MyMT™ Blog

Helping women around the globe proactively manage their own menopause transformation.

Personal Stories

VIDEO: Meet Wendy!

“Who are you?” she screamed into the email that arrived in my in-box this week. “Why are  you sending me a newsletter? I don’t even

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Take the MyMT™ Symptoms Quiz

Menopause symptoms are a result of changing hormone levels, primarily oestrogen and progesterone, which affect the balance of other hormones too. So menopause changes can upset your body’s unique bio-chemistry. But every one of your symptoms is reversible if you change your lifestyle and allow your body to adapt to its ‘new normal.’ This is what MyMT delivers to you – all the scientifically evidenced step-by-step strategies which you access over 12 weeks, so you discover how to work with your changing hormones in menopause, not against them.

There are no hormone medications or supplements. How to restore the hormonal harmony that menopause takes away is waiting for you in the exclusive member area now.

Not sure which programme is right for you? Then take the Symptoms Quiz to find out.

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