Hello Wellington Ladies. Will you join Mish McCormack from HealthFit Collective, and myself on November 7th at 7pm at the Taranaki Wharf Rowing Club for your Masterclass on peri to post-menopause?
This thought provoking live event is designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools to start to take back control of your symptoms and your health as you enter your third stage of life.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️”After 25 years plus, with hot flushes, insomnia, depression, weight gain and countless other issues, I finally found Wendy! What a joy the past 12 weeks has been as I’ve been learning to live again! Wendy, I hope you understand how much you change women’s lives at a time when they can be very miserable and low.” Jane J, New Zealand
- Are you waking up night after night and exhaustion follows you through your day?
- Are you frustrated by your increasing weight gain despite dieting and exercising?
- Do you miss the confidence of being pain free and not worrying about recurring injuries?
- Are you now experiencing dizziness, brain fog or feeling more anxious than you used to?
- Are you on menopause HRT or supplements but they aren’t giving you the relief that they once did?
- Or perhaps you are in post-menopause already, but you feel like your symptoms have returned?
Menopause is not a disease. But it is a stage of life where your hormone levels are changing, and key organs around your body are ageing, and this combination can trigger other health problems throughout the body.
If you have arrived in midlife (early 40s – late 60s) you are now in a completely different hormonal environment, as your body prepares for its biological ageing. You may know that the decline in oestrogen and progesterone during midlife contributes to symptoms. But, have you ever been told why? And have you ever been informed that there are natural, lifestyle solutions that are scientifically evidenced to relieve your symptoms?
No? Neither had I.
Hi, I’m Dr Wendy Sweet (PhD), a Women’s Healthy Ageing Researcher and the Founder of My Menopause Transformation from New Zealand.
With at least another 30 years of living ahead of us, women must remain healthy, relevant and energetic.
Your menopause transition matters to your health as you age and I can’t wait to help you understand what to do.
For the past decade, I have supported over 16,000 women on the My Menopause Transformation lifestyle-change programmes, and I can’t wait to bring this important research to your too.
Join me at The Wellington Rowing Club as I delve into the science of peri to post-menopause and provide you with practical tips to help you understand how lifestyle science can help you to maintain your energy and health as you embrace this new chapter of your life-course.
Reserve your spot today!
You can learn more about my story, and research in the video below.
- Date: Thursday, November 7th
- Time: 7pm – 9pm
- Location: Wellington Rowing Club, Taranaki Wharf, Wellington New Zealand
- Price: $30
- Hosted by Mish McCormack, HealthFit Collective
- Refreshments provided
- Please arrive 15 minutes early to have your ticket checked
Dr Wendy Sweet (PhD)/ My Menopause Transformation Founder and Member: Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine.