Feeling down in the dumps? Then boost your menopause-mood with food, sunlight and a mindset-reset too.

When I went to my GP because I was concerned about feeling emotional, tearful and anxious in my early 50’s, which was so unlike ‘highly- motivated-and happy-me’, my doctor never once spoke about tryptophan, gut health, sunlight, my circadian rhythm and calming aerobic exercise. Nor my stress levels. He spoke about anti-depressant medications instead. I […]

Boost your mood and blood vessels this Easter: MyMTℱ wishes you a wonderful dark-chocolate filled Easter!

Chocolate hearts

Yes you can have some dark chocolate this Easter – not too much and not too little. Happy Easter to you all! Having a small amount of dark chocolate is part of the MyMT Food Guide in both of my programmes, because of the wonderful healthy antioxidants it contains … and the darker the better. […]

“If menopause is the life-stage that is the opposite of puberty, then why is it treated as a ‘sickness’?”

“Menopause is the opposite life-stage to puberty and we don’t medicate our daughters with hormone therapies, anti-depressants and endless supplements. Too many women believe that menopause is a ‘sickness’, and yes, I was one of these women who believed this too, because that’s how it has been traditionally managed. But we aren’t sick! Our lifestyle […]

Lost your Christmas Cheer this year? In peri-menopause? Then learn why.

I still remember three years ago at Christmas, when everyone around me was looking forward to it, all I could think of, was ‘oh no, I really can’t be bothered’. I had no energy for shopping, no motivation for social events and with my belly-fat weight going up and up and Christmas drinks setting off […]