Why do we have so many symptoms that impact on how we feel during our menopause transition? Why do we all need to suddenly take supplements and medicines when we’ve been healthy all our lives? Why can’t we sleep? Why can’t we tolerate doing the exercise that we love to do? WHY? WHY? WHY?
What is really going on? When my own menopause symptoms blind-sided me, that was my curiosity too. When women on my healthy ageing studies were telling me that they were concerned about their health as they aged and “didn’t want to age like their mother’s had, that’s when I decided to look into menopause as part of my women’s healthy ageing research.
I hope that when you get time, you can watch my video below where I describe how I can help you transition through menopause naturally. It’s the gateway to our biological ageing and positioning menopause in women’s healthy ageing research changed my life and is now transforming other women’s lives too. I know this because they tell me. When you have time, please visit the My Menopause Transformation website and then come on board into either of my 12 week online programmes (one for thinner women & one for weight loss) and get back to living your life free of symptoms in menopause using my powerful lifestyle change solutions. Menopause symptoms have been heavily medicalised and placed in pharmaceutical supplements for decades – it’s time to change that and understand that as we lose oestrogen, our body is biologically ageing – it’s why we have to change our lifestyle to allow our body to adjust to our new phase of life. Have a listen when you can.