Hot Flushes/ Hot Flashes After Menopause: Will my hot flushes/ flashes ever stop?

Every day I get emails from women who are thinking about joining me on the MyMTℱ programmes, because they feel over-whelmed with night sweats and hot flushes. Even those who are well into their post-menopause years.  I am surprised by how many are on menopause supplements and/or medications …. the same interventions that are supposed […]

The cause of your morning wake-up heat wave in menopause: The Cortisol Awakening Response [CAR].

“Do you know why, when I immediately wake-up, I get a heat surge through my body?” she asked. The question took me back in time. A few years ago, when in my early 50s, I experienced the same phenomenon. Even though I’m in post-menopause now, I still have the odd ‘heat surge on waking-up’ moment. […]

Plant Phytoestrogens: Should you have them for your Menopause Symptoms?

Red clover used to grow in the paddocks where I grew up in the South Island of Aotearoa/ New Zealand. In summer the honey bees would hover enthusiastically around the beautiful purple-coloured flowers – how it got to be called ‘red’ is beyond me. The flowers are globe-like, can vary in colour from a very […]

Feast on Folate and Reduce your Hot Flushes, Brain Fog and Anxiety

The Connection Between Your Hot Flushes and Folate in Menopause.  The photo below is my garden right now. The spinach and parsley are taking off with the spring rain and I’m looking forward to enjoying the new season’s growth on my dinner plate. How I wish that I had planted both spinach and parsley a […]

Why alcohol and post-menopause aren’t a good mix!

Drinking culture is big business in many parts of the world and I was reminded of it today as I stood in line at check-in at Geneva airport. The woman was in her 50s and was off to Dubai to party-up a storm with her friend. In their race to get to check-in, they had […]

Your dietary protein, menopause hot flushes and the Okinawan ratio.

It took me a long time to understand why my menopause hot flushes were getting worse, despite the medications. My hot flushes were not only embarrassing and exhausting, especially the red-face, but seemed to increase in intensity in the evening. After dinner was the worst. But I now know why this is. The high-protein diet […]

The Fabulous Four! Nutrients that regulate body temperature during menopause

“I loved all the food ideas” mentioned Chris in an email to me, “I’ve gone from 71kg down to 63kg (11st 3lb to 9st 13lb in  UK terms) and it feels great. It also wasn’t really that hard and I love how my hot flushes are reduced and my sleep is so much better.  The […]

Beat your menopause heat by controlling your blood sugar levels.

The connection between elevated glucose levels, higher body temperature and sweating are already known in Diabetes research, but this is not only a diabetic issue. In healthy people without diabetes, acute spikes in glucose, either by glucose infusion or excessive carbohydrate consumption, causes body temperature to climb. (Bikman, 2022). I’m sure some of you, especially […]

Reduce hot flushes and improve heart health during menopause with the ‘Rye Factor’.

“After this past year of avoiding whole-grains completely based on the diet I was on, I now realise that this was the wrong thing to do now that I’m in my 50’s. I’ve lost 5 lbs & I’m feeling amazing. I have so much more energy.”  [Kirsten, USA] Most women joining me on the MyMTℱ programmes […]