The School of St Jude’s where I am working is an amazing place, offering education to children who would normally not get the opportunity to go to school, especially secondary school.
The staff and children have been very welcoming and friendly (most are Tanzanian, with a handful of international staff like myself). School lunches are usually beans, greens and ugali or rice, and once a week I go to this lovely lady along the road and get chapati for my lunch.

Everything I do to manage my health in menopause is now based on your MyMT™ philosophy. The guidance and support you’ve given me on the programme has been amazing, especially with all the changes in my life working to fulfil my dream of teaching in Tanzania. When I went to your seminar in Christchurch it reminded me of everything and reinforced the aspects of your programme I was focussing on.
You know, I chose your programme over others because I have a background in human nutrition and biochemistry, and therefore your scientifically evidenced approach was very meaningful to me. I’ve seen such great improvements in sleep, energy, and hot flushes, even when coming over here and building my new life with Eric. I met him on Safari. Thanks to my renewed energy from doing your programme, I am loving every minute of my new life.
If ever you come to Tanzania on safari, then let me know. I can tee you up with a great guide!”
Bronwyn (Was New Zealand, now Tanzania)