When you have a busy family life and you’ve been active for years, but menopause arrives and you begin to feel exhausted, it can be really confusing. Rachel felt like this too, and as someone who has worked as part of a collaborative team for years leading community learning, Rachel is a woman who is used to being faced with challenges and solving them! Not being able to find any cause or relief, for her increasingly painful joints and her rapidly reducing mobility during her menopause transition, it was a particularly frustrating and worrying situation for her. Especially with a family hiking trip that had been planned for months, on the horizon.
Having been tested – with negative results – for a range of conditions, her own doctor still made an appointment with a specialist as a ‘last resort’. Knowing that all the specialist was likely to do, would be to confirm the lack of diagnosis, Rachel started her own investigation on the internet. She was also keen to find help with the growing number of hot flushes and high levels of anxiety she was experiencing. Feeling so sleep deprived everything seemed to be so much more difficult, especially her job – her brain seemed to be in a constant fog.
When MyMT™ came up in her Facebook feed, “I felt there was nothing to lose” mentioned Rachel. “It made sense to me that my hormones were changing and I needed to help them, not prevent the changes that my body needed to make at this life-stage.”
“I felt better quite quickly. My joint pain was reducing, and so were my hot flushes. With having a step-by-step program to follow with strategies that made so much sense, and turning around my sleeping patterns, my anxiety levels were heading down, not up.
With a bit of ‘tweaking’ and Wendy’s advice, and her willingness to engage in my unique journey, helped me to work out how I could turn things around. In the end, these suggestions made all the difference. I lost weight too, athough I didn’t come onto the Circuit Breaker programme to lose weight.
What was powerful for me were the topics that Wendy writes about via her private coaching community. The support in there from other women is also fabulous. The stories from Wendy’s own experiences have made some of the strategies in the program so real to my own journey.
The best thing for Rachel is that her family too, have gained from her involvement in MyMT™. Her commitment to all the solutions that MyMT™ provided, saw a renewed focus from her husband on his own health and fitness, and the opportunity to complete a much discussed and keenly awaited family tramp. “I thought that this was impossible at the time, becuase I was suffering so much joint pain.”
“This life-style change is something you need to keep working at – forming new habits and routines. I was on a course taking me to nowhere during menopause but I feel so empowered now. I also believe I have all the information now to keep me heading in the right direction. I am truly grateful, this has changed my life. ‘This life-changing program, has given me all the tools I need to take charge of my health, both now and into the future.’’
Rachel S., Auckland, New Zealand.
Whilst 2020 has certainly emerged as a year of challenges for all of us with the pandemic and I know that many of you are experiencing extraordinary changes in your life, I hope that you might be able to join me*. Whilst the Covid-19 special pricing of NZ$199 has ended now, I still want to support you, so there is still a NZ$50 SAVING on the programme pricing. This makes is NZ$349 [approx. AUS $317, US$206 or UK£165]. Please use the promo code JOIN MYMT when you select the programme that best suits you.