Success Stories

“I was feeling absolutely desperate, but I’m back to feeling like my old self now, but even better!”

“A couple of years ago, my husband and I decided to make some big changes to our lives. With our children grown and leading their own independent lives, we were not ready to retire so we set out on a new adventure for ourselves and upped sticks, moved out of our family home of 20 years in suburbia and then moved to rural Devon.

It is beautiful here and we can live much more sustainably than when living the commuter life. It is a joy to live more naturally, engaging with nature so much more. 

But it was at that point that I realised that whilst I had been managing my menopause with HRT, I wanted to look for a way to be more in tune with what I was experiencing, rather than disguising and ignoring it all, but that wasn’t easy.

I had a bit of a scare with a lump in my breast (actually fine) which lead to me dumping the HRT, but no one advised me any differently. A few months of turmoil ensued and I was really at my wits end when I came across your video and website. Such a life saver 

I went from being all at sea: confused, anxious, doubting everything and with no confidence left in myself, sleeping very poorly, lacking energy so not exercising.  And then I discovered that the multitude of other things that I was just accepting, were all related and could be improved, what a revelation!

Most of all, I just felt confused about what was happening to me, why and uncertain about how to deal with it. I didn’t want to feel that this was just how it was going to be and I’d just have to suck it up and struggle through. As a professional woman, that is not how I had planned my life!

Your modules are so informative, so illuminating, edcational and practical too. It came at just the right time and clarified so many things for me. It felt like light bulbs were going off all over the place. I was eager to find out everything at once, so it was really good that they were only released once a week as it made me really think about what I had learned and properly apply it all.

I steadily worked my way thought 12 weeks and gradually started to regain my confidence, because I could finally understand what was happening and why, but most of all, how to deal with it all. Hallelujah!

My husband has been so supportive throughout which has really helped. I feel that now we can really begin to make the most of our new life here in the countryside, exploring, discovering, trying out new things.

I feel like I am back on track now. Whilst the journey has by no means ended, I feel like I have the knowledge to deal with what ever comes up next, and the community online to tap into for help and support too. The support  from the FB community is so helpful and inclusive and I am super impressed by Wendy’s personal interactions and comments there and privately by email too. I wasn’t expecting that I have to say.

I feel more like my old self now, but not just that, a new self in fact, with greater wisdom and acceptance, strategy, clarity and hope. And Wendy and the community have a very large part to play in that. Once again Wendy, many thanks for saving me!

Hannah, now in Devon, UK. 

If you are struggling with your midlife menopause or post-menopause symptoms and/or weight, then will you join me? The video below explains how the MyMTℱ programmes work. 

Dr Wendy Sweet (PhD)/ MyMTℱ Founder/ Member: Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine. 

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