MyMT™ Blog

“I couldn’t fit this beautiful jacket in peri-menopause. It sat in my wardrobe for 5 years until I un-tangled our menopause chaos.” [Dr Wendy Sweet, PhD/ MyMT™]

How do I convince you that yes, indeed you can feel better as you age?  How do I explain that when you aren’t sleeping during menopause, this starts a reaction of hormonal changes around your body that causes increased fatigue and immune system changes? 

How do I help you understand that menopause is the opposite life-stage of puberty and we didn’t need hormone therapies and endless expensive supplements then did we? 
How do I show you how to un-ravel what’s really going on in menopause when our symptom chaos, joint problems and weight gain begin to affect our health and how we cope with everyday life?

Well, I made you a little video and hopefully, you can find the time to listen to what I have to tell you … 

When I arrived in my late 40’s and early 50’s I couldn’t fit my beautiful designed jacket. My boobs got so big, that it was embarrassing to try and do it up. Through all the functions that I was going to at the time, I missed my black jacket.
I know that this happens to so many of us as we put on weight in menopause and yes, not all of you have this experience, but despite all the exercise I was doing, diets I was on, HRT I was taking and menopause supplements that rattled inside me, the weight wasn’t shifting. Nor were my night sweats, hot flushes, sore joints and sleepless nights. Nothing I was doing, was working to help me feel better in menopause … and be able to wear the clothes that I had enjoyed wearing for years.
Auckland designer, Liz Mitchell, was around in the 1990s when I was running the Personal Training programme for global fitness giant, Les Mills. Liz used to come to the gym and when she invited me to visit her studio, I jumped at the chance. Every year she had a sale and she was well-respected for her beautiful ball dresses, corporate clothing and wedding gowns back in the 1990’s. When I saw this jacket, I immediately said, “That’s me! I would love to wear this jacket.” It’s been the only high-quality jacket I ever bought in my life and I could hardly afford it at the time, so how gutted I was when menopause arrived and my body exploded into big boobs and oestrogen dominance and I couldn’t fit it. I no longer felt like ‘me’. My beautiful jacket was relegated to the back of the wardrobe for the next 5 years.

What a difference doing my PhD on women’s healthy ageing made … 

When I did my women’s healthy ageing doctoral research, I began to understand that what is being taught to us in the fitness and dieting industries, differs from women’s health research, especially as we move through mid-life.
The more I learnt, the more clarity I got and the more I questioned what I was doing currently – lots of exercise to ‘burn calories’ (didn’t work), lots of dieting and high-fat and high-protein diets that are popular these days (didn’t work) and HRT and endless supplements which are promoted to us in menopause (didn’t work either).
That’s when I decided to follow the women’s health research and pulled together the real story of menopause, which sits within the story of our biological ageing. We are moving into a different hormonal environment and our changing levels of oestrogen and progesterone affect our heart health, liver health, thyroid function, blood vessels, skin and joints.  
That’s when I realised that I needed to learn how to change how I looked after myself. And to do this, I needed to start with sleep, then un-do the fatigue and inflammation that had been building up in my body for years. Without sleep, we don’t have the energy to function properly do we? So, this was the first thing I researched.  Every day I boxed on sorting out my health because I wanted to feel better, look better and be able to wear the beautiful clothes in my wardrobe that I worked hard to buy over the years. Including my Liz Mitchell jacket bought in 1992.
Everything I learnt is now in two powerful programmes and if you are struggling with menopause symptoms or your weight or other aspects of your health in mid-life and you need a mid-life revamp as I did, then please join me. Women around the world call the programmes and my private coaching community, “life-changing”. I hope you will too. 

You can change your health and your symptoms and your weight when you ask the question:

How did I get here feeling this way and what do I need to do to get ‘there’ to feel like a better version of ‘me’?

Only you can answer that question, but it would be my privilege to show you the way through my powerful online programmes (there are two to choose from) and help you get ‘there’ – wherever ‘there’ is for you.
The MyMT™ programmes are ON SALE from now until the end of January, 2020 for you as part of the MyMT™ community. This will be the last chance to get them at this heavily discounted price. I hope where-ever you are in the world you can join me.
Please use the Promo Code, JOIN MYMT and enter this into the BUY NOW button below to save $50 and therefore, access either of the programmes for NZ$349 [approx. AUS$317. US$206 or UK£165]. Choose the monthly payment option to better suit your budget and pay over 3 months. 
Choose Circuit Breaker if you are thinner/ leaner and want to break the circuit of your symptoms. Choose Transform Me if you want to lose your menopause weight. 

When you come on board into either of my 12 week online programmes, then I will step you through:

  1. How to sleep all night.
  2. How to reduce your hot flushes and if you are overweight, how to reduce your oestrogen dominance and get losing body fat.
  3. How to re-vamp your liver which changes in menopause.
  4. How to regain your energy and restore nutrients that your body needs during menopause.
  5. How to improve your mood and motivation.
  6. How to turn around the inflammation that has been building up for years.
  7. How to get exercise and movement that is specific to menopause into your life.
  8. How to look after you, when you are so busy at this time of life.
If you have questions, then please email me on – it would be great to hear from you. 

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