At 42 I had a full hysterectomy which immediately put me into menopause. I suffered for over ten years with hot flushes, sleepless nights, weight gain, loss of energy and a loss of self-esteem. I didn’t have the energy to do anything and missed out on doing a lot of things that I would have done ten years previously.
With a family history of heart disease and stroke, suddenly, in my 50’s all I could see was myself heading down this path too. I needed to do something quickly. I spent many of these years wasting time and money buying over the counter remedies for my symptoms which simply did not work into the longer term. I spent a fortune seeing a Naturopath and Doctors who gave me lots of pills and potions that did nothing positive for me. I realise now that because she hadn’t gone through menopause, she had no idea how I was feeling.

I also went to Personal Trainers, but the type of exercise they put me through exhausted me. My doctor then started talking to me about hormone patches which really worried me.
When I saw MyMT™ on facebook, I loved the fact that there was genuine research attached to the programme and also that Wendy had designed this programme, because of her own experience too. For me, it was important that the programme was based on making lifestyle changes and not pumping drugs and other chemicals into my body. So, I commenced ‘Circuit Breaker’ and within 3 to 4 days I could feel positive changes taking place. I was suddenly sleeping through the night without being woken by hot flushes, my skin began to clear up and I was starting to feel much less lethargic.
After experiencing these changes in such a short period of time, I was excited to continue with all the modules that are designed for all our symptoms to see how far I could go to improve my health and wellbeing. I followed the programme and completed ‘Circuit Breaker’ with the wonderful knowledge and coaching support from Wendy and technical support from Gerry. As well, reading some of the stories from the other participants on the FB Coffee Group helped me to stay focused too.
I found the programme easy to understand and follow and the information on the webinars and downloads all made so much sense to me. It was a relief to finally discover what was actually going on in my body and how I could turn this around myself. I followed every aspect of the programme and I have seen so many positive changes to my health. I have lost weight and no longer have hot flushes that wake me at night. I am sleeping through the night and have so much more energy and enthusiasm for life. My friends and family have noticed how much happier and healthier I am.
MyMT is a wonderful programme that I have no hesitation in recommending to women who want to turn their menopause symptoms and their health around in mid-life. It provides every single STRATEGY that I found so beneficial to me in my menopause transition, when other things I was doing didn’t work. I feel so much better now and have the energy levels I used to have.
Carolyn, 54 years, Queensland, Australia