When I saw that the Buckingham Palace kitchen had released the Coronation Quiche to celebrate the King’s Coronation this weekend, I couldn’t help but glance over the ingredients and realise that we could do better and come up with a healthier alternative for women in their menopause transition in the MyMT™ Kitchen this week.
The theme of The Coronation Big Lunch which was started by the late Queen Elizabeth to bring neighbours and friends together, is a wonderful initiative and is promoted the world over. However, as delicious as the Quiche may be, it is very high in fat, especially saturated fats, which aren’t so good for those of you putting on weight or if you have changing heart health or a fatty liver, or no gall-bladder.
With 175 mls of double cream, which on it’s own is 40 gm of fat, as well as 300 gm of cholesterol in the eggs and another 44 gms of fat in the cheddar cheese, the Quiche will give you a lot more saturated fat and cholesterol than you need for a day watching the Coronation.
So, for those of you wanting something delicious and healthy, then here is my delicious CORONATION PIZZA – the Kalamata Olives, spinach and rocket from my garden are part of the Mediterranean Diet. Olives, are known to possess anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and cellular turnover-enhancing activities, and are becoming well-evidenced in osteoarthritis-friendly and heart-healthy diets.
Whilst I didn’t make the base myself, I searched the supermarket to find a pizza base that had no added sugar or preservatives. I’m sure you can do the same at your local supermarket.
I hope you can make this midlife-menopause, perfect pizza and enjoy the salty flavour of the olives and the slightly peppery taste of the rocket – whether you are watching the pageantry from the United Kingdom this weekend or not.
The Coronation Pizza from the MyMT™ Kitchen (designed by Wendy, especially for women in their menopause transition)
- 1-2 medium pizza bases (depending on how many are sharing your pizza), or make your own pizza base from a recipe that you use.
- Tomato paste
- Pesto paste
- Rocket (I used around a cup of fresh rocket)
- Spinach (I used about a dozen medium-sized leaves from my garden and cut them up)
- 3 medium tomatoes sliced
- 1/2 cup of olives, pitted and cut in half (I used Kalamata olives)
- 1 cup of grated organic cheese (optional)
- 1 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) to drizzle over the top.
Heat the oven to 180 degrees C/ 350 degrees fahrenheit. Line a pizza baking dish with baking paper. Place the base on it.
Spread on the tomato paste – enough to cover the base. Then spread on the basil pesto – enough to cover the base. Layer the slices of tomato over the base and the olives. If you wanted to add the cheese you can also do this.
Bake in the oven until the base is cooked.
Remove from the oven and layer on the rocket and spinach. Cook for a few more minutes if you would like, then remove from the oven. Then I drizzled over the EVOO.
Served with a delicious and gut-friendly Cole Slaw made with thinly sliced red cabbage, carrots, parsley and a 1/2 cup of grated cheese, this was an easy-peasy, TV dinner meal. I hope that you can make this over the weekend as well for all the family to enjoy. Bon Appetit.