“I was lucky enough to get through menopause without hot flushes but my sleep patterns, weight gain and joint pain were a different story. At the age of 52 I felt many years older and nothing I was doing seemed to make any difference.
Although, I’ve always been passionate about natural health, it wasnât until I joined MyMT that I truly began to understand what was happening to me and why. It wasn’t long before much of the mystery and fear and hopelessness receded, and was replaced by knowledge and action and postive change!
I have loved the online modules, the clear straight-forward explanations to complicated topics , the ‘OMG’ moments.. (Oh my Gosh, oestrogen also works as an anti-inflammatory, ‘OMG’ red meat is thermogenic (heat generating), ‘OMG’ my liver has shrunk now that I’m in menopause by how much?) and the carefully constructed protocols that have enabled me to take back some control.
At a time when I was feeling like I was beginning to decline both physically and emotionally Wendy has come along and shone a light and given me back some power – not just to survive in this world at this age, but to thrive.
I still have a way to go to move into my post-menopause years, but I am able to sleep a full 7-8 hours now without waking, the chronic pain in my joints has disappeared and I have regained my flexibility and fitness.
Thank you Wendy for your brilliant work and your generosity in sharing your knowledge with us and for making these programmes affordable. Those words donât seem quite enough.Â
Toni x