Did someone mention MENOPAUSE DEPRESSION?
Over 2/3 of women in their 50s in the UK, Australia and New Zealand, get placed on anti-depressants in their menopause transition. Why is this when we’ve been healthy and happy all our lives? This was my curiosity too when I felt depressed and had lost my mojo.
But where are the conversations about the positive change to our mood hormones that comes with aerobic exercise & getting out in nature rather than taking endless anti-depressants that women then stay on for years?
There’s little scientific debate that exercise is good for you. For many women, however, mid-life is a time when they are too exhausted, too busy or too stressed, to even care about exercise and staying active. The Australian Longitudinal Women’s Health Studies have identified this over the past decade. But for women who exercise regularly, the benefits are tangible – as my doctoral research indicated too, it simply makes them feel good and helps them to cope. In fact, it’s the ‘feel-good’ effects of exercise that may be one of the most powerful strategies available to improve women’s mental health and depression in menopause … but it’s not just any exercise. There is certain exercise that is better for our mental health.
So, please, when you have time, have a listen to what I have to say … because this is important for all of you who struggle with changing emotions and moods in menopause.
And yes, my friend who is a videographer is going to tell me off for having lots of shade on my face, but I wanted you to see this ancient hut from WW2 on my hiking trail. 😊
“Bonjour from Switzerland” to you all. I’m based here for a couple of weeks supporting my son who is a competitive skier. Then I’m heading back to the UK to take more lectures, so please, if you live in or near Liverpool, Sheffield and Birmingham, then jump on the Event page of the My Menopause Transformation website.