Meet Karen Tui Boyes – Passionate about Teachers in Menopause!

What do you do when you have so much going on in your life to help others, but you are feeling like you are only just getting through your day and the weight is stacking on, the hot flushes arrive and of course, the sleep doesn’t come?  For passionate ‘Educator of the Educators’, Karen Tui […]

“I’m an athlete and all the stress, lack of sleep and weight gain had turned my body into a cocktail of hormones.” (Peta, Australia)

One of the main things that athletes like Peta discover in the MyMTℱ programmes, is how much their training and competing affects both liver and gut health as they are transitioning menopause. I’m also always reminding them that when they aren’t sleeping, they are becoming ‘over-trained’ athletes – every single symptom of which mimics peri-menopause symptoms too. […]

“With a background in health I was impressed by Wendy’s evidence-based research. Get amongst it women!” (Jenny, NZ)

“I was delighted to come across Wendy’s programmes when I had been searching for health and well-being support during menopause. With a background in health I was impressed by her evidence-based research which was clearly translated into accessible and practical information. From her wealth of experience and expertise Wendy distils the wisdom of holistic wellness […]

Author and Magician, Romany, talks mid-life magic with Podcaster, Tracy Minnoch-Nuku

One of the things I feel passionate about is connecting amazing women with other amazing women. When Sexy Ageing Podcaster, Tracy Minnoch-Nuku, asked me for recommendations for her podcast recently, I knew I had to team her up with UK Author and Magician, Romany-Romany. (Yes, that’s her real name!). So, here they both are on […]

“I felt like I was running on adrenaline yet was totally exhausted. Some days it just felt like I was trying to pull myself through quicksand.” [Aleta, Australia]

MyMT Testimonial Australia Aleta

“The year 2019 was a year where I felt totally uncomfortable within myself at 54 years of age. Stressful events, an all-consuming full-time job and life-threatening family illnesses had caused me to feel like I was constantly on the run and waiting for the next wave of something terrible to happen. I felt like I […]

VIDEO: Meet Wendy!

“Who are you?” she screamed into the email that arrived in my in-box this week. “Why are  you sending me a newsletter? I don’t even know you.”  I replied saying that she must have taken my menopause symptoms quiz and therefore, she gets my free weekly newsletter. “Ah, I didn’t realise” she said. “I never watched […]

“I’m sleeping, my joints don’t ache and I’ve got more energy to put into my new design business.” [Jane]

MyMT Client

“I used to struggle because often I would sit down and my eyes would close. But doing your programme has enabled me to be here to showcase my design and making of beautiful furniture. I have always loved making things and your programme has given me back my sleep, energy and joint health.”   When you […]

“I was so exhausted, but we women just try to keep going don’t we?” [Anna Loypur, Melbourne]

When you manage a team of over 90 staff, life can be stressful – even more so, when you own the business. Now, double that stress and its effect on you when you aren’t sleeping and waking up to night sweats. Every day becomes a battle. Anxiety levels increase as do hot flushes too. But […]

“My Doctor has taken me off my diabetes medication. I’m so excited!” [Losena, Melbourne]

Imagine a place where you can learn how to turn around your health so you have a clear path to sleep all night, lose weight and feel like you have the energy you deserve during your 50’s. I get some pretty amazing emails from women on the MyMTℱ programmes arrive in my Inbox. I do love […]