“I lost confidence in my role and contemplated quitting. I didn’t recognise myself for about 12 months.” (Wendy, Australia)

Whilst the general concepts of stress are broadly accepted these days as an ever-present part of modern life, it’s not until we experience it ourselves, that we realise that as Newton’s Third Law promotes, ‘for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction’. Many of us find out about this the hard way, as […]

“Menopause can be a real struggle and I never anticipated that.” [Margie, Australia]

As a Wellbeing and Lifestyle Coach as well as a trained Nutritionist, Margie has always been a passionate advocate of turning chaos into calm for her clients. I love how she is a ‘Professional Organiser’ too (couldn’t we all do with Margie in our homes?!) – not only re-organising the kitchen and food storage areas […]

“The difference to how I felt a year ago is incredible.” – Jo, NZ

I love this photo of Jo. I took it when we met at one of my live ‘Masterclass on Menopause’ events. It was so great to meet her after our numerous emails over the past few months and I’m so grateful that she has allowed me to share her story with you all. There are […]

“My main goal was to get back skiing, and now I am!” [Annelise, Australia]

I remember when Annelise came onto the programme. She was troubled with sore joints and was concerned that she wouldn’t be able to ski again, because her knees were so sore. It was the same for me, so I knew to point her in the direction of my Joint Health module and the anti-inflammatory benefits […]

“This is a new journey, a change of lifestyle and Wendy’s programme helps with this.” [Beta, Ireland]

Beta, MyMT

“I’m really grateful I found Wendy’s program. I’m entering the menopause transition with less anxiety now. I had enormous difficulties, especially with sleeping. Wendy’s programme helped me get back on track. These days, I still sometimes wake-up in the middle of the night but I always go back to sleep based on her teachings. As […]

“Feeling tired and miserable was no longer an option!” [Patricia, Canada]

Ontario, Canada is a long way from the South Island of New Zealand, but I ‘got it’ when Patricia mentioned that she loved her exercise and was really struggling to recover from the exercise that she had easily managed for decades.  There were a few emails that flew across the Pacific as I worked on […]

“I was feeling absolutely desperate, but I’m back to feeling like my old self now, but even better!”

“A couple of years ago, my husband and I decided to make some big changes to our lives. With our children grown and leading their own independent lives, we were not ready to retire so we set out on a new adventure for ourselves and upped sticks, moved out of our family home of 20 […]

“I was 50 and still suffering the eating disorder that had plagued me my whole life, but now it has truly vanquished.”

When Romany Romany from the UK came onto the MyMTℱ programme a couple of years ago, I thought her name was a bit unusual, so I emailed her to ask if I had it correct – the same first and last names. “Yes, you do” she wrote back, “but to find out why, you need to read my book.” […]

“I feel so much more positive about myself now. I’ve lost 30kg and my joints feel so much better.” [Linda, NZ]

It’s taken a year and at first, Linda took her time to get underway on the MyMTℱ Transform Me programme. Disillusioned with so many other strategies for losing weight, she now understands that none of the other programmes she tried were specialising in her changing heart health and metabolism as she moved into post-menopause.  “I’ve done […]