- Highly Qualified Coach
- Trusted by Over 17,000 Women
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MyMT™ Makes Your Menopause Transition Simple
Don’t let your menopause symptoms get you down. Women and Health Professionals across the world are harnessing the power of Dr Wendy Sweet(PhD)’s decades of research into women’s health and ageing to take back control of their health in midlife. The key to their success is having a scientifically evidenced, step-by-step lifestyle program to follow, that is uniquely tailored to the changing hormonal environment during peri-menopause, menopause and post-menopause.

Menopause is more than just hot flushes!
As you’ve reached mid-life, have you noticed a lot of changes in your body? Are you not sleeping? Do you have joint pain? Have you experienced heart palpitations or more anxiety? Do you feel exhausted and more forgetful? Or perhaps you have gained weight or belly fat?
Menopause isn’t just about hot flushes. There are so many changes occurring throughout your body as you enter peri-menopause and these may continue into post-menopause if you don’t learn how to adapt to your new hormonal environment.

From a biological point of view, our menopause transition means that the reproductive hormones oestrogen and progesterone and our master pituitary hormones are declining. But that’s not all. Oestrogen receptors are present around the body including in the brain, heart, breast, liver, uterus, bone, muscles, blood vessels and within the largest organ, the skin. As oestrogen levels naturally decline, these other areas of the body are affected too.
Menopause is also the gateway to our biological ageing, so many of our main organs are reducing in size and function too. For example, did you know that the volume of the liver can reduce up to 40% during menopause?
It’s therefore no wonder that women feel so out of sorts and completely robbed of our confidence, energy and health when we reach midlife.
But, what we have done in the past to manage our health often no longer works in this new hormonal environment. This is because there are so many internal factors fighting against you.
We need to learn to work with our hormones, not against them. By addressing the underlying cause of your menopause symptoms at the cellular level, not only can you experience relief from your symptoms, but you can reduce inflammation in your cells, setting you up for better health in your older years.
Are you ready to re-discover your health, vitality and energy in midlife?

I’ve never been a good sleeper, but it became awful, so I had no energy, and felt irritable and low. But the worst thing of all was what it did to my brain – I couldn’t think straight and couldn’t remember words.
I am so grateful that I had something to cling to through dark times, and a community that was supportive and positive. I honestly don’t know how I’d have coped over the last few years without MyMT™ – I recommend it to anyone who tells me that they’re struggling with menopause, including my HRT Consultant!
United Kingdom
Meet your Coach
Hi, I’m your Menopause Coach, Dr Wendy Sweet [PhD]
MyMT™ Founder & Women's Healthy Ageing Researcher
When my own symptoms overwhelmed me, and I gained 15kg of weight, despite daily exercise and eating well, I knew I had to look into what was really going on at this stage of life.
I wanted to feel healthy, vibrant, pain-free and energetic without resorting to endless medications and expensive supplements as I aged. I’m so pleased I researched this stage of life as part of my post-graduate studies, because what I learnt astounded me.
I learnt that menopause is indeed a vulnerable time for women and their health. When we look at the health conditions experienced by our mothers’ generation, we can see that osteoporosis, heart disease, fibro-myalgia, arthritis, dementia and diabetes begin during the menopause transition, particularly when women aren’t sleeping, gaining weight, having hot flushes and are stressed.
Through decades of research I can tell you that every symptom is reversible if you change your lifestyle to allow your body to adapt to its new normal. This is what you learn on the MyMT™ 12 week programs I have designed – scientifically evidenced natural strategies to help you reduce your symptoms and take back control of your health.
For the last 10 years I have coached thousands of women like you through their menopause transition, and this is what makes my programs unique. If you join one of the 12-week programs I am here to support you every step of the way in the MyMT™ Online Coaching Community.
This is the missing step other online courses don’t have. You can ask me questions, and read almost 10 years’ worth of questions and answers from other women, to help you put the puzzle pieces together like I did. It’s the additional motivation you need to change your life!
![Dr Wendy Sweet [PhD]](https://www.mymenopausetransformation.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/wendy-home.jpg)
How the MyMT™ Transformation Works
MyMT™ has a single goal… to help women around the globe proactively manage their own menopause transformation through natural, lifestyle changes. No longer should menopause symptoms impact on their life.

Take the Symptoms Quiz
Take the MyMT™ Symptoms Quiz to understand your symptoms and how these compare to women all around the world.

Watch the Masterclass
If you are as confused and frustrated by your symptoms as I was, then my self-paced, 2 hour, Masterclass on Menopause video is for you.

Transform your Health
Choose your program – Circuit Breaker™ or Transform Me™ for symptom reduction, Beyond Menopause™ for healthy ageing and longevity, or Rebuild My Fitness™ – your midlife exercise guide.
Our Flagship Programs


Transform Me
Transform Me is for women who are putting on menopause belly-fat. This fabulous program teaches you how to sleep all night, improve your energy, reduce hot flushes and sore joints, and manage a condition called oestrogen dominance, which may be the cause of your menopausal weight gain.
Coaching support included in the MyMT™ Community.

Circuit Breaker
Circuit Breaker is for thinner, leaner women experiencing poor sleep, increased anxiety, palpitations, hot flushes, night sweats, low energy, sore joints etc. To help your body adjust to its new hormonal environment, I teach you how to get to the heart of your cellular health.
Coaching support included in the MyMT™ Community.
Reclaim your sense of self and control over your health.

Join the Coaching Community of MyMTTM Women
You don’t have to be alone on this journey – when you start your Program you will join over 2,000 women from 50+ countries in the private Facebook Coaching Community. Their support will inspire you to stay on track, and so will I. You can ask me questions at any time.

Susi W - Switzerland
“I love how my energy levels have returned now that I sleep all night. I have adjusted my diet with the many tips and the encouragement to slow down the pace of life has done me a lot of good.”

Julie - United Kingdom
“What magic is this MyMT™ Program?!
I’m now sleeping all night and have released 22lbs (10kg)”

Wendy - Australia
“You truly have helped me turn my life around. I’ve lost 7kg, no more allergies, my gut health has improved and my energy levels are back.”
Your Menopause Questions Answered
Menopause usually starts in our mid-40s and this is known as peri-menopause. Periods start to fluctuate as reproductive hormones decline.
Women are considered to be in menopause when their periods cease. From my database of 500,000+ women who have completed the MyMT™ Symptoms Quiz I can tell you that on average this happens at 51 years of age.
After one year of periods ending, women enter post-menopause where they remain for the rest of their lives. We live nearly half of our life in a completely different hormonal environment, so we need to know how to adjust to this.
Research suggests that the menopausal transition period is strongly associated with weight gain, which in up to 70% of women, is now a known symptom. The data I have collected over the years confirms this.
But, here’s the thing. It’s not your fault you are putting on weight! There are so many factors fighting against you. Here are just two examples:
- You may not be sleeping – Incredibly, because of our changing hormone levels in menopause, we can add 1-2 kg a week during menopause when we can’t sleep (Theorell-Haglow et al, 2010).
When you’re awake night after night, this means that your glucose-carrying hormone called insulin, remains higher than usual overnight. So too, does your stress hormone called cortisol. When this happens, this interferes with both melatonin and another sleep hormone called Adenosine. All of these hormones play a role in fat cell physiology. - Oestrogen Dominance – Did you know that our fat cells are known to produce their own oestrogen?
When menopause hormonal changes arrive and women don’t adjust their lifestyle to suit these changes, our fat cells can turn towards storing any excess oestrogen that arrives from our diet and hormone-agents in the environment. When this happens, there is more oestrogen stored in our fat cells and this ‘dominates’ the internal environment
If we don’t put the brakes on our weight gain during menopause, then this can be a slippery slope towards joint issues, cardiovascular issues and for some, Type 2 Diabetes.
Learn more about why you are gaining weight and explore the 12-week MyMT™ Transform Me Programme here.
Are you noticing lots of changes going on in your body? Perhaps, you are like Kellie from New Zealand, who told me…
“I think without this programme I would have gone crazy, I had no idea a lot of my symptoms were menopause related. I am now sleeping through the night, no more insomnia or hot flushes keeping me awake, my blood pressure is back to normal, no more heart palpitations and my feet no longer burn at night.”
The common symptoms that are known about in research include:
- Interrupted sleep
- Low energy
- Night sweats / hot flushes
- Loss of muscle
- Weight Gain
- Irritability
- Depression
- Lack of Motivation
- Worsening prolapse
- Burning joints / weak bones
- Low libido
- Dry skin
But the research is still in its early days. Women on my programmes are surprised to find that the following symptoms are also likely menopause related:
- Heart palpitations
- Dizziness
- Burning tongues
- Hair loss
- Reflux
With oestrogen receptors located all around the body, I am not surprised that there are so many symptoms that women don’t realise are related to menopause. In my 12 week programmes, I have bonus information which helps you understand and manage these symptoms.
Inflammation in the body makes our symptoms worse.
The term ‘inflammaging’ refers to chronic, low-grade inflammation that characterises ageing. And as I keep reminding women, even though we feel young perhaps compared to our mother’s generation at the same age, we must also remember that inside our body, our cells are ageing. Furthermore, when we aren’t sleeping, we aren’t healing from all the stress that we are under.
And I don’t just mean emotional stress. I often talk about women who are undertaking lots of high-intensity exercise most days of the week (as I used to as well). This can increase physical or oxidative stress inside our cells and tissues when we aren’t sleeping well. Like over-trained athletes, we fail to heal properly when we don’t sleep. Inflammation builds up, and this begins to affect some tissues and organs, including the gut microbiota and fat cells.
If we think about a woman’s experiences over her lifetime that may have caused inflammation, coupled with the fact that peri-menopause and ageing are known to be inflammatory themselves, menopause is the perfect storm for symptom chaos and health changes.
Menopause symptoms, when unresolved can create worsening health problems as we age. I’m talking about things like joint issues, cardiovascular issues and for some, Type 2 Diabetes.
Through undertaking my PhD, I discovered that symptoms are reversible when we have a focus on lifestyle changes which are specific to the menopause transition. How we look after ourselves helps our body to adapt to our changing hormonal environment. By addressing the underlying cause of your menopause symptoms, not only can you experience relief from your symptoms, but you can reduce inflammation, setting you up for better health in your older years.
This is what you learn on the MyMT™ programmes – all the scientifically evidenced, step by step lifestyle strategies to help you to understand how to reduce your symptoms and take back control of your health. Read more about How it Works here.
Every day I get emails from women who are thinking about joining me on the MyMT™ programmes, because they feel overwhelmed with night sweats and hot flushes which may also be continuing or returning now that they are beyond menopause.
Understandably, hot flashes have a huge impact on their quality of life, so finding an effective treatment option is paramount for them. However, I am surprised by how many women are already on various hormonal treatments and supplements already.
Clearly, these interventions are not working for them. It’s so perplexing, but as I had this experience too, I now better understand why. So, if this sounds like you, then my BLOG gives you the reasons why your hot flushes aren’t stopping – and most importantly, 8 lifestyle solutions to try as well.
In the Beyond Menopause Program I also explain to you how turning around our cardiovascular health can reduce our Hot Flushes in post-menopause.
No matter whether you are on Menopause Hormonal Therapy (MHT) or not, then the MyMT™ programs have lifestyle solutions that help to reduce your hot flushes, improve your sleep, turn around sore joints and muscles, and for those of you who are overweight, the Transform Me program teaches you how to turn around your oestrogen dominance, which is the cause of your menopause weight gain.
My women’s healthy ageing research led me to position menopause in our biological ageing. It’s a natural life-event that all women go through. When I struggled with my own symptoms in menopause, despite taking endless supplements and MHT, I learnt that many women in other cultures don’t experience the symptoms that many women living in western societies experience.
If you are on MHT, then this is a decision that you have made with your Doctor. Many women go on MHT for reasons other than hot flush management (e.g. to manage osteoporosis risk or heart disease risk or depression), so the decision to go on or even come off your hormone therapy is a decision that you must make with your medical specialist.
To help you reduce your symptoms and/or weight gain, I teach you how to get to the heart of your cellular health with evidenced lifestyle solutions. These ‘health behaviours’ are designed to help your hormones stop fighting each other and adjust to their new hormonal normal.
For example, did you know that the liver changes in volume by up to 40% in menopause? The liver is a critical organ that is responsible for a variety of functions that help support metabolism, immunity, digestion, detoxification and vitamin storage. That’s why I have a whole module dedicated to turning around your liver health.
If we are going to remain healthy throughout our post-menopause years, we need solutions that are easily incorporated into our daily lives. That’s why I take a progressive approach, sending you a module each fortnight with a video explaining the ‘WHY’ and an action plan showing you the ‘HOW’. And I’m here to support you every step of the way in my Coaching Community. This is what women tell me sets MyMT™ apart. You can ask me questions about your personal experiences or symptoms, and I help you to problem solve.
Read more about How the Programs Work here.
“For more than a year of feeling like I was falling apart with no sleep and no explanation as to why I couldn’t handle things the way I used to. Then I discovered Wendy’s program. To say it gave me hope is an understatement.” – Melanie, Australia.
If you are confused about whether you have reached menopause or what stage you are in then please start by taking the MyMT™ Symptoms Quiz. With over 500,000 women completing this quiz, I can help you to understand whether your symptoms are menopause related and whether they are severe compared to others.
Do you want to learn a bit more about this stage of life? Including what the scientific evidence says about the importance of getting on top of your symptoms? If so, then my 2-hour online Masterclass on Menopause* is for you. This is my presentation that I was sharing across the globe before the pandemic. I have now recorded it for you, and yes you can pause me and come back to me any time.
Price reduced to NZ$15 (* approx. AU$14, UK£8, €14, US$11, CAD$14) from my live ticket-price.
Unlimited 90 days access.
Ready to choose your program? Read about How it Works.