The MyMTℱ KITCHEN: Healthy Bliss Balls from Louise at Holcombe Clinic

Louise is a Physiotherapist and business owner of Holcombe Health Clinic, a holistic Physiotherapy practice south east of London. She is also an Affiliate Practitioner with MyMTℱ. This means that she does one-on-one coaching of the MyMTℱ programmes for women in her community, wrapping them around her own coaching and exercise practice in a programme […]

Nutrients that matter to our health in menopause. The darker the chocolate, the better.

Cocoa contains more phenolic antioxidants than most foods. Knowing this is great news for those of you throwing some dark chocolate (preferably organic) into your shopping basket over the Easter break. You are doing your cells and tissues a favour if you have some dark chocolate – phenolic anti-oxidants are known to prevent inflammation and […]

MyMTℱ Education: Is this type of regular exercise as effective as menopause HRT?

Back in 1998, American Gerontologist, John Rowe and Academic, Robert Kahn, wrote a paper called ‘Successful Ageing’. I remember reading it one day during my studies. Sitting in the University library feeling overweight, exhausted and probably, at the time, rubbing my knees, nothing about my ageing felt ‘successful’ at all. However the paper, gave me […]

New Research: Is your liver keeping you awake at night?

When you’re plodding the hallway at 2am feeling exhausted and despairing and you know you’ve got a busy day ahead of you, I bet you haven’t given your liver a thought have you? However, you need to. Your liver has its own circadian clock and if your liver is a bit unhealthy (and whose isn’t […]

MyMTℱ Education: The Effects of Fish Omega-3 Fats on Hormonal and Brain Health.

It was 1983. There I was sitting in a beautiful restaurant atop a hill high above the Mediterranean city of Cannes in the south of France. As a young nurse, I was with two other ‘Kiwi’ nurses and we were looking after an elderly English man, who needed 24 hr care. He was meeting his […]

The MyMTℱ Kitchen: Discover the power of Parsley to reduce menopause anxiety.

Many of us know that depression and anxiety are major mental health problems in all parts of the world, including for women in their menopause transition. These illnesses are associated with a number of risk factors, including oxidative stress and inflammation. Mental health challenges are so ubiquitous that even the World Health Organization (WHO) predicts […]

Is your menopause anxiety making you anxious?

Nurses have been on my mind this week as I’ve had a number of them register for my Lifestyle Science Menopause Practitioner Course. It reminded me to share with you, the amazing story from former Registered Nurse, Wendy Gordon, from Melbourne, Australia. Wendy came on board with me as a MyMTℱ Affiliate Practitioner, I couldn’t […]

MyMTℱ Education: The Potential of Parsley to Reduce Menopause Anxiety

Many of us know that depression and anxiety are major mental health problems in all parts of the world, including for women in their menopause transition. These illnesses are associated with a number of risk factors, including oxidative stress and inflammation. Mental health challenges are so ubiquitous that even the World Health Organization (WHO) predicts […]

“At first I didn’t want to change how I lived my life.” [Zelinda, Australia]

Why do people struggle to turn healthy lifestyle intentions into action? It’s a question that I studied for numerous years doing my Masters thesis. And I have an answer for you! Behaviour-change research consistently reports that for women especially, three main factors impact on their resolve to change their lifestyle routines and behaviours: Lack of […]