New Research: Your belly-fat in post-menopause … and why you shouldn’t just blame your hormones.

Have you ever wondered why so many women put on belly-fat as they move through menopause into post-menopause? This so confused me at the time. My legs were getting thinner, but my belly was getting bigger. Dangerously bigger. I knew it wasn’t good for my heart health and it was sending me down the slippery […]

Why attending this Hindu wedding was so cooling, despite the heat of the curries.

Wedding Ritual

I quite like having to remove my shoes at a wedding. When you are in menopause or post-menopause it’s very cooling. Did you know that we have hundreds of nerve endings and tiny blood vessels in the soles of our feet that are part of our ancient cooling mechanism? It’s the same with the palms […]

Working shifts and in menopause? Then let’s have a chat about your Vitamin D levels.

Anzac Day in New Zealand and Australia is an historical tribute to all who have fought for our freedom, but whilst I was listening to the services on the radio, I was a bit put-out. Not one mention of the wonderful nurses who worked tirelessly during each World War caring for soldiers and supporting the […]

Boost your mood and blood vessels this Easter: MyMTℱ wishes you a wonderful dark-chocolate filled Easter!

Chocolate hearts

Yes you can have some dark chocolate this Easter – not too much and not too little. Happy Easter to you all! Having a small amount of dark chocolate is part of the MyMT Food Guide in both of my programmes, because of the wonderful healthy antioxidants it contains … and the darker the better. […]

Why Natalie Joyce’s “revenge body” wasn’t the real story – it was the role her Personal Trainer played in her support.

Self-identity is a curious thing. I thought about it when I was sitting in Row 3 on the flight from Canberra to Sydney last Friday sipping on my coffee with the Sydney Morning Herald open on the political pages reading about Australia’s upcoming election. But it wasn’t the political debates I was reading, it was […]

VIDEO: Thank you Perth and Canberra! Loved visiting you. If you couldn’t come, then have a listen to my short video (7 mins) explaining some of what I talk about in my Masterclass on Menopause.

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I’m so thankful to Taryn and Claire from FitRight Physios in Perth and Anita, from Curves in Canberra, for hosting me for my Masterclass on Menopause seminars in Australia this week. It’s been amazing to meet women and some of my clients as well. When women attend they are blown away when most hands go […]

Lose your stubborn menopause belly-fat and you’ll reduce your hot flushes too. Women on the MyMTℱ 12 week Transform Me programme call it ‘life-changing’ – as I did too.

Wendy Sweet Transformation

If you are as frustrated by your mid-life belly fat and continual hot flushes as I was, then do you know that the two are related? The more overweight you are, the more hot flushes you get.It’s all because the extra oestrogen that is stored in fat cells (especially around your breast and belly) cause […]

VIDEO: Meet Wendy Sweet from MyMT & discover why menopause is the time for lifestyle change, not endless supplements and medications.

Most women joining me on the MyMT programmes are as frustrated as I felt too – sick of spending huge amounts of money on various supplements, hormone creams, weight loss diets, Dr’s visits, blood tests, Personal Trainers, HRT, other Health Specialists and whatever else we can think of. All because menopause symptoms are ruining how […]

Why it’s harder to cool down when you’re in menopause if you exercise or play sports.

Serena blows my mind. Here she is, the heaviest weight she has been for decades and despite the fact that she is now out of the Australian Open, her power, strength and tenacity was still able to bring her the results to get as far as she did. I’ve been watching her with interest to […]