Success Stories

“I was 50 and still suffering the eating disorder that had plagued me my whole life, but now it has truly vanquished.”

When Romany Romany from the UK came onto the MyMT™ programme a couple of years ago, I thought her name was a bit unusual, so I emailed her to ask if I had it correct – the same first and last names. “Yes, you do” she wrote back, “but to find out why, you need to read my book.”

And read it I did. I couldn’t put it down. Here she was, a young woman working in a corporate job in England, but harbouring her secret desire to hit the stage and light up the room as a Magical Magician. Reading it on a flight one day, my absorption was such that I have no recollection of the flight I was on. As I sat in various airport lounges, I got to know the younger version of Romany Romany, her stage-name, which she then changed (to her parent’s horror) into her now-name.

By the time I arrived at my destination, I knew I had to email her and ask her if she could be part of the MyMT™ story too. She had already been emailing me, saying how much she had enjoyed the programme and could at last, “get into my Magician’s dress”.

Romany and I continue to email each other from different sides of the world. That’s her out hiking in the wild countryside one morning – proof that she was doing her morning walk. With the interruptions to all of our lives over the past couple of years, I asked her to post an update for you, so she kindly shared it. You can read it below. 

“Two years ago I published my book Spun Into Gold – The Secret Life of a Female Magician about my unusual journey from a podgy teenage would-be ballerina to become a magician performing on cruise ships and fabulous international events. About having a truly magical life listening to the whispers of intuition.  

I was 50 and still suffering from the eating disorder which had plagued me, my whole life. It started when I was fifteen and wanted to be slim enough to be a dancer. When I wrote the book, I decided that being fifty and finally happy, I was willing to ‘come out’ and tell my story with the hope that it would help anyone struggling with the same issues.

As soon as it was published, I was inundated with a ‘me too’ response from both friends and strangers who confessed to having struggled with weight and body image for decades. 

The curious thing is that two years after ‘coming out,’ two years after failing to find a solution to struggling with my weight and eating disorder since I was 15, I’m now totally well! I mean it, my constant struggle has vanished!

I eat what I want (including too much chocolate!) and am two kilos lighter than I was for 30 years!  What happened? Well, the first change was Wendy’s My Menopause Transformation program.

Finally, I had permission to swap extreme over-exercising for a simple daily brisk walk plus instruction to include slow release carbs instead of the high protein/ no carbs plan from my ex-trainer (male of course). Slowly, but surely, my body came back into balance.

I also began to understand the impact of stress throughout my life. Since I had almost two years away from performing due to covid restrictions, I had very little stress. Someone also suggested that moving from the shame and despair of a secret eating disorder to a different vibration of trying to help others gave me a better environment to heal. Whatever the reason, I’m very glad! 

I’m now 53 and have lost all ambition to continue as a magician, but thanks to Wendy’s programme, I lost the weight, stress and gained the psychological freedom that saw me join the programme in the first place.

Instead, I now want to use my experience to help younger generations. I love speaking (as my husband will tell you!) and am now going out as a speaker with the subject of persistence and magical thinking, telling my story and hopefully encouraging people to never give up! 

and links for book. 




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