“Menopause is the time of our lives when we need to improve our exercise commitment for our health and not necessarily for any high-performance sports performance. This is especially so when we feel so exhausted from not sleeping or if our joints and muscles are sore. When this happened to me I was so confused about my exercise choices and I had no idea that our muscles and joints are so affected by menopause as well. [You can read my article here if you want to learn more]. This is why I want to tell you about my special SALE for the 12 week, online Rebuild My Fitness programme which you can sign-up to anytime from now until the end of March. I’m in the beautiful Swiss Alps and I would love you to have a listen to my sort video when you have time.”

Everything you receive in this fabulous online 12 week exercise programme is described here on the website. My promo code to use in the BUY NOW for ReBuild My Fitness is FITNESS19 and this gives you $50 off which makes the price $199NZ for 3 months. This includes the programme AND my personalised coaching. Monthly payments are also available to help your budgeting.
“I can’t wait for you to join me.”
Dr Wendy Sweet, PhD/ Women’s Healthy Ageing Researcher & MyMT Lifestyle Coach.