helen O'B.
Dublin, Ireland (May, 2023)
" Since watching your short video from your Symptoms Quiz, it's made me realize that what I've been experiencing wasn't me going crazy in the head.... I had all sorts of emotions going on inside me and than my thinking turned to overthinking ...what was once a easy task to deal with life, I had found myself truely struggling with it ... until I came across your video and dealing with menopause and what the symptoms were. Thank you for doing this Quiz. It explains so much to me."
Sherry T.
New Zealand (May, 2023)
"I have had an amazing time learning and transitioning during menopause, I feel well empowered during this phase now. Thanks so much Wendy for sharing your passion, energy and knowledge. "
Claire B.
Melbourne, Australia (May, 2023)
"Thank you Wendy. I have benefitted a great deal from the program and have experienced some welcome improvements. I’m hopeful I can go it alone now but will jump back in if I need to in the future."
Bernadette, Mc.
NSW, Australia (May, 2023)
"Hi Wendy, I want to let you know just taking your menopause Symptoms Quiz helped me sooo much. I had all the symptoms but I didn't know about them and my Doctor told me I'm not in menopause. I didn't know of peri-menopause. I have loved reading your emails and listening to the Masterclass on Menopause seminar and all that has already helped me with the small changes I've made. I now have energy and don't feel like death each day. I've even been able to reduce the brain fog and pain. I plan on purchasing the MyMT programme soon. I'm so looking forward to starting a life again with your help. Thank you for your research and helping me realise what was happening at last."
Emily, C.
Queensland, Australia (May, 2023)
"Thank you for your knowledge and expertise. The information you provide has changed my life and I feel so much better."
Glenda, K.
Queensland, Australia (May, 2023)
"I sincerely thank you, your program is excellent. I wish I knew of you a while back. It has been comforting to be able to read other women’s struggles so I didn’t feel alone, and also your wise advice to them. My sleep is so much better than what it was a good year ago too."
Julietta, R.
Victoria, Australia (May, 2023)
"So good Wendy! I had no idea this was menopause when I went through having sore, hot feet! I felt crippled for a while! This course is brilliant for sorting out mysteries!! Thank you!"
Angie, F.
Auckland, NZ (May, 2023)
"I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your help, information and inspiration on my menopause journey. I have enjoyed taking part in the MyMT program and ‘re-booting’ my body and life back to ‘normal’. Thanks again for your incredible program, you have literally changed my life."
Donna K.
Christchurch, NZ (May, 2023)
"For me (and my husband) peri-menopause has been a challenging experience, but I’m happy to say that I feel like I’m getting to the other side and am starting to feel more in control of my symptoms. I’m now at the point I can interpret what’s going on with my health by referring back to all the materials you’ve shared through your Transform Me programme. To give you an idea of how much you’ve helped, I’ve successfully: • lost 7kg (and still going) while increasing muscle mass • overcome a debilitating and sudden onset of allergies caused by gut health changes that led to shortness of breath and occular rosacea (meaning I can now garden and snorkel on the great barrier reef again - yay!) • improved my energy levels through changing my exercise regime as you suggested. • learnt to manage triggers that cause hot flushes. I can't thank you enough."
Wendy H.
Queensland, Australia (May, 2023)
"After 25 years plus, hot flushes, insomnia, depression, weight gain and countless other issues I finally found Wendy! What a joy the past 12 weeks of learning to live again, new diet and countless pages of medical, hormonal, liver, stress, and information that I wish I had been given at the beginning of my Menopausal journey 20 years ago! At 72 years old, I have not only got my sleep back but I have learnt so much more to understand this ageing journey we woman go through!"
Jane J.
New Zealand (April, 2023)
"Thanks Wendy - I’ve got a lot of valuable information from your program which I’m so grateful for. I love learning the reasons “why” we need certain foods and “why” our bodies behave the way they do - it then makes sense as to why we need to change our habits with health/eating to accommodate our changing bodies."
Australia (April, 2023)
"I wanted to share how happy I am so far! My body fat mass is dropping and I have easily reduced the oestrogen foods that I was consuming too much. I am so delighted to be only a few pounds away from a healthy body fat. After months of trying to understand why my body wasn't responding, I think this is finally one of the answers (supported by all the other healthy lifestyle factors too of course!). Thank you so much."
Ruth T.
Cambridge, UK (April, 2023)
"Thanks so much Wendy. I'm finding the program super helpful so far. I'm focusing on sleep, and food and it's already making a difference to how I feel. I'm particularly struck on the changes to what it's good to eat at what times of day. This is helping to live the mantra - you don't need to a lot, just the right way!"
Edwina, C.
NSW, Australia (April, 2023)
"I have finished your program and can proudly inform you that I'm now sleeping through the night with only very few hot flushes. When I do suffer flushes I can assess what I’ve eaten to cause the flush. What a difference your dietary approach can make! A huge thank you to you and your program. I have recommended your program my friends going through menopause. Thanks for assisting us in an area where sadly normal GP have limited knowledge. "
Kerrie G.
Sydney, Australia (April, 2023)
"It is hard to believe that the 12 weeks of the programme are already up; I feel as if I am still just at the beginning. I have found the dietary changes relatively easy to implement and am pleased to report that I have already lost 7 kilos. It has done my self-esteem, as well as my health, the world of good. My doctor, physio & podiatrist are all very pleased with me. The changes also feel very sustainable and I plan to continue on with the good habits you have taught me - thank you! "
Tessa B.
Otago, New Zealand (April, 2023)
"I'd like to say a massive, wholehearted thank you to you for the wealth of information you have shared with me which has helped me so much understand and accept myself as and where I am! The menopause transformation is such a fascinating, multidimensional part of our lives, I am so grateful for your studies and the way you've been able to explain things and help me make sense of them! "
Asia B.
Aberdeen, Scotland (April, 2023)
"Thank you Wendy for such an informative programme. I have enjoyed all the learning and adopting the ‘daily dozens’. Thank you too for always being there to answer queries. I have now got on top of my symptoms... so thank you again"
Lisa L.
(April, 2023)
"An exceptional course (Menopause Weight Loss Coach for Health Practitioners) and so well presented. Content is well balanced with clear evidence and research (it was the science behind this program that led me to enrol in the first place). Certainly got my brain thinking and definitely learnt so much.Thank you Wendy - just brilliant!"
Fiona B.
South Australia (April, 2023)
"I did your program in 2020, with amazing success, I've now lost 44 lbs (20kg) and feel better than I have in so many years. I've also kept to the plan for the past 2 years."
Linda R.
London, UK (April, 2023)
"I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to both of you for your hard work in creating, administrating and presenting the Menopause Practitioner CPD Course. The material, the science backed evidence and your own wealth of experience all really resonated with me and is the most sense I have made around this period of mid life to date. It really is a minefield out there and everyone is so individual, however I feel I'm now equipped with knowledge and the tools to support women through this stage."
Antonia S.
East Lothian, UK (April, 2023)
"Dr Wendy is really helping me be my best self! I can't thank her enough!"
Madelaine R.
Tyne and Wear, UK (April, 2023)
"Please forward my appreciation to Wendy, as this program really has turned my life around. Although I was always fit, healthy and active (I was a ski instructor for 10 years), menopause hit me massively. One week I was running 20kms, the next week I couldn't walk down the stairs, my hair was falling out and no matter how I restricted my diet I gained weight. Seemed to have every symptom possible and more. Although I tried to do research online myself I struggled to get answers while trying to work full time. Having everything pulled into one program was the answer to my prayers. I followed the program religiously and dropped 11kgs in 3 months with very little effort. To give you an idea, my target had been 6kgs! I've been able to sleep, feel sane and get back to a reasonable level of running, surfing and other sports recognising I am getting older and being kind to myself along the way. I can't thank Wendy enough for developing this program."
Hazel T.
Cornwall, UK (April, 2023)
"I am so thrilled that I came across Wendy's work. I am a Naturopathic Doctor in Canada, with a focus on menopause. Although I have been treating menopause for a many years I always felt something was missing especially when it came to weight loss in menopause. There is so much noise and confusion out there about what is the right diet. It was so empowering to have someone as clearly knowledgeable as Wendy is, synthesize the research and make sense of what the data says. She gives such an amazing in-depth look at the research so one can understand and explain to patients why certain action steps are helpful. Also, due to Wendy's many years of experience with clients, she does such a wonderful job explaining how the research can actually be applied in simple actionable steps. Her depth of knowledge blew me away and I ended up binge watching her entire course like a netflix series LOL. I could not stop watching and I learned so much from her course which I have been implementing with great success in my practice. Thank you Wendy for all the work you do! This is such important information and needs to be in the hands of more health professionals!" Dr. Adrienne Stein ND
Dr Adrienne Stein.
Canada (April, 2023)
"I am 57 and believe I’m midway through menopause. I have experienced a number of symptoms, but feel the program has helped me understand why they occur and put in place ways to alleviate most of them. 6 months ago when I found I was putting on small amounts each week, I felt I was losing control, so I was determined not to let it overwhelm me. Joining the program helped me focus on myself again and get back my control. I have lost the few kilograms I put on and feel confident about the road ahead."
Beverley D.
Victoria, Australia (April, 2023)
"Thank you for the advice and the insights over the past year or so. I have now transitioned to a new diet and feel so much better for it. I am back to running regularly and go to the gym 2 to 3 days a week. I no longer ache when I get up in the mornings. Thank you for sharing your knowledge."
Joanne D.
Ireland (March, 2023)
"The information has been life changing – as I know you hear all the time, and so good that you can do as much or as little as you want – the results are really all up to the individual. I’ve had good/successful times and of course a few off the wagon periods, but on the whole have managed some basic permanent changes and have lost 15kgs. Thank you for the programme."
Glenda G.
Waikato, New Zealand (March, 2023)
"I want to thank you for the MyMT Programme. It has been a good learning journey and I'm very thankful that this sort of information is now available for women. I have unsubscribed today as I feel I have enough knowledge and 10 years post menopause I feel on top of my journey."
NZ (March, 2023)
"I joined you in October last year with the Circuit Breaker programme and I have more recently done the Rebuild my Fitness programme. It has been so helpful and motivating for me. I have begun to exercise more and to do some yoga, which I had never done before. Most importantly, I think, I have begun to think about, and do something about, looking after myself, after not having been able to put myself first for quite a long time. I want to thank you for all you do and to let you know that I will now be stepping back from the programmes, having found my way."
UK (March, 2023)
"‘Thank you for this amazing programme. I am someone who likes to know the ‘why’ to what I’m doing because I’m more likely to commit and stay motivated if I understand the reasons behind the ‘steps’. I’m also someone who enjoys learning and I have found the programme easy to navigate, logical and comprehensive so far. I’ve been struggling with menopause symptoms for quite some time now. I think maybe I started to have symptoms after my hysterectomy in 2013 although I wasn’t aware that this was happening. This is the first time in a very long time I see a light at the end of what seemed a very long tunnel! I feel good about myself after a very long time."
Nathalie M.
New Zealand (March, 2023)
"‘For more than a year of feeling like I was falling apart with no sleep and no explanation as to why I couldn’t handle things the way I used to. Then I discovered Wendy’s program. To say it gave me hope is an understatement. I still have ups and downs — but with so many healthy habits now in my toolkit I feel confident that I am doing the best I can to support my body with all the strategies that Wendy has in the MyMT programme. I'm also tapping into support when I need it – I can now see the future is bright. Thanks Wendy, for sharing all your wisdom and to the supportive community of menopause warriors for sharing their own inspiring journeys."
Melanie J.
Wollongong, Australia (March, 2023)
"‘Thank you Wendy you have helped me rethink menopause and aging positively. Truly appreciate it."
Donna M.
New Zealand (March, 2023)
"Wendy, You are actually so bloody incredible. This program is next level. The commitment and depth of information is truly life changing and supportive."
Miriam J.
Victoria, Australia (March, 2023)
"Dear Wendy, thank you so much for your wonderful course. It's the best thing I have done for a while!!! I have been struggling with disrupted sleep for the past 20 years and have now had a few days in a row where I slept til 6am. Thanks so much! I have also had hot flushes for a few months and joint pain, all of which have now almost all gone. I'm so happy 🙂."
Sandie S.
South Australia (March, 2023)
"One of my concerns over the past few months has been me piling on weight on my middle. But I noticed that I’m piling on the weight on the inside as well. I had also noticed that I was beginning to show signs of acid reflux. Was really worried about it because I knew if I spoke to the doctor, they would want to put me on medication. But it never occurred to me that the two might be connected. Anyway, over the past few days the fat on the inside has been going down. In fact, I feel almost nothing pressing on my internal organs when I sit down to read. I have been reading more about acid reflux and menopause and decided to keep a diary to see what foods trigger the acid reflux, but it’s completely disappeared. I’m so happy. "
Syer U.
UK (February, 2023)
"I am so proud of what we have achieved so far with making your Masterclass on Menopause to our staff around the world. We plan to continue in spreading the word and educating as many Kerry employees as we can. It's been amazing."
Nicky D.
United Kingdom (February, 2023)
"Once again, thanks a million times over. I just walked 3.5 km on a warm summers day and hardly broke a sweat, even though I am well hydrated. My BMI is 20.5, I now weigh 58 kgs and have maintained this for over six months. I have now lost nearly 30kgs and no hot flushes. I feel as good if not better than I did in my 20's. I'm also enrolled in university studies now too and really enjoying it. Thanks, thanks, thanks."
Jill Mc.
Australia (February, 2023)
"Very belatedly, I wanted to say how much I enjoyed the Masterclass in London in November – it was perfectly timed to help me re-engage with the information and build it back into my daily life (not before time!). I’m now digging into all the updates and taking in more of the information. Step by step it’s becoming more integrated and not so daunting. Just wanted to say a heartfelt thank you for giving me some of the tools to do that."
Carol K.
Newark, UK (February, 2023)
"I really appreciate all the really helpful information and recipes in your newsletter each week. It's a great help and I look forward to taking a quiet moment whenever I can and soaking up all the very concise and helpful details that it gives me."
Noeleen M.
Ireland (February, 2023)
"I have benefitted greatly from Wendy's programme & thank her for all the tremendous information she has shared."
Claire, S.
Auckland, NZ (February, 2023)
"Menopause can be a real struggle and I never anticipated that. As a nutritionist I knew what I SHOULD be doing but I was having terrible sugar cravings and was not well versed in the ageing body and the changes that occur with menopause so I loved the researching that Wendy was doing on my behalf and it all made great sense. I was in the process of going on HRT with my symptoms being unbearable, and after a couple of failed attempts of patches I decided to just get back into Wendy’s modules with a bit more diligence and have gradually made great progress. Now I can actually practice what I preach because I feel I am managing my symptoms and I have a good level of understanding for the clients I see."
Margie, H.
Victoria, Australia (January, 2023)
"I started the programme just over a year ago now. At the time I couldn't figure out what on earth was going on. Now, I'm so glad I signed up! I was running, and I wasn't drinking. Yet I was putting on weight at a great rate, and I couldn't stop sweating after a run. My night sweats were unbelievable, I would wake up in a puddle, and I was starting to get hot flashes. Now... I don't have any more night sweats or hot flashes. Also, I can run in the morning, and do my hair and make up without sweating for the two hours following. I am still in peri-menopause, but I honestly feel you have given me the knowledge and tools to get through this. However, if at any time I feel I can't, I know where to sign up again. So, a very, very, very, big thank you from me."
Jacinda S.
Christchurch, NZ (January, 2023)
"A very big thankyou to Wendy and yourself Georgia, for inspiring me to research further and enrich my understanding of all things menopause during the Health Professionals course. The course was wonderful and professionally conducted. Wendy's personality shone through and enabled easy learning. Thank you once again."
Suzanne M.
Naturopath, (January, 2023)
"It’s been a fantastic program that I have learned so much from - you are really providing such a unique and valuable service! Things are going well for me and whenever things start to slip I now have the knowledge and strategies to get on top of it again."
Jo S.
Sydney, Australia (January, 2023)
"I love the positive change your courses have given me and my eating has been fantastic all this year and in line with MyMT guidelines. Thank you, again, Wendy, for your brilliant and current research."
Linda C.
NSW, Australia (January, 2023)
"Thankyou so much for all the wonderful information re peri-menopause that you are providing. I am really gaining so much from it, and I appreciate your knowledge & expertise that you are passing on. The symptoms are less severe than they have been, and there is light at the end of the tunnel!"
Sue T.
Hawkes Bay, NZ (January, 2023)
"Wendy, your program is the most comprehensive and really helped me. I have referred you on to so many of my friends, so thank you!"
Margie, M.
Victoria, Australia (January, 2023)
"From your program I have gained a better understanding of so many things but probably the best thing is that, I can still do it and I’m not over the hill yet! I turn 50 this month and I’m celebrating. I will never have my 25 or 35 year old body again but I’m looking forward to keeping this 50 year old body in the best shape I can. And the best thing is that I'm back skiing which was my main goal."
Annelise R.
Queensland, Australia (January, 2023)
"I just wanted to thank you for all your support for the last 18 months. I am now post-menopause and your programme has helped me through my journey."
Yvette F.
Auckland, NZ (January, 2023)
"I'm making good progress with my transformation. Sleeping a lot better and rarely get night sweats now. Thank you so much."
Catherine Mc.
Dublin, Ireland (January, 2023)
"I have very much appreciated the help I received through the programme. I believe I now have the tools needed to move forward with life after menopause. Thank you so much Wendy for your help."
Helen, J.
Queensland, Australia (January, 2023)
"Dear Wendy, What an awesome warrior for women’s health you are! Wonderful knowing that you for one, will leave the world a better place for having imparted so much practical, applicable information to women in need. I have really enjoyed your programme. Thank you."
Monica, T.
Perth, Australia (December, 2022)
"I was following this program and it helped me to have a healthy habits forever. I wish to take this opportunity to thank Wendy for this great help."
Rasika, D.
Hertfordshire, UK (December, 2022)
"Since I stopped drinking and my liver and probably thyroid have healed following your programme, I'm now losing weight. I was wearing size 18 only 6 months ago! All of the changes including managing stressors and sleeping properly have led to an incredible change in my mood. I'm so very happy and want to thank you for all your hard work and research. I feel like my life has been saved from certain early death, birth body and mind. And now I'm fitting into size 10 dresses! What a bonus."
Lyndsey, J.
NSW, Australia (December, 2022)
"Thank you for all the work you have done in creating your programs to help women like myself. I’ve only dipped my toes in so far and already I am feeling the benefits."
Helen L.
NSW, Australia (December, 2022)
"Thank you for sharing your knowledge and assisting me along my menopause journey. I am now in a healthier, more rested and happier place."
Kate L.
New Zealand (December, 2022)
"I'm still following the program and re reading over the information. I've a lot more energy and that (unexplained exhaustion) I used to feel is now gone. I'm sleeping better and am 7 lb down so far. I really enjoyed your seminar in Dublin and so did my friends. Thank you very much."
Aiveen F.
Dublin, Ireland (December, 2022)
"I am really enjoying being part of the MyMT community and what I have learned form Wendy is absolutely fantastic. She brings so much value in her teachings."
Louise C.
Queensland, Australia (December, 2022)
"I am astounded, in awe really, of these programs. They are so comprehensive and well organized. Already I'm feeling better from what I've been able to put into practice"
Lesley H (two weeks into Transform Me)
Portland, USA (November, 2022)
"I’ve learnt so much and your insights and knowledge has been useful. I think you really are amazing-so passionate about your work and helping other women. I loved doing your program- I’ve taken tips and advice and recipes. Keep doing what your doing! "
Chantelle M.
Melbourne, Australia (November, 2022)
"Thank you Wendy. You're a star and have made a huge impact on my life, for which I am so grateful and will always be so."
Stella G.
Turangi, NZ (November, 2022)
"The biggest change and benefit for me since following this programme so far is that I am more alert, have more energy and can achieve more in a day. I'm not feeling as tired and groggy mid-afternoon. No longer poisoned by carbs/sugar! I have dropped a significant amount of weight although I haven't measured or monitored this - I value and would rather focus on the benefits I see and feel such as clothing fitting nicely, more flexibility, endurance, less tired etc."
Megan J.
Nelson, NZ (November, 2022)
"Thanks to Wendy's programme, I started sleeping again and I'm cooking her recipes, quite happily for the whole family now and minding myself a lot more. Very grateful for every minute of her brilliant program."
Beta B.
Dublin, Ireland (November, 2022)
""Thank you for having me on the program! I’ve learnt so much and your insights and knowledge has been useful. I think you really are amazing-so passionate about your work and helping other women. I loved doing your program- I’ve taken tips and advice and recipes. Keep doing what your doing! You really are fabulous.
Chantal M.
Melbourne, Australia (November, 2022)
"I would just like to take this opportunity to say how grateful I am to Wendy for all I have learnt during this time. Managing my menopause symptoms has been truly life changing and I know going forward Wendy has given me the tools to cope with any symptoms as they arise. Since starting the program in November 2020 - I am now sleeping better, I eat healthier and in a way that suits me so much more, I know what helps with my joint pain (mainly wrist) and how much or how little exercise I should do to make me feel better. There is so much more to mention but I just wanted to say a big thank you I have a really enjoyed the journey."
Sarah B.
Shropshire, UK (November, 2022)
"Thanks Wendy. You helped me so much and I am forever grateful. I'm on the right path now, but if things change I'll be back for more guidance. You are the absolute best. Thank you".
Martha B.
New South Wales, Australia (November, 2022)
"Thank you so much for all of your brilliant information and support over the past couple of years while I have been on your programme. I was so glad I found you! It made such a difference to me as I realised that all of the people telling me to do Keto didn't know what they were talking about! I have recommended your programme far and wide to friends and colleagues. Now I've got to a point where I feel settled into post-menopause, less anxious, aware of how to eat and to exercise etc, so I can't thank you enough. "
Jacky B.
Christchurch, NZ (October, 2022)
"I have gained so much knowledge from the program and having recently turned 60, so I think I’m finally on the other side of menopause. I have recommended your program to so many women. It provides evidence-based guidance and a strong sense of support from the broader MyMT™ community. Thanks so much and all the best with your work."
Deb S.
Victoria, Australia (October, 2022)
"Thank you so very much for all the information you have shared with me. Life is so much better now. The biggest change for me is the understanding the control I now have of my own body. I usually sleep well now. Knowledge is power."
Bridget S.
Victoria, Australia (October, 2022)
"At 45, your program and knowledge was all I could find at the time to help me understand what my body and mind was doing. It was a great relief and to find you and your program. I am menopausal now and thankfully at a point where all is under control pretty much but I refer to your information often. Thankyou for what you do and have done for us young woman wondering why we are losing our marbles."
Nicole B.
Victoria, Australia (October, 2022)
"Hello Wendy, thank you for all support over the past year. The program was an eye opener for me & helped me through my menopause transformation."
Priya, S.
NSW, Australia (October, 2022)
"I have learnt so much and have reaped many benefits. Thank you for all you are doing, your passion and dedication is beyond compare. I am sure I will refer back to the modules for a refresher when I hit rough spots or feel I am off track. Can not thank you enough for the impact you have had my health and well-being. Thank you Wendy."
Anne T.
Victoria, Australia (October, 2022)
"Many thanks to Wendy for the wonderful support over the years and the wealth of information that you have provided."
Patricia W.
Ontario, Canada (October, 2022)
"The MyMT programme is brilliant and suits me so well. Thank you Wendy for all of your research."
Justine B.
Tauranga, NZ (October, 2022)
"The transformation course was brilliant and i am getting better at looking after myself with sleep and relaxation. I always thought life would settle down as I got older but instead it's speeded up! Wendy has helped me to accept i need to be front and centre in my own life so that i can enjoy it happily and healthily. Thanks very much once again."
Clare C.
West Sussex, UK (Sept, 2022)
"So many things are flourishing around me since I joined. I wish I knew about your programme when I first got diagnosed with mental health and physical limitations over 10 years ago. Your programme is the first I have come across where I was able to adapt to the changes like it is second nature. I am reaping the benefits of eating wholesome foods. I really wish I knew about you when I first got diagnosed with my illness over 10 years ago. I've learnt that it's never too late to change your life at any stage and I've already lost a stone in weight in only 8 weeks. I am full of beans and changing for the better every day, in many ways. I have good healthier habits now. I am already planning what clothes I hope to fit in to next year. I can't thank you enough."
Saira M.
London, UK (October, 2022)
"The thing I've noticed most so far is my complexion. I had more spots on my face than I've ever had which I put down to having to still wear a mask at work for 2 days a week. However, after 1 week of the kinds of foods you've recommended, my skin is completely clear!"
Cheryl T.
Devon, UK (Sept, 2022)
"I have loved the programs and benefited from Wendy’s ongoing advice. I am grateful for the knowledge gained and making those changes to my diet and lifestyle that are beneficial at this time of change. Thank you Wendy."
Liisa N.
ACT, Australia (Sept, 2022)
"I would like to thank you for your programs which I found immensely helpful in managing and resetting my menopause symptoms. I am sleeping well, hot flushes are minimal (and now I know I’m to blame 90% of the time by snacking at the wrong foods and wrong time of the day!). I am slowly building on my fitness and body weight exercises. I have made life and work changes to lose overall stress levels, which have also played a huge roll in overall wellness and wellbeing. I am so grateful for all the valuable knowledge that you have parted through these programs in the last couple of years that I was subscribed. Thank you Wendy."
Leisie A.
Perth, Australia (Sept, 2022)
"My name is Jasja. I am 43 years old and have 4 boys. Two years ago, I became a member of this program. I did it, to learn more about what is ahead of me and used it as a motivator to keep losing weight now! Over the past 3 years, I lost 10kg, but much better is the mindset I gained. A few good lessons I learned are changing up my workouts and not always go as hard as I can. I loved the article about women in Africa who have just days off when they have their periods. I learned a lot of little good things and start every day new. Overall being more kind to myself is most important. I advocate this program to every women I can, because it has brought me so many good things. Thank you for having me on the program Wendy and when menopause really kicks in, I probably come back for support!"
Jasja v-B.
ACT, Australia (Sept, 2022)
"Thank you so much for your help in beating my symptoms. I have changed my lifestyle and changed my life for the better. I have referred many of my friends to your site but think for now my journey is complete. I have taken away many things and thank you wholeheartedly."
Sue C.
Auckland, NZ (Sept, 2022)
"Thanks for access to your inspiring programmes. I have found them really helpful and great to have science based information so accessible.
Kate Mac.
Wellington, NZ (Sept, 2022)
"I am so excited to inform you that I can sleep now, still waking up once at night, but from my starting point when I didn’t sleep at all to interrupted sleeping 2-3 times per night, and now only once and I can get back sleeping again is already a huge improvement for me. Thank you for guiding me here I am so thankful to have found your programme."
Anna S.
Jakarta, Indonesia (Sept, 2022)
"Have been thoroughly enjoying your program and felt benefits almost immediately. Recently I've also been receiving compliments about weight loss, revived energy, and improved concentration. So your ears might be tingling from all the recommendations I’ve been passing to everyone."
Dani B.
Melbourne, Australia (Sept, 2022)
"After 6 years of trying to lose weight by joining various groups, finally, I have found a plan that works for me. Your literature is valuable and its having a positive effect on me. Things are coming together slowly and the changes are becoming like second nature to me and I am losing weight too the healthy way. It's awesome!"
Saira M.
London, UK (August, 2022)
"Thank you for your very useful advice which has helped me to deal with menopause symptoms. I'm now on the lowest dose of oestrogen patch, which has made the biggest difference for me. I'm still working on improving lifestyle factors and have really appreciated your posts and the MyMT community."
Giselle F.
Canterbury, NZ (August, 2022)
"I started your program around 16 weeks ago. I am 57 and 9 years ago I had a hysterectomy and I suffered hot flushes, poor sleep, anxiety, dizziness, palpitations, loss of confidence, constipation and last but not least weight gain. When could I expect this nightmare to be over? I then discovered your program. I dallied with the idea for a while but then decided to take the plunge (I had already gone cold turkey and stopped HRT. I followed all your advice, I haven't looked back. My sleep is much better (a work in progress!) my hot flushes are down because I am no longer angry, stressed and tearful about it. I have greater acceptance and peace about all aspects of my life now. But best of all I have lost over a stone (approx 8 kg) in weight. I can't believe my transformation! I never thought it would be possible and cannot thank you enough for giving me my life and my figure back."
Helen W.
Suffolk, UK (August, 2022)
"Thankyou so much for all your research and the great work you are doing to make the world a better place, one woman (or in your case, hundreds) at a time. Bless you and your work."
Monica T.
Perth, Australia (August, 2022)
"I have lost 13 lbs since I started this programmeand my blood pressure is under control which is good. The hot flashes are reduced as well."
Dorothy, S.
Alberta, Canada (August, 2022)
"I’d like to thank you so much for all your amazing support, training and resources Wendy. You have helped me so much and I can see that you are benefitting so many other women too and I really commend you for that. Brilliant work!"
Hannah, J.
Devon, UK (July, 2022)
"Its with sadness that I leave this programme. Wendy is just fab and Ive recommended her to so many struggling women here in Ireland. Wendy is so adept at explaining how our bodies work. I will miss her lovely accent and approach. Thank you so much."
Maurita, M.
Ireland (July, 2022)
"Thanks to Wendy and all her knowledge she has shared over the past few years through this membership. It has been such a big help to me."
Jan, McN.
Waikato, New Zealand (July, 2022)
"I’m so grateful for your knowledge. I’m 60 next month and in the best shape I’ve been in since my teenage years. Over the past 6 months my husband and I have been following your programme. We have lost 12 and 10kg respectively. Our blood tests have normalised and my husband is no longer In the pre diabetic state."
Sharon, L.
Queensland, Australia (July, 2022)
"Thank you Wendy. It was well worth it. Changed my eating habits, lost weight and doing well. At 56yrs old I am feeling good. Thank you very much and I have recommended your programme to friends."
Carolyn, S.
Otago, New Zealand (July, 2022)
"Thank you so much Wendy!! The info you’ve given me has been life changing and I’m so thankful for the advice and emails and the fact that you obviously really care about every one of your clients."
Tamar, H.
Saskatoon, Canada (July, 2022)
"I would like to thank you for your programs which I found immensely helpful in managing and resetting my menopause symptoms. I am sleeping well, hot flushes are minimal (and now I know I’m to blame 90% of the time by snacking at the wrong foods and wrong time of the day!) I am slowly building on my fitness and body weight exercises. I have made life and work changes to lose overall stress levels, which have also played a huge roll in overall wellness and wellbeing. I am so grateful for all the valuable knowledge that you have parted through these programs in the last couple of years that I was subscribed. Thank you!!" ."
Liesie, A.
Western Australia (July, 2022)
"I’m so grateful to you and your program for literally putting and keeping me asleep! My eating habits are much improved and my fitness level is up while my weight continues to go down."
Jennifer, F.
New York, USA (July, 2022)
"I have learnt so much and truly grateful for the information and love you have put into this journey we’re on. "
Kara, N.
Auckland, NZ (July, 2022)
"A huge thank you to you Wendy. I'm so relieved I am sleeping much better, have lost weight, and feel I have been given some excellent tools for managing diet, weight, sleep etc."
Gay, C.
Tauranga, NZ (June, 2022)
"Hi Wendy, You have such great content and presentation from your newsletters. I’m encouraging all my breast cancer ladies in my exercise programmes to dive around and sign up. Keep up the fantastic work."
Kris, T.
Christchurch, NZ (June, 2022)
"Thank you so much Wendy for your tips and encouragement for my journey in Menopause. I had really been to hell and back before I found you. You’ve helped me considerably with many aspects and I will continue on with those always. I thank you for assisting, guiding, me with tools to help my mind and body relax and stop “fighting it” and go with what was happening to my body during my Menopause Transition. I lost 13 kgs both before and during my transition. Whilst I'm also on meds, my lifestyle has changed dramatically thanks to your programme."
Janine, L.
New Plymouth, NZ (June, 2022)
"I have found the programme so helpful and have integrated many of Wendy's tools into my life. It's definitely helped me turn a corner."
Kate R.
Worcestershire, UK (June, 2022)
"Many thanks to Wendy for all the wonderful research and information which she presents in a very practical and helpful way. She's an inspiration and I'm doing so well now."
Margaret O'M.
Tipperary, Ireland (June, 2022)
"My sleep is so much better, I mean sooo much better. Yes there are odd nights and they do pull me back as it started 10-15 years ago and it just got worse. I was so depressed because of lack of sleep, leading to all the other health issues it leads to. I was seeing that happen with rising cholesterol, blood pressure and liver markers so had had scans which were all ‘normal’: yet not. No one was aware that it was all menopausal related. Far less what could be done. At 66 years, I was moody, anxious and despairing, inactive, didn’t achieve much and what I did was like heaving a lead ball uphill. So many friends were going through the same thing so I just thought it was normal: we just supported each other, but moaned about it not knowing where to turn. I think the difference you have made is that this is all the training is menopause focussed so all the apparent disjointed health things I experienced are just normal, so you recognise this and adapt. Like the shrinking liver. It makes so much sense to eat less. I am better this year than I have been for a long time."
Andea D.
Yorkshire, UK (June, 2022)
".I feel better health wise than I have in about 20 years, especially the last six years have been a bit of a struggle. I found your blogs and programs about a year ago. I would like to thank you for your generosity in sharing your valuable knowledge and most excellent research and references. While I could only afford your $15 Masterclass program as I am a disabled pensioner, I was able to follow your articles and research. I have lost 25 kgs, I've overcome very high blood pressure with meds which have now been halved. I used to be fatigued all the time and not able to do much to anything, bedridden at my worst, but I am now certain obesity and menopause played a big role. I can't thank you enough for helping me to understand this."
Jill, McG. .
Victoria, Australia (June, 2022)
"Thank you very much for such an informative program."
Maria R.
Victoria, Australia (June, 2022)
"Thanks for everything Wendy. Your programme really helped me understand what was happening at my time of life. And so good to be sleeping through again! I’ll continue to recommend you to people complaining about their menopause symptoms! "
Nicki F.
Wellington, NZ (June, 2022)
"I would like to thank Wendy for the wonderful Transform Me and Rebuild Me programmes that has helped me understand my menopause symptoms which had a lot to do with my diet and exercise. It has given me back strength and energy and helped with my sleep and menopause symptoms."
Carolyn A.
NSW, Australia (June, 2022)
MyMT™ Practitioner Course "The course was very inspiring, well run, with lots of up to the minute research. I gained a lot of new information from it. Wendy was very generous with her knowledge. I gained a vast amount of information from the case studies as they were all so different."
Ann (MyMT™ Practitioner Course)
Ireland (May, 2022)
"Thank you so much for your huge effort to educate and improve the lives of so many women including myself! I'm feeling so much better than I did when I started your course and my symptoms are virtually gone! Thank you again."
Jonalyn S.,
BC, Canada (June, 2022)
"Thank you Wendy. Your program and information has been invaluable to me and others I’ve shared with."
Lynne S.,
Oregon, USA (May, 2022)
"My hot flushes and night sweats literally stopped within 48 hours of putting into practice the lessons learned in your sleep and gut health modules. I was amazed and delighted. I find the support and chats so helpful and it is finally good to know I'm not alone and there are some solutions."
Jane McG.,
Sheffield, UK (May, 2022)
"Thank you so much for for everything. I have been a member for a few years now and I have been able to digest and implement all the strategies in your terrific program over time and feel they are now second nature. I am feeling terrific, I am sleeping well, I improved my diet: cut out eating after dinner (a big one for me) and have been eating a really balanced Mediterranean diet and minimal processed food consistently and exercising well and mindfully: strength work, cycling, walking, pilates and yoga effectively for a long time now. Whilst losing weight was a hopeful side effect but not my primary goal I have been really benefited from dropping from 68kg to 62kg and am wearing again a favourite top from 25 years ago. I have been a bit of a yoyo dieter within a 6kg range in the past so I am really pleased to have maintained my goal weight within a 1.5kg range for over a year now, effortlessly really."
Zelinda, H.
Victoria, Australia (May, 2022)
"Thanks for everything - your programme certainly helped me transition this new phase of my life!"
Karen, R.
North Otago, New Zealand (May, 2022)
"Thank you for you informative course. 12 weeks have embedded new habits into my lifestyle, rid me of hot flushes and aching joints at night. I also changed how I exercised and I have more energy. I am certain too that the Mediterranean diet helped me remain healthy in a household of Covid sufferers. Thank you for providing the tools and insights to move forward in this phase of my life."
Ginny, L.
Christchurch, New Zealand (May, 2022)
"I have thoroughly enjoyed this program and feel I have learned amazing information to support me in my endeavors to be healthy and fit."
Carrie, W.
Illinois, USA (May, 2022)
"Thank you Wendy. Your programme has helped tremendously. I've lost 20lbs and hope to continue in the future as life changes for the better. Your knowledge is world class!"
Tracey, M.
Wiltshire, UK (May, 2022)
"The program has been so informative and certainly life changing. I will continue to put into practice everything I have learnt in order to live a healthier and longer life!"
Sharron, W-R.
Victoria, Australia (May, 2022)
"I find your programs so interesting. I really get the theory behind the science as I am a medical laboratory technologist. Thanks so much for all your research and information. There's no other program out there like it!"
Donna, P.
BC, Canada (May, 2022)
"I came to your lecture in Oxford just before the world changed dramatically! The program has been a great help to me and just makes so much sense. Keep up the good work!
Bridget, B..
Oxford, UK (May, 2022)
"I have been so grateful to all the help and advice given by Dr. Wendy Sweet. She has made a huge impact on me during this time of transition in my life. Because of her I have gotten my nutritional health back on track. I regularly use the recipes in the food guide and often go back and listen again to the audios. I have lost and kept off 15 pounds. I’m feeling more energetic and ready to do more with life. I have recommended this website to so many women my age. Thank you for the wonderful program."
Carie L.
Massachusetts, USA (May, 2022)
"Thank you so much. I find your programs so interesting. I really get the theory behind the science as I am a medical laboratory technologist. Thanks so much for all your research and information. There's no other program out there like it!
Donna P.
BC, Canada (May, 2022)
"I have resolved a lot of issues I’ve struggled with during menopause transition and it has all made a significant difference to my wellbeing."
Danielle N.
NSW, Australia (May, 2022)
"Thank you so much for this programme and the info. I have gained a lot of knowledge. My hot flushes have stopped, especially with the use of CoQ10. Many, many thanks for all of your knowledge and research."
Joanne D.
Invercargill, NZ (April, 2022)
"I have found the information from Wendy to be extremely valuable and helpful. After following her advice for well over a year now, I feel that I’ve got things sorted and know the type of lifestyle to follow, for which I’m super thankful."
Stephanie N.
South Australia (April, 2022)
"I have found the programme incredibly helpful and am hugely grateful for the changes it has made to my health. I’ve been following it for a couple of years now and it has become a way of life."
Kerra D.
Devon, UK (April, 2022)
"I sleep through the night now, after following Wendy’s advice I just told myself not to get up … go back to sleep ! She encouraged me to deal with the changes in menopause rather than be a victim, so thank you very much for that."
Jane T.
Wales, UK (April, 2022)
"Thank you Wendy for your great input. I will certainly join again if the need arises but you have really helped me in my menopause journey. God Bless you both to keep helping people and finding new evidence and answers."
Sue B.
Hertfordshire, UK (April, 2022)
"I have found the programme incredibly helpful and am hugely grateful for the changes it has made to my health. I’ve been following it for a couple of years now and it has become a way of life. Many thanks to Wendy for her invaluable research and information."
Kerra D.
Devon, UK (April, 2022)
"I would like to take this opportunity to thank Wendy for all of the valuable advice on aging and menopause - I have learned a lot and look forward to moving through menopause healthier."
Kim M.
Alberta, Canada (April, 2022)
"The information has been invaluable. I lost 4kg add that to the 3 kg I had lost before entering the program and that’s a total of 7 kg in just under 6 months. I am 54 and wear a size 11 and feel fantastic thanks to the advice you provided in your program. I am glad to have found MyMT and put it into action. I am happy that I was able to take control of my menopause before it became a problem for me. Take care Wendy and thank you from the bottom of my heart."
Naomi H.
Adelaide, Australia (April, 2022)
"I have really appreciated the work that Wendy has done in the area of Menopause and have referred others to the programme."
Wendel K.
Cook Islands (April, 2022)
"I have really enjoyed the course and appreciated the wonderful information that Wendy shares with us all. It has been a great help to me."
Lucy, T.
Wellington, NZ (April, 2022)
"It has certainly helped me to sleep better, lose some weight and generally feel better in myself. I have implemented many of Wendy’s strategies and incorporated them into my daily life. Thanks for the many insights into managing this important transformation. I have also recommended you to several of my friends and I know of two who have taken up the programme."
Hannah H.
London, UK (March, 2022)
"Thank you so much for providing such valuable information in a format that’s easy to understand but explains the scientific basis of the information at the same time. I have made some big changes in the last 12 weeks and feel very much better for it."
Stephanie, H.
NSW, Australia (March, 2022)
"Thank you very much for such an informative and supportive course. I feel much better these months later. I have benefited greatly from all the teaching and would highly recommend your course to all women as soon as perimenopause begins. I wish I’d found you sooner, though its never too late and I am continuing to implement many new practices that I’ve learned from you. Our bodies are amazing and I feel EMPOWERED now, and am THRIVING!!! All the best to you and all who find their way to you."
Kimberley J.
NSW, Australia (March, 2022)
"The programme has been great and helped me achieve my goals (cured hot flushes mostly, and lost 8kg) so thank you."
Cara J.
New Zealand (March, 2022)
"Thank you for everything I am now maintaining and have improved out of sight from all of the learnings you have provided."
Gaye H.
Auckland, NZ (March, 2022)
"Thank you for all the tools and information you have given me. It is mindblowing what you do. I'll recommend your new Trainers programme to my niece for the future, as she is a new private personal trainer. Start her off right with this important information."
Christine B.
Southland, NZ (March, 2022)
"I would like to thank Wendy for her programme. It has been a wonderful journey. I have benefitted from this journey in terms of knowledge and health benefits. I've lost 10kgs too."
Deanna R.
Bay of Plenty, NZ (March, 2022)
"I have been pretty healthy and active most of my life but I am not my daughter nor my husband which is what I took away from your 2 hour Masterclass. Just hearing you say that my body is doing what it is supposed to be doing but that I have the power to make it a healthier process was powerful for me. Thank you."
Linda T.
Michigan, USA (March, 2022)
"Thank you so much Wendy, you have changed my life for the better. Thank you for all the knowledge and research you have shared. I feel armed and ready for the future. Keep up the good work you have made such a difference to do many people by giving them an active future. It is so much appreciated xx."
Wendy M.
Otago, NZ (March, 2022)
"I am very grateful for all the information provided over the past few years but am now well able to manage my diet and exercise in my post-menopause life. Many thanks for all your support, assistance and encouragement. Joining MyMT was one of the best decisions I made. I have lost 13kg and your advice helped me get my food intake balanced to deal with shift work."
Paula Ramage Photo
Paula, R.
Otago, NZ (March, 2022)
“I joined up via facebook and have been a member for almost 3 years now and found the programme to be very useful. I feel I am well set up now with a world of knowledge to continue my menopause transformation journey on my own with the resources gained. It's been fantastic! Thank You!."
Sally M.
Victoria, Australia (Feb., 2022)
“I have learnt SO much about managing menopause and have experienced much relief from troublesome symptoms that were stopping me living my best life. I shall continue to sing your praises loudly to anyone with ears to listen and to implement the tools you have taught me. Wendy,Thank you, from the bottom of my heart (and my liver and my gut!). You do such needed work. I love that you are moving into helping health professionals learn about all the information you have put together because then you will be helping even more women cope with what can be a very demanding and stressful and unpleasant time."
Moira H.
Wellington, NZ(Feb., 2022)
“Thank you very much for the Menopause Transformation course, I really enjoyed it, learnt a lot & benefitted tremendously. I have a file full of information from the course & will definitely continue to apply the principles I’ve learnt."
Linda M.
Dunedin, NZ (Feb., 2022)
“My thanks to Wendy for this fantastic programme and supportive community which has been of enormous help and has helped me now to be able to move on to the next exciting phase of my life."
Jayne L.
Norfolk, UK (Feb., 2022)
“I have benefited hugely from this program, keeping the weight loss off and feeling so much more energetic. Thank you so much for this program, it really did kickstart me."
Michelle J.
Auckland, NZ (Feb., 2022)
“I'm grateful to have found you. I have hugely benefited from your programme. I'm sleeping better and eating better. My nervous system is so much better. Long walks are a regular part of my week. I now have hope for my aging process. I have recommended you to others and I'll continue to do so. Thank you."
Helen M.
Christchurch, NZ (Jan., 2022)
“I used to have really bad aches in my knees that would keep me awake at night and after changing my diet for just one week my aches disappeared and haven’t returned. I'm sleeping so much better and have not once had to get up in the night to go to the bathroom. I actually wake up feeling refreshed and have so much more energy. I can't thank you enough."
Lynn M.
New Zealand (Jan., 2022)
“Thanks so much for your program, it has been a game changer in my life. I now feel back in control & I’ve changed so many little habits that have now made such a huge difference in my day to day life. I’ve even surprised myself & joined a Fitness & Health club recently & I’m really enjoying doing a fitness class every day. I have even managed to readdress my work/life balance around this too & now I have put my health & fitness first, while still finding ways to effectively achieve my work requirements. This is something that I could have not envisaged before I started on your program & I wouldn’t have had the energy then either as I was in quite a bad place with my menopause symptoms even with being on HRT. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making your program available to help so many women like me."
Nicola, W.
Nottinghamshire, UK (Jan., 2022)
“I’m loving the program! It’s been really useful to read all the info and try some of the recipes. I’ve bought a great juicer and am enjoying some delicious drinks. My sleep has really improved, and I find that I can get back over to sleep much better now. The biggest thing I’ve noticed is that I’ve gone from having 1 hot flushes an hour to having maybe 1 every 3 days! I’m so pleased, I’ve lost some weight too which is a real bonus."
Jenny, S.
Belfast, N. Ireland (Jan., 2022)
“Wendy, I want to congratulate you on this unique programme. The content is really interesting, complex info delivered in very manageable portions, I like that you time restrict it as I would have gone too far at the start and quickly overwhelmed myself. By consistently sending packages and tips etc over the length of the course, you keep us on track, motivated and interested. The depth of your research and experience is really impressive and your clear delivery, so well done. Thank you for your community and your support, it is such a help to me, and I am sure many other women just like me too."
Hannah, J.
Devon, UK (Jan., 2022)
“Your program is absolutely awesome! I have lost 10kg, am sleeping heaps better (not every night but most) and I don’t feel like an “old” lady any more – a lot of my aches & pains have subsided too. Thank you!"
Wendy, K.
Victoria, Australia (Jan., 2022)
“Thank you Wendy. I have learnt so much from the programme and as a result am now sugar free, eating amazing tasty 'real' food, sleeping better and generally feeling healthy!"
Chelle, W.
Manawatu, NZ (Jan., 2022)
“Thanks Wendy. It’s been incredibly helpful and I feel so much better.- I’m very grateful to you."
Sally, G.
Otago, NZ (Jan., 2022)
“I can’t recall how I came across your program, but I’m very glad I did! I tried to tell myself I was doing ok, but I knew deep down I really wasn’t. I work as a health professional and thought I knew a bit about changes in menopause. And so it turned out, it was a really little bit. After completing your program and continuing to consolidate for a few months, I feel so much better within myself. It is a wonderful resource you have created to have properly researched information in a well presented program. I’m sure so many women are all the better for it."
Joanne, R.
Queensland, Australia (Jan., 2022)
“Much appreciation to you for the great gift you share and the work you do to guide women with your support and love. I’m grateful to you and feel that I have acquired much from your wisdom and knowledge. I only wish that I would have known of you when I journey through peri menopause as I am now 5 years post. Still I have felt the benefit hugely. Thank you."
Cath S.
Tasmania, Australia (Jan., 2022)
“Thankyou for all your good help, it has truely been a game changer for me and especially for my joints!"
Angela, P.
Perth, Australia (Jan., 2022)
“Thank you for all the wonderful information in the transform me program! I have three adult daughters and will pass along all that I have learned. I am very grateful I found you on-line Wendy."
Belinda, N.
Alberta, Canada (Jan., 2022)
“.I certainly found your information invaluable, and my menopausal transition a breeze. Keep up the good work."
Jane G.
Wellington, NZ (Jan., 2022)
“I wanted to thank you for the transformation programme you have put together. It has been an enormous help to me understanding what is happening to our ageing bodies and how to address its needs."
Kim N.
Auckland, NZ (Jan., 2022)
“I was struggling with fluctuating periods and bad migraines every couple of weeks, as they are hormone related (among other things) I just so desperately wanted to understand what was going on. I am so glad I did your program. The light bulb moments, the aha moments and the feeling of finally getting it. It was so worth it. Thank you for putting it all together and It making it very comprehensive. You explained everything so clearly. The Sleep module was excellent as I have had trouble with sleeping for some time now, and finally understand why, and what do do about it. I now fall asleep much easier and sleep soundly all night. This alone give me more energy through the day. The liver and gut modules were fantastic. I have previously had problems with severe heart burn and reflux. But by changing my diet and particularly when I eat, I haven’t had a reflux issue for weeks now. So Happy! Thank you for creating this programme."
Natalie L.
New South Wales, Australia (Dec., 2021)
“I have and continue to learn so much from you. When I started the program in July, I saw immediate results. I am down 18 pounds and 6 months later it's stayed off. The best part is that I’m eating more foods and more types of foods than ever, just better foods than before I started your program. I don’t feel hungry and my moods have stabilized. Inflammation is way down which makes it easier to be active and feel good. Mostly, I just wanted to let you know how much your work and you are appreciated. Without your program I would not be healthy. Thank you from the other side of the Earth!"
Carie L.
New England, USA (Dec., 2021)
“I have thoroughly enjoyed and gained so much from Wendy’s online information and used it again and again. Thank you so much."
Emma G.
Auckland, NZ (Dec., 2021)
“When I asked medical professionals for an alternative to HRT they didn’t have one. So, I did your programme instead. I’ve now lost 14kg (30 lbs) and kept it off for a year, bloods are the best they’ve been and I’ve just completed my first half marathon in 2 years. I can’t thank you enough.”
Martina G.
Ireland (Dec., 2021)
“Just wanted to reach out to thank you so much for your programme. I've recently completed the Circuit Breaker and will stick around for a bit - I really enjoy the conversations on the FB group page. I admit I started out with pretty low expectations, since I really didn't think you would have anything new for me. But your presentation is so thorough and cleverly paced that I found putting it all together with the encouragement to stick with it and hearing from others with the same experiences was such a help. To my surprise, with a few tweaks to my existing routines and diet according to your suggestions, I am actually sleeping so much better and I feel way better because of it. Just wanted to express my gratitude."
Margaret, H-S.
Auckland, NZ (Dec., 2021)
“I am so glad I joined your programme. I appreciate the information and I will endeavour to put it into practice. Thank you for all you do."
Jacqueline I.
Dunbar, UK (Dec., 2021)
“Learning how to sleep again has been the biggest change, along with rising early. This was un-heard of 4 months ago, as I was so tired from lack of sleep i would stay in bed as long as possible. I really learnt a lot about my body and what it needs during the program. I haven’t adapted everything but my diet has changed remarkably. Your way of eating is so liveable, once you learn and understand. I have slowly lost another 3 or 4 kilos and expect this will keep going."
Theresa, R-H.
NSW, Australia (Dec., 2021)
“I have loved every week on the programme, learnt so much and feel so much better than I did at the beginning of year. Thank you again for all the research, information and huge amount of support. Anyone I know who is struggling, I point them in your direction. Thank you once again and all the best."
Carolyn, S.
West Yorkshire, UK (Dec., 2021)
“I think it's a great programme. My main problems were waking up at night, often 4 or 5 times, and also needing to go to the bathroom during the night which I'd never had to do before the menopause. MyMT has really helped me to regain a good night's sleep as I very rarely use the bathroom at night now, and also I'm only waking once maximum, and go back to sleep straight away."
Patricia, S.
Ireland (Dec., 2021)
“Please thank Wendy from the bottom of my heart for her help and guidance. Her programme was an absolute godsend."
Tanya, P.
Melbourne, Australia (Dec., 2021)
“I have learnt so much from the programme. I just wish I knew all this information 10 years ago!"
Vicki, P.
Melbourne, Australia (Dec., 2021)
“I want to thank you so much for the advice and access to your presentations. It has been so valuable to me over the last few months and I have seen a wonderful improvement in my lifestyle, habits and PMA (positive mental attitude)."
Liz, J.
Norfolk, UK (Nov., 2021)
“I’ve learned a lot, I’ve changed my diet, lost 4 kg and lowered my cholesterol. Thanks for a great program."
Sharon Gudu Australia
Sharon, G.
Sydney, Australia (Nov., 2021)
“Thanks for all the valuable info and support. I have lost 10kgs since I started your program in the New Year and am feeling better. Less anxiety, better sleep and feeling generally more balanced."
Celia, G.
Queensland, Australia (Nov., 2021)
“I have learnt a lot through your course and reading the Facebook posts from other members. I have changed my eating habits and have found that my muscles are not so sore and am now sleeping better. Thank you so much."
Sally, L.
Nelson, NZ (Nov., 2021)
“I have so enjoyed being part of the community you have created and have gained lots of knowledge and inspiration and also learnt to deal with a lot of the issues of menopause. "
Sharon, E.
Hamilton, NZ (Nov., 2021)
“The title of the programme I chose is so apt because I really feel it has 'transformed' me. I have lost 5 kilos so far and I am so happy with being able to fit more of my clothes and just feeling healthier."
Deb, S.
Dunedin, NZ (Nov., 2021)
“I have enjoyed being part of the community you have created and have gained lots of knowledge and inspiration and also learnt to deal with a lot of the issues of menopause."
Sharon, E.
Hamilton, NZ (Nov., 2021)
“I am definitely feeling so much better - no hot flushes, less bloating, sleep is wonderful, weight loss. I have recommended your program to two friends and hopefully they have joined. Thank you so much for your support and wonderful program."
Bronwyn, F.
Tasmania, Australia (Nov., 2021)
“I love listening to your videos and I have printed out all the support and put it in a folder to browse through. You have such a calming voice and because you have lived with so many of the issues we all have, I just love your non-judgemental approach. I have lost 5 kilos so far and I am so happy with being able to fit more of my clothes and just feeling healthier."
Deb S.
Dunedin, NZ (Nov., 2021)
“It has been so good to be part of your programme for almost one and a half years. My Menopause Transformation has changed my life! I am glad I found you back then, when I felt all the awful symptoms of my changing hormonal system. I have learnt so much, and it has been reassuring to belong to a group of women all going through the same difficulties. I have changed to a different lifestyle now (after getting off and on the bus a few times), and feel in control."
Susie V.
Kent, UK (Nov., 2021)
“Hi Wendy, This programme has been amazing, and so very helpful in my age transition. It’s reinforced the idea that we truly do need different things as we age with diet and exercise! I have come to understand this whole part of life a whole lot better. So, thank you so much. You are doing very fine work!"
Joan St-M.
Manitoba, Canada, (Nov., 2021)
“This programme is a small price to pay for membership to well researched information, great support and an excellent community, which I have benefitted from greatly. I'm down 8kg, don't drink anymore and have heaps more energy."
Fiona S.
Auckland, NZ (Nov., 2021)
“I’ve had really positive results with the programme - My hot flushes significantly reduced within a week of commencing the program; my sleep patterns are improving; and I’ve lost about 10kg which was an unexpected bonus. More than anything, my outlook has changed towards how best to proactively take care of my wellbeing, at this current stage of life, and going forward. Many thanks to Wendy for her insights, and providing the research which underpins the program. I’ve recommended the program to others and hope they’ll reach out to MyMT also."
Debra A.
Victoria, Australia (Nov., 2021)
“I have found it incredibly helpful and it has completely changed my thinking around menopause. Thanks for your help."
Beth S.
Christchurch, NZ (October, 2021)
“ It has been hugely helpful and I can recommend anyone needing this service to contact you."
Monique P.
Auckland, NZ (October, 2021)
“I am so grateful for your excellent programs that condense a plethora of information into a manageable and enjoyable format. I am currently viewing ‘Restore Your Grateful Gut’. This is an especially great unit, I think, for women in your programs. Thanks to you for all you do! "
Christine D.
BC, Canada (October, 2021)
“Thanks so much for everything you have shared - I have all my handouts and notes with me as I travel through this journey and I love the positive changes I have experienced since being on the program! "
Paula, B.
Victoria, Australia (October, 2021)
“Thanks so much Wendy, you are my superhero and I honestly believe others say the same. Thanks for saving so many women who go through this journey of ups and downs. Love you heaps for the work you do for women." "
Anila S.
Auckland, NZ (October, 2021)
“Your explanations and webinars all make so much sense to me and I am understanding why my body is behaving the way it is. So far, I have made some tweaks to my diet and also tried to not get up when I wake through the night, and I am in disbelief that it actually works to just turn over and go back to sleep. Amazing and life changing. I am still weeding through all the information, but loving it so far. Thank you for such a great programme."
Irene S.
Sth Australia (October, 2021)
“It's hard to believe that three months has flown by. For at least two of those months, I have been in lockdown in Auckland, so the timing was perfect to address the panic attacks, sleep issues and hot flushes. It's now a joy to eat so nutritiously. I have lost 2 inches each from my hips, stomach and chest which is wonderful as we head into summer."
Yvette F.
Auckland, NZ (October, 2021)
“This was my second time through and I have seen the benefits for the last few years. I just felt felt I needed a refresher. Thanks for looking out for us and providing a great program,"
Christine B.
Auckland, NZ (Sept., 2021)
“Thanks so much for all the incredible information you have provided. It has made me feel far more prepared and knowledgeable for the journey into menopause. I will continue this phase of my life feeling far better equipped to navigate it on my own."
Deb F.
Hamilton, NZ (Sept., 2021)
“Thank you for making my menopause transformation one strengthened by both methods and understanding for success in healthy aging. The 3 months of instruction and incremental goal setting set a course for new habits for me. Accepting the inevitable changes with a good outlook is key! Thank you for going to the appropriate depth while providing sensitive and fresh perspective."
Karen G.
Kentucky, USA (Sept., 2021)
“Thank you for making my menopause transformation one strengthened by both methods and understanding for success in healthy aging. The 3 months of instruction and incremental goal setting set a course for new habits for me. Accepting the inevitable changes with a good outlook is key! Thank you for going to the appropriate depth while providing sensitive and fresh perspective."
Karen G.
Kentucky, USA (Sept., 2021)
“I sleep better now, am continuing with my HRT as I really do not have enough oestrogen in me at all, but between the 2 things, I am definitely coming out on top, and getting over my aches, pains and injuries, and know how to prevent more coming in the future. So many many thanks for this wonderful information you have passed on, and explained so well."
Denise H.
Wicklow, Ireland (Sept., 2021)
“Please pass on my thank you to Wendy, it's been a great course with a lot of informative information which I have applied to my lifestyle and am still slowly changing."
Sandy C.
New Zealand (Sept., 2021)
“Thank you so much for creating this course. It has been an absolute eye opener and I’ve learnt a lot. I may need you in the future, to which I wouldn’t hesitate to sign back up. Thank you again! I recommend you to everyone!"
Marie R.
NSW, Australia (Sept., 2021)
“As a Dental Hygienist in clinical practice, I have learned so much information that I have been able to discuss with my patients and have been able to point them in your direction for further help as they struggle to deal with their symptoms."
Julie R.
Nottinghamshire, UK (Sept., 2021)
“I would like to thank you for your amazing course and all the wonderful information you have provided on the changes that women go through in their menopause transition. I have not managed to follow all your advice religiously but I have implemented a lot of changes and seen a huge improvement in my sleep, reduction of hot flushes (both severity and frequency), energy (yay!), and overall sense of wellbeing. I have also lost the few kilos which I put on during lockdown last year too. Thanks again for your wonderful programmes."
Julie W.
Nelson, NZ (Sept., 2021)
“I wanted to thank you again for all the work you have done to help women going through menopause. I have told all my friends about you in the hope they too will see the benefits of your program. I am now managing my menopause well, I know what I can and can't have, I have lost weight, I sleep better than I have for years and I have much more energy. I just feel so much better within myself. Thank you so much. I have really enjoyed the facebook page and all those women's questions and experiences too. "
Sheree S.
Hamilton, NZ (Sept., 2021)
“I just wanted to say a big thank you. I changed my exercise routine and diet and am sleeping again and don’t seem to be suffering with the brain fog which is amazing. I’ve started Pilates reformer and swimming and walking rather than the heavy gym work I was doing. I feel so much better. I also had some prayer so I think all of it has helped. Thank God! I thought I had Alzheimer’s or multiple sclerosis so joining your programme really shut those fears down and the penny dropped. I can’t believe that I didn’t know anything about menopause and the symptoms until it happened to me. Hopefully things are changing and women are talking about it and not ashamed or embarrassed any more. Thanks again for your energy and your kindness in sharing your knowledge. I hope you will continue to reach more women and help them to overcome this in the most natural way before resorting to other methods."
Susan, B.
Hertfordshire, UK (Aug., 2021)
“I have loved your course and I use all the information I have learnt daily. I was one of those people who had been the same weight my whole life until menopause hit. I have always been a full figured person but always a size 14, fit and strong and was happy with all of that. When menopause arrived I was, just as you say, eating and exercising the same but when I would hop on the scales a kilo extra would just be there. It was quite upset and then my clothes started not fitting!! I have lost 2 kilos and I now have tools to bring it back in line if I take my eye off the ball. I thought the course was wonderful and recommend it to all my friends."
Kathryn, M.
West Australia (Aug., 2021)
“Thank you for sharing all your amazing knowledge and helping us all to understand this very trying time of our lives. You are amazing and I'm now over the worst of my symptoms."
Carol, J..
Tauranga, NZ (Aug., 2021)
“Hi Wendy, Thank you so much for all your super help & information. I have spread your wonderful knowledge & inspiration to hundreds of women in my Post Menopausal Clinics. I appreciate all you do & I know you have made the lives of many of my colleagues, patients, and their partners and families a lot happier. Keep up the great work & cheerio for now. With huge thanks."
Martina, S.
Sheffield, UK (Aug., 2021)
“Hi Wendy, thank you so much for your programme! I have really appreciated the excellent evidence based information that I’ve gained - I haven’t done everything you said to do, but I have made some of the changes and have seen some great results so I am very happy. I also love the personal touch with your responses to Facebook messages and invitations to email you directly- that is something very different and special in this electronic world! Thank you so much!"
Karen, C.
Auckland, NZ (Aug., 2021)
“I found the programme to be extremely helpful in reminding me of what I need to do to sustain my weight and health and am so pleased to have followed the initial programme."
Hazel, S.
Scotland (Aug., 2021)
“I am so grateful for everything I have learned. I now know I am post-menopausal. I have stopped being so crazy with exercise. I sleep most of every night now and if I wake I get back to sleep. I no longer go to the toilet in the night. I have lost weight around my middle. I am so happy to eat raisins again. I love Mediterranean food. My joints are no longer sore. My stress over the past few years is explained, I'm not just a horrible person. Here is a photo of a happy Sacha again!"
Sacha, B.
New Zealand (July, 2021)
"After being driven completely mad for five years with crazy, debilitating hot flushes that left me exhausted and tearful, and having tried everything and spent a fortune (everything worked for a few weeks and then stopped), and having been offered anti-seizure medication by my GP (which sometimes had the side effect of stopping flushes), I was at my wits end. After being reluctant to go down the HRT path, I finally tried it and it helped a little but not enough to make a difference. I have always been a happy, healthy person but this had me very low. Painful joints had me unable to keep up with the work needed on our busy lifestyle block. The doctor diagnosed arthritis and prescribed anti-inflammatories. So things were feeling bleak indeed. Then I found Wendy’s programme and it made so much sense. I started the twelve week Transform Me programme in March and now I feel I have returned to being Me!"
Moira, H.
NZ (Aug., 2021)
"Thank you so much Wendy for this awesome program. It truly is life-changing."
Venessa, B.
Queensland, Australia (Aug., 2021)
“I have found great support whilst transitioning through post-menopause, through the 12 week program and hearing of others stories through the coaching group. I feel more confident in managing my health and ageing and would like to thank Wendy and the community for a great program and support network. Best wishes, Sharyn."
Sharon T.
NSW, Australia (July, 2021)
“I have reached my goals and are doing really well. I would like to thank you for your hard work and great program."
Sue D.
South Australia (July, 2021)
“Your program was incredibly beneficial and I have learnt so much.I don't hesitate to recommend this program to others. Thank you for all you do to support womens health and healthy ageing."
Nicola, Mc.
Perth, Australia (June, 2021)
“I've learned a lot and changed many small and a few big things. Thankyou for everything you've put into the programme - very supportive and responsive! I feel so much better!"
Hilary, S.
Victoria, Australia (June, 2021)
“ Thanks for having me on your wonderful Transformation programme. It’s made an enormous difference to my health. It’s about 9 weeks now and I’m sleeping well, the hot flushes have dropped markedly down in number and they’ve even stopped happening when I wake up in the morning now. I think today I’ve had only 1! I’ve also lost 12lbs and am beginning to find I can begin exercising again now. A big thank you for all the helpful guidance!"
Julie, M.
Leicestershire, UK (May, 2021)
“I want to thank you for the wealth of information and direction - not to mention inspiration - in this program. I've worked it through and downloaded the sheets for ongoing reference and it's been a life-saver. "
Celia F.
Toronto, Canada (May, 2021)
“I started this amazing journey at the beginning of Dec last year. Wow what a change it has made. Just about all of my hot flushes have disappeared and I have lost 15 kilos. I got married just over a week ago and everybody said I looked amazing. Thank you so much for the opportunity to do this transformation. I feel so much better and will carry on looking after myself in the years to come. Kindest regards Rachael."
Rachael W.
Auckland, New Zealand (May, 2021)
“At a time when I was feeling like I was beginning to decline both physically and emotionally Wendy has come along and shone a light and given me back some power - not just to survive in this world at this age, but to thrive. I still have a way to go to move into my post-menopause years, but I am able to sleep a full 7-8 hours now without waking, the chronic pain in my joints has disappeared and I have regained my flexibility and fitness."
Toni, G.
New Zealand (May, 2021)
"The information Wendy provides is invaluable to woman and please pass on my thanks to her. Her name often comes up in my conversations with women and I have directed a number to her website. I have made many changes as a result of Wendy’s information.“
Alison, O'B.
Queensland, Australia (May, 2021)
“I am 59 and have been trying to lose the belly fat for the last five years. Over the last three years my cholesterol and sugars have increased regardless of an overall healthy Mediterranean diet. I have also been a regular exerciser. The transformation program has been a life changer!. I’ve now lost 15 lbs. and feel fantastic. It’s been so easy too! I can’t believe it. Thank you sooo much!"
Lisa B.
Wisconsin, USA (May, 2021)
“I am doing very well in the program. The day/nighty hot flushes have stopped completely, and I am also sleeping all night now, I have lost 6kilos."
Jane Mc.
Australia (May, 2021)
“Having got myself back to a great space with physical and mental health I am happy to go it alone now. You are doing wonderful things for so many women and I continue to tell your story and recommend your programme - just last week I heard two New World staff talking about their menopause issues so I stopped and told them about you! Thanks again."
Margi, B.
Dunedin, New Zealand (May, 2021)
“I have been with the programe for over a year and enjoyed it greatly and got a lot out of it. I have also told a lot of women and doctors about your program. My own doctor, a male, was really pleased to have some information to give women to help them."
Darla, F
Canterbury, New Zealand (April, 2021)
“Thank you so much for all your support and the abundance of information within your program. It is great to be able to go back and re-read all the information, there is so much there and so much to learn. I must say that this has been a real Transformation for me, just changing my diet to your plan has given me back my life. I now sleep through the night, no night sweats, more energy, it has been life changing for me, and I have told all my friends about you and your program. Many, many thanks Wendy"
Sheree S.
Waikato, New Zealand (April, 2021)
“I have lost some weight but find the biggest improvement is with how my body feels with an improved diet, also my well-being. Thank you to Wendy for providing such well informed education that is easy to understand and follow through with. If ever I feel I need support again I will definitely rejoin, also recommend to anyone who may need guidance." Kind regards, Angela
Angela, G.
South Australia (April, 2021)
“Having completed this programme I've benefited greatly from the advice and guidance and will continue putting all the good new habits into practice. Thank you so much Wendy - the support during a difficult 3 months in winter lockdown here in the UK has been amazing."
Jennifer, H.
Oxford, UK (April, 2021)
“Thanks to Wendy for such great information during this change in life. It's already helped me get a better sleep and stop putting on weight. I'll continue the good work."
Sandra, M.
NSW, Australia (April, 2021)
“I've found this very helpful and insightful and now feel well armed to deal with menopause symptoms! I've also lost some weight and made some permanent changes which have made me feel healthier and stronger, so thank you."
Angela, W.
London, UK (April, 2021)
“I want to thank you for sharing the wealth of information in your programme. Put simply, I love it! As stated before, I’m not a rule follower by any stretch of the imagination, but your programme gives us enough room to work out what we can do that best fits our differing circumstances in order to achieve success.."
Jackie, O.
Christchurch, NZ (April, 2021)
“It’s been brilliant Wendy - I’m in a much much better place thanks to your evidence based approach to well being. I also have friends who have joined on my recommendation, who are noting profound benefits. You make a real difference to women’s lives and I will keep directing people to your programme. As a physiotherapist I think your programme fits really well into a modern multidisciplinary approach to health care. Thanks for all your hard work." Sally
Sally O.
Nelson, New Zealand (March, 2021)
“Thank you for a truly wonderful, well thought out and fitting educational piece for this time of life. I feel lucky to have found you."
Sheila G.
Victoria, Canada (March, 2021)
“I’ve enjoyed all the knowledge I’ve gained and achieved what I set out to do. Sleep was my biggest challenge and I’m post menopausal. thank you for all your advice."
Anita T.
Auckland, NZ (March, 2021)
“I have really benefited from your programs. Lost 7kg and feeling much more in control of my diet and exercise. I'm really enjoying feeling healthy again. So thank you."
Amanda H.
Auckland, NZ (March, 2021)
“Hot flushes are much reduced, sleep is better and I’ve gone from 71kg to 63kg (11st 3lb to 9st 13lb in UK terms). It feels great and it really wasn’t hard. I loved all the food ideas and have gone back to eating what I want – not what my teenage boys demand! This programme was amazing."
Chris H.
London, UK (Feb, 2021)
“Your help and wisdom over the last 18 months has been invaluable. I have seen a lot of positive changes happen as I've followed your guides and videos. Your quick response to questions and the inclusive friendly Facebook group has added to the experience and I have been happily recommending it to any women of a certain age I know. Thank you again Wendy - you have made such a difference to me and lots of other women who frequent the group."
Jane I.
Kapiti Coast, NZ (Feb, 2021)
“I want to thank you for all the wonderful information! It has helped me tremendously! I'm now sleeping and my hot flashes have pretty much gone. Thank you so much for your program."
Dawn V.
Indiana, USA (Feb, 2021)
“Since starting on Wendy’s program just over 12 months ago, I am sleeping so much better and have lost all of the joint pain in my knees. The hot flushes and irritable bowel have also gone and as an added bonus I have lost the excess weight around my middle with over 6kg of weight slowly disappearing! I am so grateful for Wendy’s wonderful knowledge and sound advice over the last year. She is a true inspiration to all of us women on her programs."
Barbara M.
Southland, NZ (Feb, 2021)
"My thanks to Wendy - I have learnt a lot and benefitted immensely from this programme."
Sharon, C.
Auckland, NZ (Feb, 2021)
"Thank you so much for the programme you presented. It definitely gave me a lot of understanding about menopause and its impact on my health. My sleep has improved tremendously now compared to before."
Daphne, V.
Queensland, Australia (Feb, 2021)
"I just want to say how much better , leaner I am. What a great course. I used to be a long distance runner but when I hit menopause my joints could not cope anymore. After doing this course my joints are a lot better, I have tweaked my exercise program thanks to your programme and advice and absolutely loving it and seeing results. Thank you for helping me. You are a life-saver."
Kathy, A.
Melbourne, Australia (Feb, 2021)
"I have loved my time with you. I so gratefully thank you for responding to my emails and being there so much. Thank you for all your work on this hot topic. You have helped me and I know your knowledge will continue to be a major source for me as menopause continues to draw closer. What a blessing you are to sooo many."
Marnie, B.
Montana, USA (Feb, 2021)
"This has been inspirational. I am post menopausal and I think after years of struggling through peri-menopause, and an autoimmune condition, your information has struck chords about my health it wouldn’t have when I was younger. Thanks for coming to my rescue with the information I needed when I needed it."
Brenda, D.
Perth, Australia (Feb, 2021)
"I am sleeping through the nights; I'm now up and walking the dogs every morning which I am really enjoying (iI didn't do it for such a long time due to tiredness and stiffness). My joints are not aching so I'm more active. I have just started to play squash again, after a few years of not due to lack of energy, soreness etc so things are looking up. Thank you."
Emma, B.
Auckland, NZ, Feb. 2021
"This programme has been so great. Since September I’ve lost – and managed to keep off – nearly 8kg. My sleep habits are better and hot flushes less of a problem. I’m really enjoying eating healthily. I’ve also recently completed a couch to 5k running programme, greatly helped by doing it with a friend. I may return in the future, but for now, many, many thanks Wendy."
Chris H.
London, England, Feb, 2021
"I’m so grateful for all the knowledge and skills I have been able to access with the My Menopause Transformation programme. Your generous sharing from a wealth of expertise and experience has been life changing so thank you for helping me refocus and take care of ‘me’ at this stage of life."
Jenny C.
Auckland, NZ [Feb., 2021]
"I’m really enjoying the programme and am fascinated with your research. It has really helped take away a lot of the anxiety regarding this period of my life in “no man’s land”!! Your lovely reassuring presentation and manner have helped me understand that this is all a natural process and with your guidance, there isn’t anything to fear, I can manage the symptoms and get on with life. I am so grateful to have found you on the internet!"
Hayley K.
East Lothian, UK [Feb., 2021]
" My thanks to Wendy for this fantastic programme and supportive community which has been of enormous help and has helped me now to be able to move on to the next exciting phase of my life."
Jane L.
Norfolk, UK [Jan., 2021]
"Wendy, I wanted to thank you so much for this amazing course. I have implemented a large majority of your advice and things are so much better! My hot flushes and horrific night sweats are virtually gone - amazing!), I am off all medication (including even Remifemin), I'm sleeping better than I have in years and I'm so so so much better than I was 1-1.5 years ago. I realise I've been in perimenopause since I was 39 and now I'm in fully fledged menopause at 45.
Kim E,
Malaysia [Jan., 2021]
"I just want to thank you for the wonderful courses you've put together and all the support you've provided me via email during my time with you. I've achieved a lot, still a journey but at least I now have my compass!"
Rebecca, B.
Queensland, Australia [Jan., 2021]
"I have been following your programme since August 2020 and I have to say it has made such a difference to my life. I think the most useful thing was finding out the science behind the advice. I am now on my way to a new and improved menopause."
Erika, S.
Leicestershire, UK [Jan., 2021]
"I have absolutely loved being on your programme... have learned so much and feel 100% better. What a fabulous lifestyle I now lead thanks to you!."
Jacq, W.
Christchurch, NZ [Dec., 2020]
"Thank you so much for your amazing course. I have valued the information and made huge changes to my lifestyle and diet. Thank you! I am amazed how much better I am feeling, and sleeping by following your advice."
Tracy, T.
Victoria, Australia, [Dec., 2020]
"I have been with the MyMT Programme for the last 2 years and have found it and the knowledge I have gained valuable and most helpful during this time in my life. I can't thank Wendy enough."
Leanne J..
Perth, Australia, [Dec., 2020]
""I am so grateful for the time I've had on your program. I now have a much more positive, optimistic outlook on menopause. I was very afraid of it before. I have talked to quite a few women who've found this inspiring, and I have referred them to your website. I will continue to do so."
Dr Jan A.
Canberra, Australia, [Dec., 2020]
"Many thanks for the awesome journey you sent me on, it has been a great learning curve and I have appreciated all the valuable information. I feel I learned such a lot with the programme and life is much easier and more enjoyable by getting good quality sleep and no more hot flushes! Learning more about diet and lifestyle has made such a difference thank you."
Shelley C.
New Zealand, [Dec., 2020]
"Thank you so much Wendy. I've lost 5 kilos and feeling good. It's been a wonderful journey and a lifestyle change. Thank you for all your support and for helping so many women."
Bronwyn W.
Germany, [Dec., 2020]
"Thank you very much for the MYMT Transform Me course, I have learnt so much useful information and am making progress with improving my symptoms and general wellbeing. I will certainly be recommending your courses to friends and colleagues."
Kim F.
New Zealand, [Nov., 2020]
"Your program is excellent and I have learnt so much. I realised it was not me that was the problem but how I needed to approach this part of my life differently. Many penny dropping moments. Thank you so much."
Sue B.
South Australia, [Nov., 2020]
"Many thanks for your brilliant MyMT transform me program. It has changed my life!"
Jane S.
New Zealand, [Nov., 2020]
"Thanks so much for everything I have really noticed a difference in my health. I’m sleeping right through the night and although it took a while for weight loss to kick in it’s finally working! I’ve lost four kilos in two weeks which has not happened in years. Gosh I feel amazing. A big thank you to you for all your help. I really value your knowledge and heart."
Roma W.
Victoria, Australia, [Nov., 2020]
"I want to thank you for this programme. It has been lifechanging for me. I'm sleeping better, I've lost 3kg belly fat, I've got energy for dance classes, and I'm no longer irritable and screaming at the cat!"
Sarah T.
Queensland, Australia, [Oct. 2020]
"Since joining I have reduced my weight from 13 stone 3lbs to 12 stone.. I find it difficult to articulate the difference this had made to me. I had given up hope of ever reducing my weight.. this programme, above all things, has given me hope and a degree of choice and control that were sorely lacking."
Bridget M.
Ireland, [Oct. 2020]
"I am feeling so much better and will continue on with the regime which I have found really easy to follow. I am so glad I clicked that button to start the programme. I am usually very sceptical but I knew I had to do something."
Pru, T.
Queensland, Australia, Oct. 2020]
"I have benefited greatly from Wendy’s wonderful help and advice and my successful journey through menopause. Thanks so much for helping me through this stage in my life!."
Jo M.
Queensland, Australia, Oct. 2020]
"I feel that Wendy is a fabulous source of information for women my age and I love that in addition to being smart as a whip, she gets it! She has been like my little guru on my shoulder! I love her engagement with her members like me and clearly she cares greatly about our health and well being."
Julia S.
Canada, Oct. 2020]
"I wish I discovered you 15 years ago! I am thoroughly enjoying & applying your program...have lost 12 lbs, sleeping better💗 I listen to your modules every morning when I am out on my morning walks. Thank you for all your research."
Julie-Anne P.
Quebec, Canada [Oct. 2020]
"I have received such amazing and useful information over this past year and have shared what I have learned and referred friends and family to your program. You have been like my secret weapon against the challenges of menopause and I love how you care about and champion women."
Julia S.
Ontario, Canada [Oct. 2020]
"Hi Wendy, I wanted to thank you for all this valuable information. I finally found the answer to my questions and more importantly, I can see how I understand my body and the changes that are happening. I was able to lose 13 pounds thanks to your advice. I feel more energetic and happy!"
Monica, C.
Georgia, USA [Sept, 2020]
"Thank you again for all you do for us women and our families, you truly are a life-saver and a legend! Love your work, enthusiasm and passion"
Losena, S.
Melbourne, Australia [Sept, 2020]
"I have really appreciated the information Wendy has tirelessly put together to make this transition in life more manageable and I have recommended it to others."
Alison B.
Auckland, NZ [Sept, 2020]
"Thank you for sharing your knowledge – it truly was a ‘transformational’ process and I thoroughly related to and enjoyed learning from you."
Jane M.
Christchurch, NZ [August, 2020]
"I have found the plan absolutely great. Many of my symptoms have subsided....thank you so much."
Paula, M.
Tyne & Wear, UK [August, 2020]
"Your programme has been immensely helpful for me and I have found it such a valuable resource during menopause. I really appreciate your thorough information and how you are always just an email away."
Alison W.
Hastings, NZ [August, 2020]
"I would like to thank Wendy for all her fantastic help and information. I found the program was exceptional.Thanks again.'
Michelle B.
Dunedin, NZ [July, 2020]
"Thank you for all the valuable information received while being on the Circuit Breaker Menopause Programme. I have learnt so much. My main reason for coming on the programme was to manage hot flushes which I have been successful to do and they are now pretty much non-existent!I have learnt lots about diet and nutrition and have tweaked my diet accordingly which has been very helpful."
Janine S.,
Christchurch, New Zealand, [July, 2020]
"I have just completed my transformation program.It has been excellent information and helped me to get back on track understanding my body better."
Heather S.,
Australia, [July, 2020]
"I think your work is incredible. And value for money too. I think your course is worth at least $600. At least. And to think I've got all you offer for $200 - feeling lucky!"
Nicky Mc.,
New Zealand, [June, 2020]
"Finding Wendy's programme has been incredible. I love to run and my joints were sore and as a retired teacher I felt exhausted. I'm now back running as a club-runner with no aching joints and I've lost 7kg. Wendy's advice has been everything I needed at this time of my life."
Lesley W.
Cornwall, UK [June, 2020]
"So grateful for all the wonderful work Wendy has done and the things that I have been able to benefit from over the last couple years. I was referred by a friend who had found the programme helpful. Keep up empowering ladies to understand and practically take control of these changing years with gusto Wendy! Nga mihi nui."
Robyn V.,
New Zealand, [June 6th, 2020]
"I enjoyed the programme and learned so much from Wendy. As I haven't started Menopause as yet (too young) I was able to get valuable information and also dropped some weight and kept it off with the information I learned."
Cindy, G.
New Zealand, [May, 2020]
"I have thoroughly enjoyed the programme and have recommended it to many friends. I have learnt so much and now feel healthier and happier ( and sleep better!). Thanks so much."
Jackie Y.
Fife, Scotland [May, 2020]
"Dear Wendy, Thank you for the wealth of knowledge and advice you have shared. My life is so much better for this. You have given me the tools to control my health and happiness."
Amanda S.
Queensland, Australia, [May, 2020]
"It has been a wonderful programme! I have learnt so much and my symptoms have improved no end! Thank you Wendy for all your support and kind words."
Durga B.
Madrid, Spain, April, 2020
"I certainly have experienced benefits from the program. I don’t run as hot, I have lost 7kg, my knees don’t hurt anymore and I’m not so foggy! I am still following the principles of the program, and will continue to do so. I recommend the program to everyone, and I am very grateful for being a part of it. Thank you Wendy!'
Melissa N.
Victoria, Australia, April, 2020
"You have helped me to achieve what I needed to achieve and I thank you heartily for that! I now understand what I need to do to go it alone."
Jess S.
Berkshire, UK, April 2020
"I have found it extremely helpful and lost the 6kgs extra I was carrying and couldn’t shift. I have recommended this programme to several of my girlfriends as it seemed to be the only one that actually works."
Annie H.
New Zealand, April, 2020
"Thank you for providing such a wealth of information on a subject for which there seems to be few other resources available. I love your holistic, common-sense and practical approach along with the extensive research you’ve based your modules on."
Sally G.
New Zealand, April, 2020
"Thank you for all the help Wendy. The two courses I did were amazing. The menopause one especially was a lifesaver for me. Very few hot flushes or bloating now and when they do happen I can pinpoint it to the cause. I’ve been recommending you to my friends in the hope they will do something to improve their menopause journey. Once again thank you for everything."
Sandra C.
Dunedin NZ, April, 2020
"I would like to thank you for this wonderful programme. I have learned so much and have loved the process of change and education and focus on myself. I feel I have learned skills for life! I appreciate everything you have given me and can't recommend the programme enough - I recommend it to anyone I can!"
Penny S.
New Zealand, 2020
"Hi Wendy. I want to thank you for a fantastic course, it has given me some great building blocks to work with and I feel so much better. I can't thank you enough."
Eleisha H.
Australia, 2020
"I think Wendy's program is fantastic and she is to be commended for her efforts to help women 'of a certain age'. She has helped me understand a lot of things that were previously a mystery and has unlocked so much useful knowledge that I can keep for life. What I learnt was fantastic."
Athena H.
South Australia, 2020
"I want to thank you for your program. It is so informative and inspirational. You are able to find the right balance of explaining things easily enough while keeping the science there so we can get a deeper understanding. I have learnt a lot about my body and it has served me well this last year and will for many years to come. The biggest difference to me has been not eating late - this has really helped my sleep! Finding the right level of exercise was also an important piece of the puzzle as in that area I more or less used to think that more was better."
Charlotte H.
Australia, 2020
"My main reason for joining was perimenopause symptoms and adult acne. With some dietary changes, my skin is a whole lot better and my joint pain in my fingers has gone. My periods are better too as is my PMT.Many thanks and best wishes to Wendy."
Pamela F.
United Kingdom, 2020
"I have really enjoyed this programme and have learnt a lot about getting me through menopause. I feel so much better. Thank you Wendy."
Natalie B.
New Zealand, 2020
" I have very much enjoyed and felt the benefits of the program and I have recommended it to several of my friends who could really use your wisdom.Thank you Wendy."
Susan W.
Australia, 2020
"Thanks so much for the great work you’re doing – I do recommend women check out your website and your research. Keep it up!"
Sonia B.
New Zealand, 2020
"I want to thank you for all the information you have provided me over the past few months. My hot flushes are almost negligible now and I am sleeping much better. My menopause experience is a lot easier and gentler now. Thank you for your wonderful programme."
Heather C.
South Australia, 2020
"I have found the program to be very helpful and my symptoms have been brought back under control with the information and advice I have received through the program."
Louise K.
Victoria, Australia, 2020
"My deepest thanks to Dr Wendy Sweet for her Transform Me menopause weight loss program which I was able to glean so much from. The directions were clear and the results positive. After 8.5 years of night hot ‘flushes’ I was able to re-direct how and what I ate, and recognize the correlation of what foods or protein, was triggering much of this. The insight was extremely helpful and I now feel amazing."
Cheryl K.
British Columbia, Canada, 2020
"Tired, pains and aches all over my body, stiff neck and nearly frozen shoulder, increased weight by 12 kg, big and sore breasts, depressed, emotional, sleepless nights. That was me a year ago. But with Wendy's My Menopause Transformation programme, my life became completely different. I’m 13kg lighter, fitter and happier. The journey had ups and downs but with determination and perseverance I reached my goals. I'm now so looking forward to the next stage of life now."
Lydia V.
Gold Coast, Australia, 2020
"Thank you for a wonderful journey. I have learnt so much about menopause and how my body works. The results of watching your videos and absorbing the information that worked for me was invaluable. I think that is what I got out of the programme the most. Do the bits that you know you can stick to and maintain for the rest of my life. I did not want to see this as a weight loss programme, then slip back into old habits. We all know that that does not work. Thank you Wendy. PS: lost 6.3kg, 5cm loss of hips/belly, 5cm off bust (thank god), 9cm loss around waist, and 7cm loss under boobs/tophalf of tummy, 6cm off around bum/c-section area. Ready for that wedding dress next month :-)"
Sandra Mac.
New Zealand, 2020
"I loved it when the treadmill at the gym said that my biological age was only 38 years - I'm 54. After attending Wendy's seminar in Edinburgh last year, I am so pleased that I joined her on her programme. It is life-changing."
Helene K.
Edinburgh, Scotland, 2020
"I now sleep all night and my joints are less sore too and my hot flushes are non-existent. Through what I learnt in your programme, I have changed my life and now focus more on 'me' - I can't thank you enough."
Julie H.
Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, 2019
"I thank God every day that I found your MyMT programme. My feelings of despair have gone and I feel so different now that I'm sleeping all night and my joints aren't sore. I even managed my very first 10km run recently too!"
Julie S.
Vancouver Island, Canada, 2019
""Coming on to the My Menopause Transformation 'Circuit Breaker' programme has been life-changing. I've lost over 8.5kgs now and I feel and look amazing! I had to invest in a whole new wardrobe recently as nothing seemed to fit me anymore. I'm almost back to what I used to weigh pre-kids! (My 19-year-old daughter said she's never seen me this small in her whole life and she's even borrowing a few of my clothes now!). I've gone from a size 10/12 pants to a size 8 and my tops have gone from a M/12/14 to a S/8/10. Woohoo!."
lady standing in her street
Heather B.
Wellington, New Zealand, 2019
"I absolutely love your programme and it has made a huge difference to me and all the symptoms that go with menopause, so thank you so much for everything you do! It has been a complete lifestyle change for me and one that I will continue to carry on with. I feel so much better.
Kim B.
Hamilton, New Zealand, 2019
"I used to sit down and my eyes would close. Your MyMT™ program gave me back my sleep, energy and joint health which has allowed me to do the work I needed to do. I can't thank you enough Wendy. "
waitress smiling with take away coffee
Jane I.
Kapiti Coast, New Zealand, 2019
"I have lost all the pain in my joints!! It is nothing though compared to what I was like a few weeks ago. Now that I can walk properly again, I have been enjoying getting out every morning and taking the dogs for a good walk. Also, have been able to do my exercises and stretches again. It is so good to be mobile and feeling good. I have lost 5 kg and haven't been this slim for years. Your programme is amazing and wonderful to do it in my own time as I had to fit it around farm-duties."
Barbara M.
Southland, New Zealand, 2020
"I think your programme is wonderful. The best parts are that you can do it in your own time, via the internet is wonderful as not having to drive anywhere. Even though working on the farm is physical we do need to make sure we keep our fitness up as we do sit on the quad a lot more than 20 years ago and using your Food Guide has been so good. I'm so used to looking after men on the farm, and had no idea that I needed to look after myself differently. Thank you so much for all you do for us women."
Joy J.
Waikato, New Zealand, 2020
"I had been struggling by myself to try and manage menopause symptoms that I realise now, was beyond me since I developed a heart condition and had radio-active therapy on my thyroid. But like most working mothers I just put my head down and kept going hoping it would all resolve. Night after night I wasn’t sleeping and then trying to get through my own studies, I was up at all hours of the night. I had no idea how much this was impacting on my health and making my thyroid function worse. All I knew was that I didn’t want this to be ‘my lot’ for the rest of my life. I began to get concerned about how healthy I might be as I got older – and whether I would still be able to ride my beautiful horses – Kirby and Xavier. As a classic pear-shaped kiwi mum I've been struggling by myself trying to manage something that has been beyond me since I developed a heart condition and had radio-active therapy on my thyroid. I didn't want to feel stupid that I was "out-of-whack", nor did I want to settle for less than optimum health that I would have to learn to live with for the rest of my life. But now, even though I've only just recently joined MyMT, already I'm feeling in control like I haven't done in years! BTW lost 5 kg already and nearly sleeping through the night, walking every morning and swapped my diet around so I'm not having as much protein and fats. I have so much more energy now. So a happy Danni.”
Danni M..
Auckland, New Zealand 2020
"I think I have taken a mindshift from “I am old now and the menopausal symptoms are to be endured’ to ‘This is just the next stage in my life and I need to learn how to be the fittest and healthiest I can be’. This shift has come about from being part of your program. I feel that the time I have spent since beginning the program where I just tried a few things I felt were workable for me has helped me to see the need to shift. The slow and steady approach has been the right one for me. I can't thank you enough for designing this programme."
Bronwyn M.
Australia, 2020
"So many women are confused why what they did when younger no longer works, Wendy addressed all of this methodically & gave me practical ways to deal with it NOW. My sleep was especially disastrous and I knew I simply had to address this or nothing would improve. Learning in the Circuit Breaker Program about our circadian rhythm and ways to get it back on track was very helpful, consequently my sleep has hugely improved. I also loved the way the program addressed every part of the person, from stress through to nutrition, specific to menopause.The programme is life-changing in so many ways."
Andrea G.
Australia, 2020
"With constant support from Wendy and all her knowledge, I now feel amazing. So, thanks to the woman who taught me how to get rid of my hot flushes and sleep all night!"
Sara C.
Canberra, Australia, 2019
"I’m feeling pleased that I have dropped 8kgs in the last couple of months as I work through your programme. My knees are so much better and I'm looking forward to some skiing."
Kim M.
Arrowtown, New Zealand 2020
"I have made huge transformations over the past 10 weeks. I have lost 5kg and am sleeping through the night. I now fit my wedding dress which I purchased 18 months ago (pre menopause weight) and am looking on track for our Feb 2020 wedding."
Sandra M.
Whangarei, New Zealand 2020
"Please pass on to Wendy that I found her MyMT programme and advice fantastic. Also the group questions and feedback SO helpful. But most of all Wendy's kindness and empathy spoke to me when I really needed it. A huge THANK YOU."
Lesley M.
Wexford, Ireland 2020
"Thank you Wendy. This programme is just wonderful. Feeling so much better. Sleeping so well, loving my food and more energy. Still work to do but moving in the right direction. So grateful to you."
Karen M.
Queensland, Australia 2020
"I'm a big fan of this programme, and not just for the sleep alone. The food and lifestyle advice and research has been revelatory for me. It's woman centered, science based and positive and not about getting ourselves fixed with HRT."
Celia F.
British Columbia, Canada, 2020
“I’m now sleeping all night and no hot flushes. I’ve lost over 10 kilograms and the difference to how I was feeling a year ago is incredible. I now have the energy levels back that I used to. I’ve just been skiing and in my “previous life” I could not do a run at Mt Hutt without stopping for a breather or to rest my limbs. I would have to go down to the car for a nap too. So it has been an incredibly pleasing experience yesterday and today to have skied from top to bottom (of the triple) without stopping, not even puffed! I still can’t quite believe it. It’s just fantastic! I’m over the moon.”
Jo Smith
Christchurch, New Zealand
“Woop-woop! I weighed myself this morning. After only 3 weeks on the program I have lost 2.5 kgs. I am now transforming my life bit by bit and loving it. I have suffered from a variety of heart palpitations over many years…starting after an operation that went wrong. When I am tired and under stress the palpitations return. I learnt about managing my palpitations from Wendy in one of her on-line seminars. It made so much sense to me and I put all her recommendations in place. Now I no longer have them. MyMT is so interesting. I love how I’m learning what other health professionals weren’t able to tell me. Thank you. I’m noticing far less severity in the night sweats. Keep it coming MyMT™!”
MyMT Success Story Mary Anne NZ
New Zealand
“I came on board this programme because nothing I was doing or taking was changing my energy levels. The lack of sleep was leaving me feeling so demotivated to do the painting that I love to do. I think all women going through menopause should do this programme. It has changed my life. I am feeling so much more energised, in control and just happy. It kinda feels unbelievable really. Ironically, at this time of my life, I finally had the time to paint but no energy or enthusiasm to do so, and I had wanted this so badly for so long. Now I finally have the energy for my painting and other things in my life. I’m absolutely loving how I feel now.”
“I’m one of the Transformers mentioned and I want to shout it from the roof-tops how amazingly beneficial this program is! I wish all Women’s Health Practitioners, Gastroenterologists, Endocrinologists, Orthopaedic Surgeons, Cardiologists…..who are seeing all our menopausal symptoms in isolation to their specialty begin to recommend this program. It gets to the source of the multiple symptoms in peri-menopause! I just want to say that I wish I had measured myself before introducing the dietary changes. I know I have been changing shape around the middle rather than losing too much weight. I feel so much better about being ‘Mother-of-the-Bride’ next week. Thank you Wendy. Your programme has been life-changing for me.”
MyMT Success Story Bronwyn
Bronwyn D.
Invercargill, New Zealand
“I tried everything to change my symptoms and nothing worked. I put on more and more weight and felt miserable and lifeless. I have been on the program for about 6 weeks now and honestly it has worked miracles. I am losing weight, my hot flushes have almost entirely gone and I have much more energy and I am feeling fantastic. I spent so much money over the years on doctor’s visits and over the counter remedies that didn’t make any difference. This programme really works and is worth every cent. As a consumer of this programme it was worth way more to me for the improvement it has made to my happiness, health and well-being.”
Carolyn S.
Queensland, Australia
“Wendy, I love your programme. I was feeling so low and un-motivated before I came on board, but the flexibility of the programme and constant feedback made it all so personal and I felt I wasn’t alone on the journey. All the info made sense and I could understand it. The Coaching Community info and posts made a huge difference and kept me motivated and interested. The best thing is I don’t feel it is my fault menopause has been hard, rather it’s a mixture of body type and habits that can be changed to work in my favour. I am now off HRT and my anti-depressants and have the energy for exercise again. In fact, I have recently completed a 5-day cycle trip which a year ago, wouldn’t have been anything I could have imagined I would ever be able to do. I love how healthy I now feel, thank you.”
Alison T.
New Plymouth, New Zealand
" Hi Wendy, I’ve just joined the group and am so happy you have bought this program together. I am an Exercise Professional and predominantly my clients are over 50. I myself have been going through (the change) for the last 4 years. I am 56 this year. What a battle I have faced. Like yourself I have been in the industry for 20+ years and these last 2 years I have struggled with all sorts of different obstacles. I have tried everything. I have found this condition/stage of my life is way out of my control. Everything I have done/tried has failed or if it did work it was short term. The anxiousness, the stress it all added up. Lack of sleep, night sweats, flushes, weight gain you name I’ve had it. So off to the doctor I went. I came home with a happy pill. This worked well initially, but still gaining weight, craving sugar? I would rather not have the HRT. So your programme has come at the right time for me. This programme is like a breath of fresh air. Thank you again I am feeling positive again about the ‘Journey’ and for the first time in years, I am sleeping all night. I can’t thank you enough as I now have the energy I need to do my job as a Personal Trainer.”
Wellington, New Zealand
“I loved how Wendy didn’t put any pressure on me to exercise, until I was sleeping all night. Now exercise has become my new best friend with my daily walk and I have lost 6kgs since starting. Being able to get into jeans I have not worn for a couple of years is a great feeling. I also seemed to have nailed the sleeping. Thank you for such an easy programme to follow.”
Whangarei, New Zealand
“ I have lost 10kg and learnt a great deal so changed my thinking and eating significantly and feeling much better. I must admit I feel the best I have for many years and no longer want sugar. The programme had been most helpful and the online guidance the key to success. Keep spreading the word and thanks for all your expert guidance.”
Timaru, New Zealand
“I weighed myself again and have lost 4kg. I am really pleased and this will help my resolve to keep with the MyMT programme. It’s so easy to follow and I love just focusing on your recommendations of 80% of the changes and then decide on what will be the other 20%, especially now that it’s Christmas.”I’m now sleeping all night and my hot flushes have reduced. All in all, I’m really surprised about the interaction between all of the hormones as described by Wendy and when I put into place her ‘Daily Dozen’ in each module, it all falls into place. I feel so much better. Thanks Wendy. This menopause was really starting to get me down.”
Tauranga, New Zealand
“Hello MyMT. The best thing for me is focusing on being healthy rather than the down side of menopause. I love the regular updates as emails and through Wendy’s conversations in the Coaching Community group. At last some decent information on menopause symptoms and how to manage them without medication. I particularly found the MyMT Liver-Lover webinar beneficial as I have put on weight over the last couple of years with peri-menopause, to the point that I am now overweight. As I’ve taken on board all the advice given, I’ve now turned my metabolism around to losing-mode. Fantastic. I have found everything very informative and am making changes slowly but surely.”
Christchurch, New Zealand
“I slept so well last night … I think I only woke once and then straight back to sleep – I do not recall any “blankets off blankets on” behaviour so the hot flushes have definitely subsided, in fact I have noticed that I don’t break out in perspiration any more with the Hot Flushes…..huge yay!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you. The other thing I really like about your programme is that you are not just targeting symptoms but looking at this thing so holistically i.e. our health in general. So a million thank you’s.”
Christchurch, New Zealandd
“Good morning everyone, had to share this, weighed myself this morning and I have now lost 3 kgs. I am more excited than I would normally be because the last two weeks have been quite stressful and way out of my usual comfort zone. No night sweats, no heart palpitations, the energy levels are amazing, and no hot flushes. Along with my normal work, I have been caring for two older people and all that entails, including staying overnight. Through all this I have been conscious of doing what I can of the ‘Circuit-Breaker’ program. Wow it is working, so thank you Wendy Smith-Sweet for giving me the wherewithal, I am so grateful. Have a great day everyone!”
Te Awamutu, New Zealand
“It has been a interesting journey for me in a number of ways! My experience (which started at only 39) with peri-menopause was not a fun one and I am now only just starting to come to grips with life again at the age of 45. My husband and I had three cycles of IVF (through my early 30’s) and were unsuccessful and I always wondered if this has had an impact on this? I have struggled, not understanding who I was anymore? I was that individual who was always doing things – motivated, energetic, ran marathons, competed in figure comps, trained, you know the story….and then I was this angry, tired, hungry, sad person who gained over 28 kilos and really just wanted to hide from the world. I tried everything, the bio-identical hormone creams, restrictive diets, HRT (only 6 months just because I didn’t know what else to do, not because I wanted to), and then just giving up. I am now and have been what I would call “post menopause” (and I say that as I haven’t had a cycle for over 2 years) and as my GP put it when my result came back from blood test to confirm – the ovaries have packed up and moved out.. and really just thought that broken sleep, fatigue and fat was just part of what I had to accept. I came along to your seminar at Les Mills, Hamilton and since signing up I have managed to have a full night’s sleep without hot flushes or night sweats. I have lost over 4 kilos of fat, and finally feel like I want to train again ( I always did love weight training)! So all I can say is thank you, and that really doesn’t seem to be enough really. Here’s to being fitter, leaner and happier than I have ever been (never too old for anything)!”
Hamilton, New Zealand
“Hi Wendy – I was just getting my gut health on track when menopause reared its ugly head (I think it was there longer than I knew but the body was fighting all the other things). I have discovered though that Menopause is a moving target. I am really enjoying your program and have now added MyMT as my other go-to for resources and information. It is all fantastic information and works well with the other health issues I have. Thank you for all your research to help us.”
Alexandra, New Zealand
“I have now completed all of the modules in ‘Circuit Breaker’ and just wanted to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed every piece of information that you have given me and have learnt so much! It has been like a puzzle falling into place for me and I now understand why I have been the way I have. I have implemented most of what you have suggested and I cannot thank you enough. I feel so much better. Once again thank you.”
Wellington, New Zealand
“Hi Wendy, Well, it’s fair to say that I am thrilled to have finally found a programme where I feel like I am now in control of my menopause. After having my uterus and ovaries removed due to cancer in my mid 30’s, I thought wrongly that I had gone through surgical menopause some 20 years ago. So you can imagine the huge shock at the age of 52 to develop what turned out to be a solid dose of symptoms that lead my Dr to inform me that I was in fact joining the ranks of my friends and suffering menopause. Initially it was a case of thank heavens for that, fairing the worse I thought that’s ok, I can deal with this…..ah 8 months in, waking up half a dozen times in the night with both hot flushes and terrible night sweats, feeling grumpy with lack of sleep and no matter how hard I work out at the gym the weight was going up not down, I was at my wits end. I tried all sorts of natural remedies, from acupuncture to Chinese herbs, all with little effect. It was encouraging and refreshing to find MyMT™, it all made sense so I signed up. Thank you for providing me with the tools to start dealing with my journey, I have just come to the end of my first week and I love the feeling of being in control and making a difference. I have already noticed the severity of my night sweats & flushes are decreasing and I am excited to continue to see further changes.”
Auckland, New Zealand
“Where do I begin. The hot flushes, the night sweats, night after night of not sleeping and the debilitating anxiety. I was beyond exhausted. Physically and emotionally I was at my lowest point. Every day became a struggle. Menopause hit me like a tonne of bricks. I’d suffered from migraines which worsened through perimenopause so when I went through menopause I was overjoyed to have the migraines stop. But then came the avalanche of everything else. I sought advice from the medical and naturopathic fields but I still couldn’t get on top of all the many aspects of menopause that were making my life miserable. And then I heard about Wendy and MyMT and I emailed her. Even the email she sent back made me feel better because she knew exactly what I was going through and why. I signed up to the program and am now working through it. Every step is a big step because it makes such a difference to how I feel. The program is empowering because it makes you feel back in control of your own health. Wendy’s knowledge is incredible and she is so responsive to any questions I have. I highly recommend MyMT to anyone experiencing the rollercoaster of peri-menopause and menopause.”
Melbourne, Australia
" Hi, this is my first post after beginning the programme a couple of weeks ago. In taking the first step and registering for the programme I felt like I had ‘taken charge’ and begun to work in a more focused way on getting my symptoms under control. I have previously tried various herbal supplements with varying degrees of success. The reminders that Wendy has in her ‘Daily Dozen’ are very powerful. It’s given me a whole new re-focus. Thank you for providing the additional support and encouragement to keep going. HRT is no longer on my radar – I am discovering that I can do this without it!”
Dunedin, New Zealand
" Hi Wendy. Now that I’ve finished your ‘Circuit-Breaker’ programme, I signed up for your ‘Re-Build My Fitness’ programme. It’s amazing and I had a bit of a light bulb moment. It sounds silly, but I’ve never actually thought about whether I want to exercise for fitness or health. I suppose there is a connection, in that I probably do need to be fitter, for the benefit of my health, but I’m certainly not out to try and run a marathon! Thank you for challenging my thoughts in more ways than one! I am loving all the learning I am doing on both your programmes.”
Te Awamutu, New Zealand
" Hi MyMT, I can relate to everything you have said in the ‘Circuit-Breaker’ programme Wendy. This is such a great programme. I’m loving everything I am learning and now that I am listening to your webinars, it just makes so much sense. You have taken away all the confusion for me and I love how holistic it is too. I can’t thank you enough as I feel so much better.”
Wanaka, New Zealand
“This course is going so well, that when we go to Canada for a family holiday, I will be rocking my bikini again – even at 58!”
Invercargill, New Zealand
“It’s been overwhelming how the simple Daily Dozen has helped with my sleeping – I’m now waking with energy and a positive outlook. Making food changes has had benefits too, I have already lost 2 kilos and my bloating seems to be a thing of the past. By keeping the 3 “Ds” forefront to my day, has really had a positive effect in everything I’m doing throughout my day. Being in the fitness industry for 18 years I always had the energy to get through life, however over the past year as “things” changed, my days became a struggle getting through, feeling that I couldn’t cope with the stuff I once could. Although I understood that it was probably hormones – I didn’t realise the extent the imbalances were impacting on me. Wendy – you made it all make sense, and I am enjoying re-learning hormone pathways and what is going on in my ageing body. Look forward to my next module – thanks again Coach!”
Christchurch, New Zealand
“Hi Wendy, you were my first Personal Trainer over 20 years ago and when I saw you had this programme I knew I could trust it. Loving the programme so far and getting lots out of it. Thanks so much for developing this. It has incredible information.”
Dunedin, New Zealand
“Completely fell off the wagon over Easter – and I paid for it! It reinforced how powerful this programme is, especially as my sleep went ‘awol’ again. I’m now back on track and loving all the life-changing information.”
Waikane, New Zealand
“Hi Wendy – My sleep patterns are so much better and giving me more energy during the day. I have just had a 4 day weekend for Easter and worked in the yard, very hard manual gardening, and have continued sleeping well and feel like I kept up with my adult children (maybe more than them too) in lifting, shoveling and chopping trees down. I feel 100% to what I was earlier in the year. Thanks again for your amazing programme and support.”
Tauranga, New Zealand
“I love how you have made everything make so much sense, Wendy. I am enjoying learning about the physiological aspects of menopause and how to manage that. I am putting your strategies into practice. My sleep has improved and I have more energy and I’m doing more than I have in a long time. I’ve lost around 4kgs, my flushes are better and I’m particularly focusing on reducing my stress, now I understand the link between that and weight loss and sleep. All in all, I’m feeling good and loving the programme.”
Wellington, New Zealand
“I want to say that the Circuit Breaker programme was absolutely brilliant! I tried my best to follow everything – and it has made a huge difference to my sleep, weight and general state of mind. I have had very few hot flashes over the last few months, so thank you. I totally feel that I got my money’s worth from the programme. I have been recommending it to all my friends.”
Dunedin, New Zealand
Wendy – thank you!!!!! Thank you for the time & work you have put into creating, nurturing & improving MMT Circuit Breaker to help people like me. I started the programme mid January and wish I had found it sooner. I am still struggling to get a full nights sleep but have finally got control of my hot flashes! Who knew that what I was putting in my mouth had such a big impact on my body at a time in my life when it is already in turmoil – and boy do I know when I have consumed something I shouldn’t have. I am looking forward to unlocking the next stages of Circuit Breaker and taking back control of my body. I have also managed to reduce my belly fat – roll on the stage that helps me drop a few kilos too. Keep up your awesomeness!
Janine S
Invercargill, New Zealand
"An exceptional course (Menopause Weight Loss Coach for Health Practitioners) and so well presented. Content is well balanced with clear evidence and research (it was the science behind this program that led me to enrol in the first place). Certainly got my brain thinking and definitely learnt so much.Thank you Wendy - just brilliant!"
Fiona B.
South Australia (April, 2023)
“Things are going well, no more hot flushes, depression or insomnia. I have learnt loads. Thank you Wendy."
Morag, M.
NSW, Australia (April, 2021)

YES! I want a 12 week Menopause Transformation

Take the MyMT™ Symptoms Quiz

Menopause symptoms are a result of changing hormone levels, primarily oestrogen and progesterone, which affect the balance of other hormones too. So menopause changes can upset your body’s unique bio-chemistry. But every one of your symptoms is reversible if you change your lifestyle and allow your body to adapt to its ‘new normal.’ This is what MyMT delivers to you – all the scientifically evidenced step-by-step strategies which you access over 12 weeks, so you discover how to work with your changing hormones in menopause, not against them.

There are no hormone medications or supplements. How to restore the hormonal harmony that menopause takes away is waiting for you in the exclusive member area now.

Not sure which programme is right for you? Then take the Symptoms Quiz to find out.