It’s taken a year and at first, Linda took her time to get underway on the MyMT™ Transform Me programme. Disillusioned with so many other strategies for losing weight, she now understands that none of the other programmes she tried were specialising in her changing heart health and metabolism as she moved into post-menopause.
“I’ve done so many different programmes over the years which never shifted my weight, but none of them mentioned post-menopause. Over the years I’ve done Weight Watchers twice, Gym programmes at several stages in life, but the weight would always creep back on. Latterly doing a gym programme, nothing shifted even though I was doing 4 workouts, and 2 pump classes per week.
I was a bit nervous about trying your programme as I thought I might give up with all the changes I would have to make. It took me 2-3 weeks to get my head in the right space after I joined to actually start it. But they weren’t big changes at all and now I’m loving my new diet.
I’ve now lost over 30kg and feel so much more confident. I feel as if I’ve rediscovered the real me which has been hiding inside all the years I’ve been overweight. Thank you for sharing all your research and knowledge with us making this transition in our lives so we can age well.”
Linda M. [New Zealand].