Are your clients considering a MyMT™ Program?
- Highly Qualified Coach
- Trusted by Over 16,000 Women
- 14 Day Money Back Guarantee
MyMT™ understands the importance and relevance of medical support
MyMT™ understands the importance and relevance of medical support for many women suffering moderate to severe symptoms as they transition into and through menopause. MyMT™ does not interfere with or replace any medical advice. It gives research-proven, practical lifestyle information and behaviour-change support to women.
“Menopause is a crossroads. It is an ideal time for women to make decisions about how they are going to live the next third of their life. Women need to develop a lifestyle that includes healthy eating and adequate exercise in the long term.”
Dr Beverley, Lawton (2014)
Menopause: a guide for every woman
What we do:
MyMT™ is an online lifestyle behaviour-change support tool for women transitioning into and through menopause
MyMT™ aims to educate and support women to pro-actively manage their own menopause experience. Dr Wendy Sweet (PhD) has designed a 12 Step Lifestyle Change Program to support women through this journey. The information provided for women aims to educate them about the lifestyle-changes that might assist them to improve moderate to severe symptoms experienced including hot flashes/ flushes, sleep management, joint and muscle health, stress and anxiety, energy levels, and if required, weight loss.
MyMT™ works co-operatively and responsibly with medical practitioners and allied health professionals.
We offer an adjunct program, with a similar focus to New Zealand’s Green Prescription lifestyle-change strategy. Our focus is just on women during their menopause years and the support some might need to facilitate a healthier ageing. MyMT™ educates women that their decision to start or stop Menopause Hormonal Therapy is a decision that needs to be made between only them and their Doctor.
In addition, MyMT™ educates medical and allied health professionals in our menopause-specific Continuing Professional Development courses, so that they can work alongside women who want to understand lifestyle solutions for symptom management.
MyMT™ screens all on-line clients before registering them on the program.
This is STEP 1 of the 12-STEP Program. The Pre-Activity (Par-Q) screening tool used is approved and recommended by the New Zealand Register of Exercise Professionals (NZREPs), the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the American Council on Exercise (ACE). A medical exclusion process is adhered to.
MyMT™ uses the 10-Item Cervantes Scale Menopause Symptom Test.
[Faustino R. et.al. (2013). Assessment of menopause-related symptoms in mid-aged women with the 10-item Cervantes Scale. Maturitas, 76: 151– 154]
What we don't do:
MyMT™ does not interfere with the clinical medical advice any woman receives.
We offer an adjunct program, with a similar focus to New Zealand’s Green Prescription lifestyle-change strategy. Our focus is just on women during their menopause years and the support some might need to facilitate a healthier ageing.
MyMT™ does not sell supplements or hormone replacement therapies.
We do not sell any kind of supplements or hormone replacements. This is purely a behaviour change program to educate women on the lifestyle solutions that are evidenced for symptom reduction.
Who designed the Program?
Dr Wendy Sweet (PhD)
- B.Phys Ed (Univ. of Otago).
- M. Sport & Leisure Studies, PhD (Univ. of Waikato)].
- Former Registered Nurse
- Registered Exercise Science Specialist
- Member Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine
An award-winning exercise specialist with over 40 years’ experience, Wendy’s doctoral thesis explored women’s healthy ageing experiences at mid-life and her Master’s thesis explored lifestyle behaviour change in the context of personal training.
Drawing on her own research as well as her personal experience transitioning into her mid-life years and her extensive practical experience working in the fitness industry and lecturing in sport, health and exercise at University level, Wendy brings this to the design and development of MyMT™.

Case Study: Female (56 years)
- On HRT & anti-depressants for 5 years. Medically approved to enter program.
- Weight gain in past 3 years (Weight 78 kg; previously 64kg); Mainly diaphragmatic, WHR = +1.0
- Exercising 6 times a week; running, kayaking mainly with no shift in weight and despite painful feet, especially at night.
- Exhausted with 4 year history of waking 4-5 times a night with hot flushes/ flashes and night sweats despite being on HRT
- BP – 170/90
- Blood profile as below sent by her Dr, with added CRP of 2.1
Blood Work
Total Cholesterol | 7.0 mmol/L | (<5.0) H |
Triglyceride | 0.8 mmol/L | (< 2.0) |
HDL Cholesterol | 2.28 mmol/L | (t 1.0) |
LDL Cholesterol | 4.4 mmol/L | (< 3.4) H |
Total/HDL Chol Ratio | 3.1 | (< 4.5) |
Ferritin | 27 uglL | (20-200) |
TSH | 1.21 mUlL | (0.3-5.0) |
Free T4 | 8.0 pmol/L | (7-16 pmol/L) |
25-OH Vit D | 53 nmol/L | (50-150 nmol/L) |
Menopause Qualifications for Health Professionals
MyMT™ Education – Choose from three Continuing Professional Development courses

An Introduction to the Science of Menopause for Health Coaches
Introduces Health and Wellness Coaches to the physiological and psychological changes occurring in midlife

Menopause Weight Loss Coach
Learn about the unique physiology of weight gain in midlife, and discover proven lifestyle science solutions for weight loss

Menopause Practitioner Course
Our most comprehensive certification, designed to enable and empower you to use lifestyle science solutions for your client’s menopause symptoms