Success Stories

“Menopause can be a real struggle and I never anticipated that.” [Margie, Australia]

As a Wellbeing and Lifestyle Coach as well as a trained Nutritionist, Margie has always been a passionate advocate of turning chaos into calm for her clients. I love how she is a ‘Professional Organiser’ too (couldn’t we all do with Margie in our homes?!) – not only re-organising the kitchen and food storage areas for clients, but fostering and supporting new nutritional habits with them.

With her knowledge and professional Health Practitioner training, like many of us, she thought that she had her own menopause transition and symptoms under control, but peri-menopause hit her hard.

Menopause can be a real struggle and I never anticipated that” she told me.

“I found that motivation and self belief can be challenging when the symptoms are at their peak. 

As a nutritionist I knew what I SHOULD be doing but I was having terrible sugar cravings and was not well versed in the ageing body and the changes that occur with menopause. 

I was in a such desperate place when I Googled one day and found her course which I jumped on and got started straight away. I listened to and read her modules with great interest and loved the researching that Wendy was doing on my behalf – it all made so much sense positioning the menopause transition in women’s health and ageing, especially heart health! 

At the time, I was also in the process of going on HRT with my unbearable symptoms. However, after a couple of failed attempts of patches I decided to just get back into Wendy’s modules with a bit more diligence and have made great progress.

Now I can actually practice what I preach because I feel I am managing my symptoms and I have a good level of understanding for the clients I see.

I am just so glad I found Wendy and there is no question too big or small for her she is always onside to happily respond or troubleshoot. There is no other program like this and it is such great value! Thank you Wendy!

Margie Hyde Wellbeing Coach & Professional Organiser


If you feel like your life is in a bit of chaos and you live in Victoria, Australia, why don’t you send her an email. She would love to hear from you! 

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