When it comes to talking about menopause symptoms and the struggle many of us have to make sense of how we are feeling, it often feels like no-one is listening or understanding what is actually going on.
That’s how I used to feel too. But it doesn’t have to be this way any longer, as hundreds of women on the MyMT™ programmes have, or are currently discovering.
Through the revolutionary MyMT™ 12-week programmes, women the world over are now gaining clarity on why their symptoms are occurring and how to use my specific lifestyle change strategies that I’ve researched from my women’s health studies (and applied for myself as well) to help them thrive and survive their menopause transition. All without resorting to traditional medications or hormone therapy treatments.
Both programmes follow my 7-pillars for women’s health as they age. This is because our menopause transition is our biological gateway into our ageing. And with these hormonal changes, come numerous physiological changes that occur in our body and throughout our organs when both oestrogen and progesterone is low. Read more here …
This is why, during menopause, we don’t need medications, we need specific lifestyle change strategies that guide us into our changing hormonal environment. This is why both programmes that I have designed focus on my 7-pillars of women’s health as we transition through menopause. For example, first and foremost, to reduce our hot flushes and remove our feelings of depression, we need to sleep all night. When we don’t sleep, our body does not heal and repair itself, so we hold onto inflammation in our cells and tissues. Then if we don’t turn around this internal inflammation, our symptoms become worse. This includes hot flushes, night sweats, fatigue, sore joints and muscles, anxiety, palpitations, weight gain and more. This is why we have to turn around this inflammation first, and we do this by changing how to manage our sleep, diet, liver and gut health and even our exercise, in order that we allow our body to adapt to this new hormonal environment.
For many women in mid-life, this also means looking at our stress levels and understanding that when our body is tired and stressed, then this makes our hot flushes worse as well as our gut health. When we aren’t sleeping and we are feeling stressed, then this has a down-stream effect on our thyroid function, which then can lead us into thyroid problems, weight gain, depression, fatigue and more! Don’t worry, this was me too – which is why I have become so passionate about menopause and helping women to get their life back!
If you think about it, all women in the world go through menopause. So, why do some women breeze through and other’s like myself, experience lots of symptoms that impact on the day-to-day living that we do. That’s what I asked myself in my studies. When I discovered that we needed to prepare for our healthy ageing and that our menopause transition was the time to change the way we do things, then all my symptoms went away. It felt so amazing to sleep all night again and to know what to do to thrive and have energy. This is what you learn in the programmes too.
Not all women put on weight, so that’s why I’ve designed two programmes – Circuit Breaker is for thinner/ leaner women who aren’t sleeping and have hot flushes, night sweats, anxiety, sore joints and more. My second programme called Transform Me, is for women who have been putting on weight.
The fabulous women on the MyMT™ Success Stories pages are living proof that menopause symptoms don’t need to claim our well-being at this stage of life. I can’t thank them enough for sharing their stories with you too.
Is MyMT™ for you? I hope so!
I know that many of you are feeling stressed and this can interfere with normal eating patterns, sleep and menopause symptoms, including weight gain. There is never a better time to start, but if you are hesitating, then I recommend you complete the MyMT™ Symptoms Quiz, watch the MyMT™ Masterclass on Menopause, go to the Testimonials and Success Stories on the MyMT™ website and find someone like you to read their story.
MyMT™ 12 week programs are normally available for NZ$399 each, but please do check out the MyMT website or subscribe to our newsletter to be alerted to any promotional offers.
I hope you can join me.
Dr Wendy Sweet, (PhD), Member: Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine/MyMT™ Founder & Coach