Success Stories

MyMT Client

“I’m sleeping, my joints don’t ache and I’ve got more energy to put into my new design business.” [Jane]

I used to struggle because often I would sit down and my eyes would close. But doing your programme has enabled me to be here to showcase my design and making of beautiful furniture. I have always loved making things and your programme has given me back my sleep, energy and joint health.”  

When you are in your early 50’s and about to launch a new business and career as a furniture designer and maker, you need sleep, energy and hands that aren’t sweaty and slippery from constant hot-flushes!

Jane’s furniture is beautiful. I got to see it first-hand when I met her at the Kapiti Coast Women’s Expo. She explained how she sources beautiful wood locally and then her eye for design and ideas about how to best use the wood, enables her to create bespoke furniture to grace any home. 

How wonderful it was to talk to Jane in person and hear her amazing story. 

“I was on the end of my menopause journey, when I started your MyMT™ programme because I was still feeling so exhausted and struggling to sleep well – often, if I sat down at certain times of the day my eyes would close. My joints were also painful and what you said about joint health resonated with me. 

Whilst I have always eaten fairly healthily, I wasn’t aware of how my body was changing so much during menopause. Then as a result of a hip injury, I also wasn’t able to exercise enough. The weight was going up not down! What I loved about the programme was the learning. It all made so much sense.

There was so much interesting information in each module. But the level of information was vital to understanding the changes that happen in our bodies at this time of life. Wendy was very aware of the impact all the information would have overloading our brains and solved it with the printable sheet of 12 easy changes to tackle. This suited my personality as a list maker!

Launching a new business is always going to be stressful but with the information from the MyMT™ programme and armed with my lists of ‘what to do’, I was able to ‘tick-off’ elements on the fortnightly challenge sheets which showed me what I could achieve and helped me to stay positive about putting in place the strategies that Wendy suggests. 

Focusing on the information in the first three modules was a game-changer. Not only has my sleep improved but following the morning elements of the sleep habits was a revelation. I love how I have more energy and positivity to start my day. I used to feel so exhausted from not sleeping and can’t believe how different I feel now. 

The information that was in the liver, energy and food modules was an eye-opener. I had no idea the impact of low-oestrogen on these other organs in the body. My system feels less sluggish and more importantly my joints have stopped aching.

I’ve been so busy setting up my business, that I wasn’t focusing on how to look after ‘me’ at this life-stage. But I knew I had to do this in order to have the energy to launch my business. It’s been really exciting and I know I couldn’t have got this far without restoring my sleep and energy levels. 

I have always loved making things. 

After leaving school and working in a commercial environment in London, I felt the need to pursue a creative career, so I retrained as a landscape designer.

But over the years, I still had it in the back of my mind that I would like to add making to my design skills and having often designed furniture for outdoors in my landscape plans, the opportunity to go back to college and study interior furniture making was too good to pass up. I’ve been honing my skills in the workshop and designs at the drawing board and working through your programme and now, here I am – showcasing some of my work at the Kapiti Women’s Expo!

My style is to design and craft elegant pieces, often include steam-bending in my  work to make light and airy curves. I either create my own designs inspired by the timber available or work with clients to produce a piece that reflects them and the style of their home.”

Jane, Founder of Fourforty Workshop [and now feeling and looking fabulous in her 50’s]. 

When you are ready to turn around your symptoms in menopause and get your energy, sleep, joint health and/or weight sorted, so you can achieve more in your day too, then jump on board with My Menopause Transformation. I will be with you every step of the way because yes, I’ve been there too. 

Dr Wendy Sweet, PhD

Ps: During lockdown I put my Masterclass on Menopause ONLINE, so when you have some time, here is a short video about it. 

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