ASHBURTON – Why Menopause Matters: Your Masterclass on Peri-to-Post-Menopause Lifestyle Solutions

September 5th, 2024 from 7.00 PM to 9.00 PM
Hotel Ashburton,
35 Racecourse Road, Ashburton
Tickets on sale now, ONLY $30 p.p.
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Hello Canterbury Ladies. Will you join Lizelle from Go Girl Timaru, and myself on September 5th at 7pm in Ashburton, for your Masterclass on peri-menopause to post-menopause?

From the 500,000+ women on my database who have now completed the MyMTℱ Menopause Symptoms Quiz, I can conclusively say 85% of them struggle with managing their symptoms, including weight gain, in mid-life.

At least 300,000 of them are moving from peri-menopause to menopause and find that insomnia, sore joints, fatigue, changing gut health remain their main challenges, despite being on HRT. Whether this is you or not, it’s my privilege to bring this important seminar to you in Ashburton, at the invitation of Lizelle, from Go Girl Physique Gym. 

I want you to discover what I didn’t know myself as I reached my menopause transition and why all the medications and supplements that I was taking didn’t work into the longer term for my health.

What I should have been doing, was changing my lifestyle to accommodate menopause hormonal changes too.

Once you understand why menopause symptoms and/or weight changes occur, you can apply my practical strategies to successfully break the circuit of your changing hormonal health. Night sweats, hot flushes, insomnia, sore joints, changing gut health, brain fog, mood swings … the list goes on and on.

But what do you need to do to get back in control of these symptoms?

What lifestyle changes do you need to make?

If you have asked yourself these questions and you are as confused and curious as women on my coaching programmes have been, then will you join me?

I missed out on delivering this live-event when the country went into lockdown, but Lizelle has convinced me to return. I can’t wait to meet you.

In an ageing world, women must remain healthy, relevant and energetic. We are often still working and still have a lot to get done – another 30 years of living in fact.

If this is you, but menopause has blind-sided your energy levels, your moods, movement and your mojo, then please join me at Hotel Ashburton for this live-event. I won’t let you down.

“Dear Wendy – I attended your session in Invercargill recently and all I can say is finally, I have found somebody who takes a holistic approach to menopause! Thank you! I learnt so much.”  [Trish, Southland]

Finally, if you would like to meet me and listen to some of my story, then I also have the video for you below. 

Dr Wendy Sweet (PhD)/ My Menopause Transformation Founder and Member: Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine.

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