MELBOURNE, JULY 16TH: Join me for your Masterclass on Menopause hosted by Anna Loypur from SwimWorld.

Thank you to Anna for inviting me to Melbourne. “When I came across Wendy’s My Menopause Transformation programme it was like a ‘light at the end of the tunnel’. With a hugely busy job managing SwimWorld, I was so confused about how I was feeling. But Wendy’s knowledge about this stage of our lives answered […]

“I’m now sleeping all night and feel back in control. What an amazing programme.” – Tina, NZ

“Stress has always been my biggest challenge” mentioned Tina. “My heart races and when I have so much going on in my life, there is an inability to access deep calm at times. But your amazing programme has helped me understand what is really going on as my hormones change in peri-menopause. I love the […]

Join me in July – London, Edinburgh and Melbourne – I’m coming your way.

I love it when women come to my Masterclass on Menopause seminars and as they are leaving I hear them say, “wow, now I know why I’m feeling this way. It all makes so much sense.” Will you join me at my live-event when it arrives in your community too? Because when you do, […]

NEW VIDEO: MyMTℱ ‘Circuit Breaker’ is for thinner/ leaner women who need to ‘break the circuit’ of their symptoms. Let me tell you how.

It’s a bit of a myth that all women put on weight in menopause. Many women don’t. In fact some lose weight and if they become too thin, this can lead to symptom chaos as well as the risk of osteoporosis as they move into post-menopause. As I embarked on my women’s healthy ageing research […]

VIDEO: DUNEDIN, LONDON and EDINBURGH – Your turn for my live Masterclass on Menopause is next!

June and July is Masterclass on Menopause Month – will you join me? Have a listen when you can. I’m beaming in from my Wellington event which I help on Wednesday evening. Thank you to all of you who joined myself and the beautiful Mish McCormack from HealthFit Collective in Wellington. I count Mish as […]

“On my trek to Nepal I loved how my body responded as if I was 30 again.” – Mary-Anne

MyMT Success Story Mary Anne

I am so grateful to Mary-Anne for sharing her incredible story with you all. What an amazing and challenging journey she has had and I am so inspired by how she over-came so much adversity in her personal life to get to Nepal this year. This is what Mary-Anne wants you to read – written […]

“I love how healthy I feel now that I understand lifestyle changes in menopause.” – Merridy

MyMT Success Story Merridy

I still remember the afternoon that I met Merridy. Living in Australia, she was attending my session at the Australia and New Zealand Exercise Conference in Melbourne. It was the first time I was talking to exercise practitioners about menopause and our symptoms, health, exercise response and more. I took the hundreds of attendees on […]

“15 kgs lost, menopause symptoms gone and now my first ever marathon. I feel better than I have for years.” [Kaye]

I remember my emails to Kaye. I would think of her working away in Cairns as our emails whizzed across the Tasman Ocean, the body of water that separates New Zealand from Australia. It seemed to me very unfair that Kaye was living in a really hot climate and working hard as a hotel cleaner […]

“I just feel calm and in control now.” – Sandra Tucker

MyMT Success Story Sandra Tucker

It was such a great surprise to meet up with Sandra in Tauranga, New Zealand when I was presenting my Masterclass on Menopause seminar. What a privilege and pleasure it was catching up with her briefly. She had come into my Transform Me weight management programme in early 2018 and wanted to come and listen […]