MyMT™ Blog

“Since becoming a MyMT™ Practitioner, I’ve set up a support group for women. The results have been phenomenal.” [Maxine, UK]

“I really feel that there is so much emphasis on HRT for menopause symptoms here in the UK, that women are not aware of the lifestyle evidence. And I used to be the same.

Four years ago, menopause had overwhelmed me so much that just the simplest of things would make my heart palpitate. I had all the usual symptoms – anxiety, low mood, hot flushes and brain fog was something I was trying to navigate every day.

Sleep eluded me. I lost time from work and my relationships were challenged. 

Then there was the weight gain .. at one point I was putting on 1lb per week, even though at that time, I was eating well, and I was teaching 10 exercise classes a week!

Like most women, I tried both menopause HRT and anti-depressants, both of which helped for a while. But they never fully alleviated all of my symptoms.

Then I discovered Wendy’s MyMT™ Transform Me programme. Everything she said made perfect sense!

I had been in the health and wellbeing world for over 20 years, however the knowledge I had as a Personal Trainer was being turned in its head. Her programme was a ‘light-bulb’ moment for me. I began to realise that exercising more and restricting the calories in my diet were exacerbating my symptoms.

So, I began making changes, and quickly saw results. This gave me the motivation to make even more changes. I eventually no longer felt that I needed, either HRT or anti depressants and with the support of my GP came off them.

This made me think I needed to use this new found knowledge to help the countless other woman  struggling.

I approached Wendy and enquired about the MyMT™ Education Menopause Practitioner course… and the rest is history…

Fast forward to now.. I’m happy, healthy, symptom free, 2 stone lighter and a qualified MyMT™ Lifestyle Menopause Practitioner.

I’ve also changed the style of classes I deliver as I realised the volume of exercise was likely to be increasing my symptoms. I’m mainly teaching Pilates nowadays. In these classes. I meet woman daily that are experiencing symptoms of Menopause and so have set up a weekly face to face menopause support group and run monthly Saturday morning workshops.

It’s an uphill battle in the UK at the moment, as HRT is increasingly popular and so woman aren’t so aware of the lifestyle changes they can make either alongside or instead of HRT. However, with my workshops, I see the ‘light bulb’ moment in the participants faces and it makes my job very rewarding. So, I’ll keep educating one woman at a time.

Thanks again Wendy for changing my life – the results with my clients have been phenomenal.”

Maxine, The Health Improvement Coach, Derbyshire, UK


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