MyMT™ Blog

“As a Personal Trainer, I noticed that my midlife clients weren’t coping with their exercise.” [Charlotte, Barcelona]

Before Charlotte did the MyMT™ Circuit Breaker course and then went on to become a MyMT™ Practitioner, she had no idea that one day, she would be hosting a ‘Menopause Mayhem’ lunch for potential clients in her community. She has allowed me to share her story with you all, so that you too, can become motivated to share this important lifestyle science for menopause knowledge with your clients.

I am a Personal Trainer based in Barcelona and for a while, I’d been noticing that my clients in their late 40’s, early 50’s just weren’t losing weight or coping so well with my training demands. I am also a nutritionist and was helping them with food ideas and meal plans but nothing seemed to be working. It never really occurred to me that this was due to the menopause so I just continued to work them hard and push HIIT and protein on them.

It was around this time that my friends also started to talk openly about the menopause and what they were going through. They were complaining of poor sleep, not being able to drink anymore, of headaches, mood swings and sore joints – and the penny dropped! 

My clients were going through this incredible change and their bodies were no longer able to cope with my demands, they needed a different approach (which I didn’t have a clue about!) so I did the MyMT™ Menopause Weight Loss Coach course then went onto do the Menopause Lifestyle Science for Practitioners’ Course as I didn’t feel that I knew enough to really help them yet with all of their symptoms …..and suddenly everything made so much more sense.

As well as changing the way I coached my PT clients, I wanted to take the message wider and help more women than just my clients.

So, I created a flyer called ‘Menopause Mayhem’ and sent it out within my community. It was a basic workshop about the menopause – and the ladies signed up.

It was astounding how little they knew – and how little help they were receiving. On the back of this, I have now created a 30 day, a 2 month and a 3 month course and started to advertise more workshops.

That motivated me to approach the school which my children attend and the Headmaster was incredibly open to the idea of me talking to his staff about the menopause and as a result of that, I was invited back to talk to the parents.

This is an avenue I plan to pursue because everyone wins – the school looks great for helping the community and the mums and staff get a funded talk about the menopause.

What I’ve realised is that women really don’t know very much at all about the menopause. From one day to the next, they become different people and they have no idea why.

They all know of course that oestrogen levels drop but they’re not familiar with the symptoms or the changing needs of their bodies or how to handle what is going on by changing their lifestyle. They think their only option is HRT – and that appears to be quite hard to sort out, so I really wanted to be able to offer an alternative that focused them on the specific lifestyle changes they need. The MyMT™ Courses, have given me the opportunity to do that. 

I believe that education and understanding is the absolute key to getting through the menopause and this course has given me the ability to reach a wide number of women in a short space of time.

Of course, a lot of women invest in coming to my workshops and leave with an increased knowledge, but some also decide to invest further and continue with a course and my coaching. 

I get a HUGE sense of pride from seeing the furious note-taking during my presentations and from being able to answer all the questions that are thrown at me.

It’s a massive topic and there’s always more to learn but the course has given me a fabulous base from which to launch. I’ve applied the learnings to myself as well as to share them with the ladies out there who want to listen.

Charlotte Birch, Barcelona CFitBfit

Our mission is to educate and empower you to use evidenced, lifestyle change solutions to help your peri to post-menopausal clients manage menopause symptoms and lose weight.

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