Sign up to win a MyMT™ Beyond Menopause Program

Good Health Adds LIFE to Years

To celebrate the release of the MyMT™ Beyond Menopause Program I am excited to give away two free 12-week programs (valued at NZ$399 each). Please fill out the form below and watch the video or click HERE to learn more about the Program. Competition winners will be notified by email.

Dr Wendy Sweet (PhD) – Founder of My Menopause Transformation

Good Health Adds LIFE To Years

Photograph of participant of the online menopause quiz

Linda - New Zealand

“I’ve tried so many programs over the years but none of them mentioned post-menopause. I’ve now lost over 30kg. I feel as if I’ve rediscovered the real me which has been hiding inside.”

Lyndie UK

Lyndie - UK

“I used to suffer from back-aches and headaches, but not anymore. I have never in my 64 years felt as good as I do now.”

Lisa Bellford V2 (Wisconsin)

Lisa - USA

“I can’t believe it. I’ve been trying to lose my belly fat and reduce my cholesterol for 5 years. I’ve now lost 15lbs and Wendy’s program has been a life-changer.”

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